Featured Items
Corporate Membership Renewal Due TODAY – Corporate Membership renewal information updates are due! Please click here to complete the form.
CCS Corporate Membership must be renewed each year on a calendar basis. You are being asked to update the information now. The Corporate Membership draft will take place on November 23 for the 2022 calendar year.
Meaningful Moments
Congratulations to Chide Ogan for being awarded the News & Observer’s High School Athlete of the Week. Click here to read the article!
Important Dates
Thursday, October 28 – Fall Prospective Families Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Classrooms
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, October 29 – Donuts with Dads – All Lower School dads are invited to join us for a time of fellowship with their children and each other.
- When: 7:30 – 8:15 A.M.
- Where: Fieldhouse Pavilion
Friday, October 29 – Lost and Found – Come and check our lost and found for any missing items. All items left after 3:00 P.M. will be discarded.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: 3-5 Carpool Awning
Wednesday, November 3 – Class Picture Day/Make-Up Picture Day – Dress Uniform Required.
- Class Pictures – K-5 Students should have received a Lifetouch paper order form for their class picture in their Monday Folders. Please give the paper form to your Homeroom Teacher or to the Lifetouch photographer when paying by check. You may also order the pictures online with our CCS CLASS GROUP Picture Day ID: EVTDF4726 at mylifetouch.com ($10.00).
- Individual Retakes/Make-Ups – If you MISSED Picture Day on August 24 OR if you are not satisfied with your picture and would like a retake, please tell your homeroom teacher that you will need an Individual Picture taken. Bring rejected photo packages directly to the Lifetouch photographer if exchanging it for the retake. You can still place a NEW order on mylifetouch.com with the unique CCS INDIVIDUAL RETAKES Picture Day ID: EVTS3NWCX.
Wednesday, November 3 – All School Worship Night – All families are invited to join us for a night of worship led by our Rhetoric School worship team.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, November 5 – Fall Festival – Come out and join us for a night of fun! We will enjoy food trucks, bounce houses, face painting, and more! Let’s celebrate our community and this beautiful season!
- When: 5:30 – 9:00 P.M.
- Where: Lower Field
Tuesday, November 9 – Coffee Beans with the Deans – Come join our deans for a time of coffee, Q & A, and fellowship.
- When: 8:15 A.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, November 9 – Board Meeting – All Corporate Members are invited to attend!
- When: 7:00 P.M
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, November 10 – 2nd Quarter Mid-Term Reports – 2nd-12th Grade mid-term grades will be posted after 4:00 P.M. on your Veracross Parent Portal.
THANK YOU! Your GoPlaySave coupon book sales raised $7,000 for the Parent-Teacher Fellowship – With these funds, PTF purchases classroom wish list items (library books, maps, games, etc.), sponsors monthly staff lunches, the annual Faculty & Staff Christmas party, as well as parent fellowships. Thank you for faithfully making this school-wide fundraiser a success each year!
Here are all the ways you can support CCS year-round by raising $ while you shop!
- Amazon.com (click here) – Enable your browser to automatically redirect you to smile.amazon.com, and select CCS as your charity of choice. CCS receives 0.5% of eligible purchases. One-time enrollment.
- Box Tops for Education – No scissors needed! – Download the Box Tops for Education App on your phone, choose CCS, and scan your receipts after every grocery store visit. The app automatically identifies eligible items. One-time enrollment.
- Harris Teeter Together in Education (click here) – Link your VIC Card online using CCS code 4017 or see Customer Service at your local store. Purchase HT brands to give back to CCS. Annual re-enrollment required every August 1.
- Lowes Foods Cart 2 Class (click here) – Enroll your Fresh Rewards card number in the Cart 2 Class program by choosing CCS. Purchase Lowes Foods Private brands to give back to CCS. Annual re-enrollment required every August 1.
- Publix (click here) – Join the Publix Partners program! Purchase your food and support CCS.
- Spirit Nights at Local Restaurants – Take the family out for dinner at local restaurants twice (or more) per year. CCS receives a portion of sales on these nights. Watch The Knightly News for these opportunities.
