Featured Items
Corporate Membership Renewal – Corporate Membership renewal information updates are due! Please click here to complete the form by October 28.
CCS Corporate Membership must be renewed each year on a calendar basis. You are being asked to update the information now. The Corporate Membership draft will take place on November 23 for the 2022 calendar year.
Meaningful Moments
Important Dates
Thursday, October 21 – Senior Service Practicum Donations Due TODAY – We would like to send donations with our Seniors when they travel to Tennessee. Donations can be dropped off during carpool this afternoon! Donation needs:
- Gift cards for Walmart
- Gift cards for Amazon
- Gift cards for fast-food restaurants
- Children’s toiletries (shampoo/body wash – tear free, bubble bath, children’s toothpaste, children’s toothbrushes, hairbrushes, combs, etc.)
- Adult travel-sized toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, etc.).
- Amazon Wishlist (click here)
- Walmart Wishlist (click here)
Friday, October 22 – NO SCHOOL: Optional Parent/Teacher Conferences – Sign up through your Veracross Parent Portal.
Friday, October 22 – Red Cross Blood Drive – Come out and donate blood! Parents and students over the age of 16 are invited to join us. Click here to sign up for an appointment.
- When: 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Gym
Monday, October 25 – Annual Golf Tournament – Registration has closed. We have a record number of golfers and are so excited to enjoy a day of fellowship and fun with our community members. Golfers, check in is at 8:30 A.M. Shotgun start is at 10:00 A.M.
Thursday, October 28 – Fall Prospective Families Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Gymnasium/Classrooms
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, October 29 – Donuts with Dads – All Lower School dads are invited to join us for a time of fellowship with their children and each other.
- When: 7:30 – 8:15 A.M.
- Where: Fieldhouse Pavilion
Friday, October 29 – Lost and Found – Come and check our lost and found for any missing items. All items left after 3:00 P.M. will be discarded.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: 3-5 Carpool Awning
Wednesday, November 3 – Class Picture Day/Make-Up Picture Day – Dress Uniform Required.
- Class Pictures – K-5 Students should receive a Lifetouch paper order form for their class picture in their Monday Folders. Please give the paper form to your Homeroom Teacher or to the Lifetouch photographer when paying by check. You may also order the pictures online with our CCS CLASS GROUP Picture Day ID: EVTDF4726 at mylifetouch.com ($10.00).
- Individual Retakes/Make-Ups – If you MISSED Picture Day on August 24 OR if you are not satisfied with your picture and would like a retake, please tell your homeroom teacher that you will need an Individual Picture taken. Bring rejected photo packages directly to the Lifetouch photographer if exchanging it for the retake. You can still place a NEW order on mylifetouch.com with the unique CCS INDIVIDUAL RETAKES Picture Day ID: EVTS3NWCX.
Wednesday, November 3 – All School Worship Night – All families are invited to join us for a night of worship led by our Rhetoric School worship team.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Save the Date – Grade-Level Christmas Concerts
- Wednesday, December 8
- 8:30 – Kindergarten
- 10:30 – 1st Grade
- 12:30 – 2nd Grade
- Thursday, December 9
- 8:30 – 3rd Grade
- 10:30 – 4th Grade
- 12:30 – 5th Grade
- Wednesday, December 8
2nd Quarter Literature Novels
Third Grade – Winnie the Pooh – We will enter the Hundred Acre Wood where we will meet some memorable characters and learn a lot about friendship and loving others even when they are very different from us. We will meet Piglet, who is much braver than he thinks; Pooh, who is smarter than he knows; Owl, who doesn’t know nearly as much as he thinks he does; Eeyore, who is more content than he realizes; and Christopher Robin, the creator of each of their personalities who loves them all very much just the way they are. (Does this remind you of anyone?)
Fourth Grade – The Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli is a Newberry Medal winning classic novel set during medieval times. The main character is a boy named Robin whose father is a knight and mother is an attendant to the queen. Sadly, Robin’s dreams of training to be a knight are altered when he loses the use of his legs due to an illness. Robin is challenged to maintain his faith in God and choose to be thankful throughout the book. In the end of the story, Robin becomes a hero and is rewarded for his bravery by the king. This is a sweet book that leads to many discussions. Students reflect on the fact that we all have “walls” in our lives, but we must find the “door in the wall” rather than surrender to hopelessness. Furthermore, from God’s perspective, we always have reason to hope because of Jesus; He can even do the “impossible” in us!
Fifth Grade – The Witch of Blackbird Pond – The Witch of Blackbird Pond provides its readers with a realistic and vivid portrait of colonial New England and sketches the larger transatlantic issues that defined the colonies’ political landscape. The book describes details of early colonial life and also sheds light on some of the political beginnings of the American War for Independence. Puritan beliefs and practices are discussed and lead to excellent conversations about religion, faith, duty, joy, and God’s providence. The “witch hunt” prompts conversations about appearances, judgment, first impressions, and integrity.
Important Dates
Thursday, October 21 – Senior Service Practicum Donations Due TODAY – We would like to send donations with our Seniors when they travel to Tennessee. Donations can be dropped off during carpool this afternoon! Donation needs:
- Gift cards for Walmart
- Gift cards for Amazon
- Gift cards for fast-food restaurants
- Children’s toiletries (shampoo/body wash – tear free, bubble bath, children’s toothpaste, children’s toothbrushes, hairbrushes, combs, etc.)
- Adult travel-sized toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, etc.).
- Amazon Wishlist (click here)
- Walmart Wishlist (click here)
Thursday, October 21 – Final SSP Payment Due for Seniors – Contact [email protected] if you have questions.
