Featured Items

Summer Camp
Registration Opens
January 30

Upper School
February 3-7

Spanish Night
February 6
A Letter from the Chairman of the CCS Board
Dear Cary Christian Community,
As I reflect on the blessings and milestones of this year and as we quickly approach our 30th anniversary as a school, I am reminded of the faithfulness of our Lord. Psalm 91:1 declares, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” This truth has anchored us as we journeyed together through challenges and celebrated missional victories.
By God’s provision and through the generosity of this community, we have raised $4 million to further our vision for Cary Christian. Over $1 million is already at work in our newly launched Knights Endowment Fund! We have a clear path for this endowment to reach $5 million by December 2027. This milestone is a testament to the faithfulness of so many who have given sacrificially to invest in the lives of our students and the kingdom work being accomplished here. Having a $5 million endowment inside of 3 years secures a strong future for our school. We will continue to seek God’s will in all we do and continue to pursue our students.
The board has prayerfully and strategically worked to steward the resources entrusted to us with faith and integrity. As we remain obedient to Christ, we take confidence in His promise: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” (Matthew 6:33).
Your board remains committed to positively shaping the lives of our students strategically through our teacher-student relationships. Mr Hinton and his team are working hard to listen to our community and continue to improve the education we offer to our students. We are excited to see our students being equipped to think critically, act virtuously, and most importantly stand firm in their faith. We are confident that God, who began a good work here, will bring it to completion.
Todd Bovenizer
Chairman, CCS Board of Directors
Raising Sturdy Kids
We are thankful for Keith McCurdy imparting his wisdom to our Upper School students, staff, faculty, and parents this week! Here are some take-aways from his session with parents:
Provide Clear Boundaries – This is the beginning of establishing a family identity. Evaluate what you say “yes” and “no” to.
Do Less and Require More – Children who have chores become healthy functioning adults.
Connect “Cause and Effect” – This is the most basic teaching and learning tool of childhood.
Limit Technology – Extensive use of technology disrupts the learning process.
Maintain a Healthy Balance of Activities – Extracurricular activities are only healthy when they do not disrupt the family.
REMINDER: The vast majority of children are normal, just in need to training.
If you would like to hear more, click here for the “Raising Sturdy Kids” presentation at another school. You can also click here to access Keith’s talks on the Basecamp Live Podcast. Subscribe to Basecamp Live to hear topics related to classical Christian education, culture, and more!
School-Wide Information
TOMORROW! – Friday, January 31 – Lost & Found (8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.) – Families may look for lost items under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in the hallway or gym bins, please check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz.
Monday, February 3 – “Honor A Teacher” Nomination Deadline By 5:00 p.m. – The Chamber of Commerce has announced its 25th year of the “Honor A Teacher” program among the 37 participating schools. They are seeking nominations now. To nominate an excellent teacher, click here, and be ready to describe why you believe he/she deserves this award.
Excellence in teaching – We know it when we see it. It can be the teacher who spends extra time with the students who need it most, or the teacher who is creative enough to inspire a real love of learning in a student. Perhaps it’s a teacher who cares enough to be involved with their students beyond the classroom. Whatever their methods, certain teachers make a real impact on students and their learning abilities.
- Where: Theater
- When: 6:15-7:15 p.m.
Friday, February 7 – Deadline for 2025-26 Tuition Assistance Application – To learn more about the program and process, click here.
Tuesday, February 11 – Board Meeting
- Where: Theater
- When: 5:30 p.m.
2025 Summer Camp Dates and Information for Grades K-12 – CCS offers a summer camp program that is open to families in the school who would like for their children to participate in a safe, organized, active, and enriching experience. All of our camps are led by qualified CCS teachers or parents who are enthusiastic about sharing their special interests, hobbies, and skills with eager campers. These incredible educational camps, integrated with a biblical worldview, are sure to be a super learning and social experience for all! For Camp Information and to Register, click here.