Important Dates
Thursday, October 28 – Fall Prospective Families Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Classrooms
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, October 29 – Lost and Found – Come and check our lost and found for any missing items. All items left after 3:00 P.M. will be discarded.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: 3-5 Carpool Awning
Wednesday, November 3 – Class Picture Day/Make-Up Picture Day – Dress Uniform Required.
- Class Pictures – Upper School students may pick up a form from their first period teachers or the Upper School front desk. Please turn in the paper form to your first period teacher, or the Lifetouch photographer when paying by check. You may also order the pictures online with our CCS CLASS GROUP Picture Day ID: EVTDF4726 at mylifetouch.com ($10.00).
- Individual Retakes/Make-Ups – If you MISSED Picture Day on August 24 OR if you are not satisfied with your picture and want a retake, Upper School students may go to the Gym to do this either before school, by obtaining teacher permission during morning nutrition break, or as a teacher permits between 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M. Bring rejected photo packages directly to the Lifetouch photographer if exchanging it for the retake. You can still place a NEW order on mylifetouch.com with the unique ID (CCS INDIVIDUAL RETAKES Picture Day ID: EVTS3NWCX).
Wednesday, November 3 – All School Worship Night – All families are invited to join us for a night of worship led by our Rhetoric School worship team.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, November 5 – House – It’s going to be a great time of fun and fellowship!
Friday, November 5 – Fall Festival – Come out and join us for a night of fun! We will enjoy food trucks, bounce houses, face painting, and more! Let’s celebrate our community and this beautiful season!
- When: 5:30 – 9:00 P.M.
- Where: Lower Field
Tuesday, November 9 – Coffee Beans with the Deans – Come join our deans for a time of coffee, Q & A, and fellowship.
- When: 8:15 A.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, November 9 – Board Meeting – All Corporate Members are invited to attend!
- When: 7:00 P.M
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, November 10 – 2nd Quarter Mid-Term Reports – Mid-term grades will be posted after 4:00 P.M. on your Veracross Parent Portal.
CCS’s Seminar class is an opportunity for high school students to take time out of their day to read and converse about the great ideas that have shaped our world. Ms. Fredrikson, Mrs. Lasch, Mr. Halbrook, and Mr. McMahon teach the classes, but our real instructors are Solomon, Plato, Augustine, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, C. S. Lewis, and other influential writers who spent their lives seeking answers to big questions of enduring relevance. In each class we listen carefully to their ideas, evaluate them from a Biblical worldview, and seek to come away with a better understanding of the world God made and how to live in it.
9th: Plato’s “Apology”
- What is the philosophical life, and how can we live it?
10th: Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy
- What is more important in suffering, the events that happen to us or the way we understand these events?
- What is the wise response to the windfalls and catastrophes delivered by Fortune?
11th: John Locke & Voltaire on Religious Toleration, Alexander Pope’s “Essay on Man”
- Should we tolerate other religions?
12th: America’s founding documents, including Federalist Papers and the Constitution
- How did the Founders think about public policy, especially in the following areas: economics, taxation, regulation, the protection of property, war and diplomacy, immigration, criminal law, and family law?
- What is the best governmental structure to ensure a government limited to the protection of its citizens’ rights?
College Counseling
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to review essays or get help with applications, schedule a meeting via Calendly (click here).
Sunday, October 31 – AP Exam-Only “LATE Registration” Closes – AP Exam-Only registration (for students who are self-studying for an AP Exam) is now open for May 2022 AP Exams. Both steps must be completed by Sunday, October 31. Students who are in AP Classes at CCS (AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics) are already registered and have paid for the corresponding AP Exam. No further action is needed from students in our AP Classes. To register:
- Students must register for AP Exams on their College Board account using the joining codes listed in this PowerPoint (click here).
- There is a $25 late fee added to the AP Exams. You must select “Click this Box” in order to open the fee.
- Parents or student must pay the $100 AP Exam Only Fee in Veracross (click here).