Friday, October 22 – NO SCHOOL: Optional Parent/Teacher Conferences – If you would like to set up an optional Parent/Teacher conference, reach out to the teacher directly ([email protected]). Note: Teachers will attend Staff Training Friday morning but will offer conference times after 10:15 A.M.
Friday, October 22 – Red Cross Blood Drive – Come out and donate blood! Parents and students over the age of 16 are invited to join us. Click here to sign up for an appointment.
- When: 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M
- Where: CCS Gym
Saturday, October 23 – Rhetoric School Annual Hoedown Dance – 9th-12th graders, come in your best country flannel and enjoy a night of line dancing, games, and fellowship! Sign-ups for the dance were before Fall Break. Contact [email protected], if you have any questions.
- When: 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
- Where: Upper Field
Monday, October 25 – Annual Golf Tournament – Registration is closed. We have a record number of golfers and are so excited to enjoy a day of fellowship and fun with our community members. Golfers, check in is at 8:30 A.M. Shotgun start is at 10:00 A.M.
Thursday, October 28 – Fall Prospective Families Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Gymnasium/Classrooms
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, October 29 – Lost and Found – Come and check our lost and found for any missing items. All items left after 3:00 P.M. will be discarded.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: 3-5 Carpool Awning
Wednesday, November 3 – Class Picture Day/Make-Up Picture Day – Dress Uniform Required.
- Class Pictures – Upper School students may pick up a form from their first period teachers or the Upper School front desk. Please turn in the paper form to your first period teacher, or the Lifetouch photographer when paying by check. You may also order the pictures online with our CCS CLASS GROUP Picture Day ID: EVTDF4726 at mylifetouch.com ($10.00).
- Individual Retakes/Make-Ups – If you MISSED Picture Day on August 24 OR if you are not satisfied with your picture and want a retake, Upper School students may go to the Gym to do this either before school, by obtaining teacher permission during morning nutrition break, at lunch period, or as a teacher will permit throughout the day between 7:45 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Bring rejected photo packages directly to the Lifetouch photographer if exchanging it for the retake. You can still place a NEW order on mylifetouch.com with the unique ID (CCS INDIVIDUAL RETAKES Picture Day ID: EVTS3NWCX).
Wednesday, November 3 – All School Worship Night – All families are invited to join us for a night of worship led by our Rhetoric School worship team.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, November 5 – House
9th Grade – Plato’s Euthydemus and Theaetetus
- How do we best pursue truth?
- What is Truth?
10th Grade – Augustine’s “On the Usefulness of Belief” and Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy
- What attitude should we have when approaching difficult passages of Scripture or tenets of Christian doctrine?
- How does our heavenly citizenship shape our approach to personal and political events in this world?
11th Grade – Samuel Johnson’s “The Vanity of Human Wishes” and Rousseau’s “Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men”
- Is civilization making us better or worse?
- What brings true happiness?
12th Grade – America’s Founding Documents
- In what way are the founding principles of America conducive to self-government?
- What are “natural rights”? Where do they come from? How do they both empower and limit the government?
- What are the virtues and character necessary for freedom and self-government?
College Counseling
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to review essays or get help with applications, schedule a meeting via Calendly (click here).
Sunday, October 31 – AP Exam-Only ‘LATE Registration’ Closes – AP Exam-Only registration (for students who are self-studying for an AP Exam) is now open for May 2022 AP Exams. Both steps must be completed by Sunday, October 31. Students who are in AP Classes at CCS (AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics) are already registered and have paid for the corresponding AP Exam. No further action is needed from students in our AP Classes. To register:
- Students must register for AP Exams on their College Board account using the joining codes listed in this PowerPoint (click here).
- There is a $25 late fee added to the AP Exams. You must select “Click this Box” in order to open the fee.
- Parents or student must pay the $100 AP Exam Only Fee in Veracross (click here).
The Freshmen Student and Parent College Counseling Meeting Recap – High school academics matter! Students should apply themselves to the best of their ability since colleges will see semester grades on transcripts. Get a tutor if necessary. Also, students, get involved in things that interest you: art, sports, music, clubs, volunteering, etc. which helps round you out as a person and can give you leadership opportunities as you get older. If neither parent or student were able to attend, the handouts will be placed in the student’s locker today.
9th Grade Literature This Quarter – The Odyssey – After spending ten long years fighting in the Trojan War, the wander-weary Odysseus spent an additional decade trying to return to his island home of Ithaka. Homer establishes the household as an enduring human good, an idea that echoes Christian doctrine. Odysseus learns what truly matters. When he journeys to the Underworld and sees death for what it really is, he resolves to focus on things with eternal importance instead of temporal pleasures. Odysseus fails repeatedly throughout the epic, and each failure teaches him virtue. At his final stop, the true proto-Christian hospitality of the Phaiakians saves him from a ruinous fate. Ultimately, Odysseus acts as a type of Christ as he punishes those who have sinned in his house and rewards those who were faithful. His ending is rooted deeply in what endures.
Important Dates
Friday, October 22 – Lacrosse Team Interest Meeting
- When: 1:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, October 26 – Swim Team Information Meeting
- When: 3:45 P.M.
- Where: Field House Pavilion
Monday, November 1 – Varsity Winter Sports Practices Begin
Friday, November 5 – Fall Festival – We are so excited to come together for this fun event. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up. The event is from 5:30 – 9:00 P.M.
Manning Inflatables
Face Painting
Shuttle Drivers
Games Station
Clean up
Set Up
Pumpkin Craft
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).