Corporation and Board Member Details

Cary Christian School is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated in 1994. At least one parent or guardian must be a corporate member to enroll children at Cary Christian School, and annual dues are required to continue enrollment (re-enrollment). Corporation membership allows members to attend the monthly general session of board meetings and vote on incoming board members. Annual dues are $100 (joint) and $70 (single). For more information, please contact the main desk at (919) 303-2560, ext. 216.

Core Promises

Current Board Members

  • Todd Bovenizer, President
  • Robin Muse, Vice-President
  • Jason Allbert, Treasurer
  • Travis Callahan, Secretary
  • Robin Muse
  • Martin van Cleeff
  • Luke Wind

Corporation Membership

The CCS by-laws require that at least one parent be a member of the CCS corporation for their children to attend CCS. The membership offers voting rights, the privilege to attend board meetings, and the ability to re-enroll for the following academic year.

To join Cary Christian School, Inc., complete a paper application (new families) or complete the on-line application/affirmation (current families) when you receive the link in October. 

    1. Read the Corporation Membership | Principle Affirmations. 
    2. Select Corporate Membership type. 
    3. Affirm the Corporation Membership Pledge. 
    4. Your account will be invoiced for the annual Membership fee in November. Membership fees are non-refundable. 

NOTE: At least one parent or guardian of each child attending Cary Christian School must be a member of the Corporation prior to re-enrollment for the next academic year. 

You will be drafted at one of the following membership levels:

    • Family (Two Voting Members) – $100 annual fee (both parents are Christians living in the same household; two voting members; non-refundable)
    • Individual (One Voting Member) – $70 annual fee (unmarried Christian, Christian married to a non-Christian spouse, individual Christian parent of a two-household family; one voting member; non-refundable)
    • Staff – CCS Staff, Faculty, or Coach (non-paying; non-voting)
    • Staff Spouse – $55 annual fee (Christian spouse of CCS Staff, Faculty, or Coach; once voting member; non-refundable)

If a family’s membership is not renewed, the family will be:

  • Blocked from re-enrollment until after the re-enrollment period has ended and enrollment for new families opens.
  • Required to pay a late fee of $25.00 in addition to the membership fee.

If you have any household changes or questions please contact Margaret Finnegan at (919) 303-2560, ext. 215, or [email protected].


Membership Criteria

Corporation board members and parents who intend to enroll a child or presently have a child in the school are required to be members of the corporation. Membership is open to all persons according to the following criteria:

  1. Persons 18 years of age or older, who agree, affirm, and accept the Foundational Principles set forth in the By-Laws Article III (Statement of Faith, Educational Philosophy, and Organizational Philosophy). By-Laws Article IV (Corporation Membership), PGM Policy 1.0 (Mission), and PGM Attachment F (Statements on Christian Values), and who contribute the current annual membership fee are eligible for membership in the corporation. NOTE: Copies of these principles are included in the Corporation Membership Application/Renewal and must be affirmed by signature(s) of the applicant(s). 
  2. All persons who are eligible for membership and who desire to be members of the corporation must make written application for membership. The board (or designee) shall review all applications and accept or reject the application according to the principles set forth in this article. The annual membership fee shall be included with the application.
  3. A sustaining membership fee shall be due at the beginning of each calendar year and will cover only the calendar year in which it is paid. Membership fees shall be used for administration and promotion of the organization and not for curriculum and other school related expenses. Failure to pay the annual fee will result in loss of membership. The annual fee will be set by the Board of Directors.
  4. At least one parent or guardian of each child attending Cary Christian School must be a member of the corporation.
  5. Members of the corporation have the privilege of voting on all matters that are presented to the membership, such as the election of board members, constitutional changes, and budgetary and financial matters. Members receive one vote in corporate matters. Members may also be nominated for election to the board and appointed by the board to serve on its committees.
  6. Revocation of membership shall occur by failure to pay dues or if an individual is no longer able to, or found not to, subscribe to the principles, values, and requirements from our governing documents outlined in Membership Criteria #1 above. NOTE: Copies of these principles are included in the Corporation Membership Application/Renewal and must be affirmed by signature(s) of the applicant(s).
  7. The superintendent, principals, and staff are non-paying, non-voting members of the corporation and are not eligible to serve on the board.


Corporation Meetings

The corporation shall hold two stated meetings each year, one to be held in September, the other to be held in March with the exact time, place, and agenda to be set by the board. At the September meeting, reports on the activity and progress of the school shall be presented by the superintendent, the board secretary, and the board treasurer. The annual election of board members shall take place at this meeting. At the March meeting, the board shall present a budget for the following academic year so specific financial needs and commitments may be established prior to issuing teacher contracts, recruiting new teachers, ordering supplies, etc. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the board. Special meetings may also be called by the Secretary of the Board, provided that such meetings are requested in writing by at least 35% of the then current membership. Such requests must state the subject of the meeting.

Notice of a special meeting must be given by first class mail, stating the subject of the meeting, and be sent to all members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. No business shall be transacted at such meeting except what is stated in the notice.

A quorum, consisting of 15% of the total membership, is required at any regular or properly called special meeting. If a quorum is not present, the board shall set a new date and time for the meeting and give notice in the manner previously described. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. Provisions of the latest revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply except where otherwise required by our by-laws.


Board Membership

Board members must meet the prerequisites described in the following document: Prerequisites for CCS Board Membership.