Featured Items

Junior Parent
August 19

Fall Sports
Picture Day
August 21

Eighth Grade Retreat
at Camp Agape
August 23
A Prayer for Fathers/Dads (in conjunction with Lower School Donuts with Dads):
Loving God, we thank you for the gift of family, and especially the gift of our fathers. We ask you to bless all fathers as they strive to serve you and to love, support, and care for their families. Be with our fathers as they work to be true examples of discipleship to our families. Please help all fathers looking for employment. Encourage and comfort fathers in all family difficulties. May our families always remember the love and sacrifice of our fathers, and may we walk with them in love and gratitude. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– Notre Dame University’s “Prayer for Fathers” (adapted)
School-Wide Information
Monday, August 26 – GoPlaySave Kick-Off – All students will bring home a Fundraising Letter with a QR code and step-by-step directions to set up your student’s online shop. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your child’s link. Lower School students will also bring home a GoPlaySave Coupon book filled with over $10,000 in savings from a variety of local businesses. This first book can be used as a sample in your sales efforts and/or be purchased by your first buyer! Online orders only for all purchases (no cash/checks). Prizes for top sellers make this an easy and exciting fundraiser! If you do not wish to participate (or if you only plan on purchasing and selling Mobile “Books”), return the sample coupon book to your child’s teacher. All earnings from this fundraiser go toward our teacher appreciation efforts!
Friday, August 30 – Early Release Day for Labor Day Weekend – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Refer to the Non-Uniform Day guidelines on the portal. On Early Release Days, there is no lunchtime or After-School Care program. Students need to bring a substantial snack and water bottle.
- Dismissal Times –
- Grades 9-12: 11:45 a.m.
- Grades K-8: 12:15 p.m.
Medication Reminder – For ANY student with severe allergies or chronic health conditions who may require life-saving medications to be administered during the school day, bring those medications to the CCS Health Office as soon as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, inhalers, Epipens, seizure medication, diabetic supplies, etc. In addition, please complete ALL relevant health forms in the Magnus Health Portal.
Student Attendance on Veracross Portal – Log onto the Portal. In the left-hand column, under Quick Links, click “Submit Student Attendance” to indicate if your child will be absent, tardy, or has permission to leave early. Veracross will alert the front desks and the student’s teachers about the attendance.
ParentSquare Groups – To join a group, click on “Participate” in the left column then “Groups.” Use the “Join” button beside the group(s) of interest to you. Consider joining these two groups:
- Buy/Sell/Trade – This is a great place for posting about uniforms, furniture, vacation rentals, etc. And you can include photos or hyperlinks!
- Community Group – This is ideal for making recommendations, posting about local events, and more!
Lower School (K-5th)
Thursday, August 29 – Lower School Individual Picture Day – Lifetouch is coming to campus for our Lower School Individual Picture Day. Students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs.
Kindergarten Proof of Immunizations and Health Assessments – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state-approved exemptions), you will have until September 6 to become compliant according to NC law.
Do you have availability and interest in occasional subbing? – From time to time, we need additional coverage in Lower School for recess supervision and classroom support. Contact Carol Ashworth for the necessary paperwork to be considered for subbing.
SAVE THE DATE! Lower School Soccer Clinic – Boys and Girls in Grades 4-5 – This will occur some Thursdays in November, December and January at Bethel Church (1111 West Chatham Street) from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Stay tuned for more information regarding registration and the schedule.
Upper School (6th-12th)
TODAY Through Friday, August 16 – Rhetoric School Retreat – Rhetoric School students, faculty, staff, and chaperones are making memories at Camp Sea Gull this week. They will be returning on the chartered buses on Friday afternoon.
TOMORROW! Friday, August 16 – Logic School House – We will welcome the 6th grade class into their Houses!
Friday, August 23 – Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape – Information was emailed last week to those who registered.
Tuesday, August 27 – Rhetoric School Club Expo – During lunch, be sure to stop by the gym to learn more about and sign up for clubs offered this year.
Wednesday, August 28 – Upper School Individual Picture Day – Lifetouch is coming to campus for our Upper School Individual Picture Day. Students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs.
College Counseling
Monday, August 19 – 11th Grade College Counseling Meeting for Juniors and Parents of Juniors – This is one of two required meetings during Junior year. Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover relevant information for Juniors and parents regarding Junior Year as it is a critical year from a college application perspective. Reminder: Check the College Counseling department page on the Portal for more information about Junior year.
- When: 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Monday, August 19 – Seniors, your transcript change requests are due to Ms. Smith.
12th Grade Students – 30-minute College Counseling Meetings – All Seniors should sign up for an individual meeting. Topics that we can cover include reviewing college lists, short answer essays, Common App essays, scholarships, future plans or general questions about the college search process. Ms. Smith recommends that all seniors let her read their short answer essays before applying. This is a great way to do that. Use this Calendly link to schedule.
– ARTS –
Saturday, August 24 – Chamber Choir Auditions – The Chamber Choir is an auditioned singing group that represents our school as witnesses of Jesus Christ through music throughout our community and country, the highlight of which is our annual spring tour. All Rhetoric School students are eligible to audition. Audition information, including signups, will be available to the students the first week of school for students to prepare and ask questions. Rhetoric School Concert Choir is a prerequisite for joining the Chamber Choir. Questions? Contact James Baker, Choral Arts Director.
- When: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
DATE CHANGE! – Upper School Choral Arts and Band Picture Day –Previously scheduled for August 28, the Choral Arts and Band group pictures are moving to Tuesday, October 29 to align with the All-School Class Picture Day.
Wednesday, August 21 – Fall Sports Team Picture Day – Don’t forget to bring your uniform on Wednesday! Team picture times are posted on the hallway bulletin boards and teachers will know when students should dismiss and return to their classrooms. Senior banner pictures will also be taken this day.
Parents may purchase individual and team pictures. Once your photo gallery is ready, use this link to order (School Access Code: PGAJ99364).
Lower School Basketball Clinic – Boys and Girls in Grades 4-5 – This will occur on most Thursdays in September and October at Bethel Church (1111 West Chatham Street) from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Stay tuned for more information regarding registration and the schedule.
Basketball Early Evaluations & Tryouts – These are held in September; details are below. Students who wish to tryout must attend at least one of the sessions below (both are preferred). Following tryouts, teams will host Saturday gym sessions to prepare for daily practices that begin in late October.
- Saturday, September 7:
- Logic Boys: 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
- Logic Girls: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.*
- *8th Grade Girls Only
- Rhetoric Girls: 12:00:– 1:30 p.m.
- Sunday, September 8:
- Rhetoric Boys: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday, September 14:
- Logic Boys: 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
- Logic Girls: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.*
- *6th & 7th Grade Girls Only
- Rhetoric Girls: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
- Sunday, September 15:
- Rhetoric Boys: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
*Logic Girls who cannot make their assigned tryout date above can attend the other available date by email: Coach Horton.
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Girls Soccer (Spring)
- Gold (MS) Girls Soccer (Spring)
- Gold (MS) Boys Lacrosse (Spring)
- Varsity Track (Spring)
- Varsity Boys Tennis (Spring)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.
SAVE THE DATE! Lower School Soccer Clinic – Boys and Girls in Grades 4-5 – This will occur some Thursdays in November, December and January at Bethel Church (1111 West Chatham Street) from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Stay tuned for more information regarding registration and the schedule.