ACCS teacher certification is only available to ACCS accredited schools. Accredited by the ACCS since May of 2002, we are privileged to guide the professional training and development of our teachers as we certify them. The certification process is divided into three levels of accomplishment: provisional, permanent, and masters. All of our teachers are required to complete the first two levels. Our goal as an accredited school is to set a high standard for our teachers as they model lifelong learning in front of their students daily. The requirements for certification are two-fold. They include a thorough knowledge and understanding of both classical and Christian education. Essentially, there is reading, writing, and teaching experience in an accredited school as the basis for certification. This experience includes knowledge of subjects, children, and the teaching process or pedagogy. There is a progression in difficulty and volume as the teacher moves through the levels of certification. Once the documentation is submitted and approved by ACCS, certification is awarded.
The first level is Provisional Certification. Beginning teachers are eligible after one year of teaching experience at CCS or 30-hours of college credit in the discipline taught. The foundational philosophy of classical and Christian education is explored through reading of six classical and Christian books and writing six summary papers or two longer combined papers.
The second level of certification is Permanent Certification. This certification lasts for the teacher’s duration of employment at CCS. This level requires a minimum of three years of successful teaching in a classical and Christian school. Teachers read an additional four books on classical and Christian education and complete four additional papers or two combined summary papers. Finally, continued evidence of learning must be demonstrated by the teacher in one of the following ways. 1.) Their own involvement in the development of uniquely classical and Christian curriculum within the school. 2.) Full-time attendance and/or teaching at an ACCS sponsored national or regional conference or at an approved ACCS summer teaching training.
The third level of certification is the Master Certification. This level is good for the lifetime of the teacher in any classical and Christian school. The candidate must possess both the provisional and permanent certification to attain the master level. The teacher will have knowledge in Logic and Rhetoric, as well as an understanding of teaching methodologies of all parts of the Trivium. The teacher must have at least five years of teaching experience at Cary Christian School. Continued proficiency in reading and study in the areas of Christian and classical philosophy/history of education must be demonstrated along with writing a five-page paper. Teaching other teachers as an instructor in at least three ACCS sponsored summer training sessions or two national ACCS conferences is required.
Each level of certification builds on the previous one as there is more reading, writing of papers, and gained experience recognized in the development of the teacher. The certification is designed to bring the teacher from knowledge to understanding and from understanding to wisdom. The teacher should demonstrate these characteristics in the classroom and be prepared to share what he/she has learned with others. ACCS awards certification credentials to each teacher as these requirements are met. To date, sixty-five percent of current CCS teachers have been awarded either provisional or permanent certification.