Our vision for our student body is that our graduates would be equipped to flourish in the modern world by finding their identity in Christ. This does not happen by accident, but rather through years of planting seeds, watering soil, and encouraging growth, in the power of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:6). We must be strategically intentional in every area of our school.
Our teachers seek to take their students on a journey, a journey that shows them the Sacramental among the ordinary. In the Lower School (Kindergarten-5th Grade) we are developing Readers, Writers, and Mathematicians. Students are learning how to make connections and delight in God’s order and character.
As students continue their journey, in the Logic School (6th-8th Grade), they are called to see how their identity in Christ can frame their mission on earth in service to God and their neighbors. Through the books they read, the conversations they have, and the relationships they build with their teachers they are called to make deeper connections and see God’s hand in the world around them and in their own lives.
Our Rhetoric School students (9th-12th Grade) continue to develop meaningful relationships with their teachers. The teachers work with the end in mind. They want to see their students speak winsomely as wise, eloquent, and elegant men and women who our firmly rooted in Christ.