Employment Opportunity – Finance Manager – Refer to this link for general information about the job. Candidates must contact Carol Ashworth with their resume and a cover letter explaining why they are a good fit for this position.
Lower School (K-5th)
TOMORROW! – Friday, January 31 – Kindergarten 100th Day of School –Our Kindergarten students have been faithfully tallying each day of school. Today, they celebrate the number 100 and put their counting skills into practice.
Wednesday, February 5 – Grade 2 Assembly – This is a special time for our second graders to take the stage and share what they have been learning. Parents are invited to join us for a reception after the assembly. Early dismissal for second graders will occur after the reception.
- Where: Theater
- When: 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 5 – Quarter 3 Midterm (Grades 2-5) – Reports will be available on the Parent Portal under “My Children, Classes and Reports.”
Friday, February 7 – Kindergarten Field Trip – Kindergarten students are going on a field trip to The Smiling Turtle Pediatric Dentistry office. This connects with their Community Helpers unit in which they are learning about dentists and taking care of their teeth with the help of a fellow CCS parent, Dr. Neidre Banakus.
Friday, February 7 – Grade 5 – Red, White, and Blue Day – The calendar might show the 7th of February 2025; however, we are celebrating the 4th of July of 1776 in conjunction with our history lessons. We will have a special assembly as well as some fun activities and games. Fifth graders may wear a patriotic shirt and/or hat.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Monday-Friday, February 3-7 – KnightsFest – Get ready for a fun week of activities and competition! Refer to the Non-Uniform Day Guidelines on the Portal as you plan your attire for these themes:
- Rhetoric School:
- Monday – Pajamas
- Tuesday – Vacation
- Wednesday – Character/Celebrity
- Thursday – Brand Mascot (ex: Tony the Tiger for Frosted Flakes)
- Friday – Dress like your House (house colors or costumes, ex. Minions for Lewis)
- Logic School:
- Monday – Pajamas
- Tuesday – Vacation
- Wednesday – Character/Celebrity
- Thursday – Twin Day
- Friday – Dress like your House (house colors or costumes, ex. Minions for Lewis)
Wednesday, February 12 – Worship Night for K-12 Families – Let’s join in worship together! All K-12 students and parents are invited to attend this event that is led by our student worship team. Will Jones (10th grade) and Sawyer Lair (11th grade) will each share their testimony.
- Where: Theater
- When: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
College Counseling
SAVE THE DATE! – Wednesday, February 19 – College Admissions Panel – College representatives will share admission and other school-specific information with you. This panel is designed for Rhetoric school students and parents but is open to the entire community. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain knowledge on what makes each unique, financial aid information, and the admissions process.
- When: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
- Participating Colleges and Universities:
- North Carolina State University, an in-state public university
- University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), an out-of-state public university
- Grove City College, a private Christian college
- High Point University – a private university
- Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges.
- Send Ms. Smith copies of scholarship offers as you receive them so she can enter your information into Scoir.
Career Connections Speakers Needed – Parents, would you be interested in sharing about your career with our Rhetoric School students on Friday, February 28, for Career Connection Day? We would love to have you participate! Complete this short form so that we know your field and position.
Thursday, April 3 – Deadline for Blakey Prize in Fine Art– This is an exclusive ACCS art competition. Visit the contest website for information and to look at past winners. Let Mrs. Blanchard know if this is something you might be interested in submitting artwork for as there are guidelines. CCS can only enter two pieces. If we have more than two works to submit, administration will vote on the entries to represent CCS.
Varsity & Logic School Baseball Tryout Information –
- Location: USA Baseball National Training Complex Indoor Facility (280 Brooks Park Ln, Cary, NC 27519)
- Dates: January 18 (Done!) and February 1
- Times:
- Varsity (2:00-2:45 p.m.)
- Logic School (2:45-3:30 p.m.)
Note: Players need to arrive 15 minutes early to warm up.
Monday, February 10 – Logic and Rhetoric School Spring Official Sports Practices Begin
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
- Junior Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.