Freshmen Student and Parent College Counseling Meeting Recap – High school academics matter! Students should apply themselves to the best of their ability since colleges will see semester grades on transcripts. Get a tutor if necessary. Also, students, get involved in things that interest you: art, sports, music, clubs, volunteering, etc., which will help round you out as a person and can give you leadership opportunities as you get older. If neither parent or student were able to attend, handouts will be placed in the student’s locker today.
8th Grade Literature – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner continues to provoke literary opinion – some marvel at Coleridge’s literary skill, some struggle with the obscurity of his imagery. As we confront a lively and challenging text, Coleridge is also inviting us to confront our understandings of the world and our place within it. As a Romantic, Coleridge was eager to reawaken a sense of imaginative wonder in humans beginning to be bound by Enlightenment rationalism, utilitarianism, and faithless fatalism about reality. Coleridge himself underwent extraordinary personal trials, rejecting the fashionable Unitarianism of his day and coming towards the end of his life to conversion to the surpassing glory of the Triune God, through the gospel of Christ.
THANK YOU! Your GoPlaySave coupon book sales raised $7,000 for the Parent-Teacher Fellowship – With these funds, PTF purchases classroom wish list items (library books, maps, games, etc.), sponsors monthly staff lunches, the annual Faculty & Staff Christmas party, as well as parent fellowships. Thank you for faithfully making this school-wide fundraiser a success each year!
Here are all the ways you can support CCS year-round by raising $ while you shop!
- Amazon.com (click here) – Enable your browser to automatically redirect you to smile.amazon.com, and select CCS as your charity of choice. CCS receives 0.5% of eligible purchases. One-time enrollment.
- Box Tops for Education – No scissors needed! – Download the Box Tops for Education App on your phone, choose CCS, and scan your receipts after every grocery store visit. The app automatically identifies eligible items. One-time enrollment.
- Harris Teeter Together in Education (click here) – Link your VIC Card online using CCS code 4017 or see Customer Service at your local store. Purchase HT brands to give back to CCS. Annual re-enrollment required every August 1.
- Lowes Foods Cart 2 Class (click here) – Enroll your Fresh Rewards card number in the Cart 2 Class program by choosing CCS. Purchase Lowes Foods Private brands to give back to CCS. Annual re-enrollment required every August 1.
- Publix (click here) – Join the Publix Partners program! Purchase your food and support CCS.
- Spirit Nights at Local Restaurants – Take the family out for dinner at local restaurants twice (or more) per year. CCS receives a portion of sales on these nights. Watch The Knightly News for these opportunities.
Important Dates
Friday, October 29 – CCS Varsity Football vs. Grace Eagles – CLICK HERE to order tickets ahead of time. Watch live: NFHS GAME STREAMING LINK HERE by subscription. Click here for game day details.
- $6.00 Adults / $5.00 Student / Kids 10 & Under Are Free
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Grace Christian School
Monday, November 1 – Varsity & Logic School Winter Sports Practices Begin
Monday, November 8 – Fall Sports Recognition Ceremony – All Fall Sports (except Football) will have a recognition ceremony to celebrate all our accomplishments this season.
- When: 6:00 – 7:45 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Winter Team Wear – We will be offering a total of six garments for sale with sport specific logos on it for the winter sports season. These will be done by vendors we have used in the past as opposed to the one we used for fall sports. Go to the spirit store link Cary Christian School (promoplace.com) . These will be open through November 14. Orders will be placed on the 15th and expected to arrive on December 9. Items in this offering currently have deep stock, so we should not have many supply chain issues.
Study Hall for Logic School Students in Swim & Wrestling – 6th-8th grade students that are waiting for practice to start can head to room 219 for study hall between 2:30 – 3:45 P.M.
Tryout Information
Click here to access all Winter Sports Tryout Information (PDF).
Friday, November 5 – Fall Festival – We are so excited to come together for this fun event. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up. The event is from 5:30 – 9:00 P.M.
Manning Inflatables
Face Painting
Shuttle Drivers
Games Station
Clean up
Set Up
Pumpkin Craft
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).