Featured Items

Senior Parent
August 12

Rhetoric School
August 14-16

Lower School
Donuts with Dads
August 15
We are overjoyed to welcome 116 new students representing 52 new families into our school community! Let’s pray for them to feel welcome and at home.
“Lord, you have brought a new set of families into this school. We thank you for the opportunity to demonstrate your radical hospitality and love toward them. Allow them peace of mind through this new school transition. We ask you to help us, as a school community, guide these parents and students as they learn new routines, navigate the hallways, and adapt to the CCS culture. May you help them feel connected to their new school by developing strong relationships with teachers and finding meaningful friendships. Most of all, Lord, we ask that you allow each of these families to know that their children are in a safe place, getting a great education that honors you. Amen.”
School-Wide Information
Tuesday, August 13 – Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
- When: 5:30 p.m. (Note: Time change)
- Where: Theater
Medication Reminder – For ANY student with severe allergies or chronic health conditions who may require life-saving medications to be administered during the school day, bring those medications to the CCS Health Office as soon as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, inhalers, Epipens, seizure medication, diabetic supplies, etc. In addition, please complete ALL relevant health forms in the Magnus Health Portal.
Extra 2022-23 Yearbooks – There are a few yearbooks from the 2022-2023 school year available for purchase at $60.00 each. Contact Nadine Brasher to reserve your copy.
Subscribe to Dynamic School Calendars on Veracross Portal – CCS’s Main Hub of Information
- Log into Portal, click on Calendar icon, then “Subscribe” to choose the calendars of interest and connect them to your own calendar.
- New Users – Click here to access your portal. Each parent has a login. Students (Grades 6-12) use their CCS email to login.
- NOTE: Sports practice schedules can only be accessed through each team’s group in ParentSquare.
ParentSquare and StudentSquare Apps – CCS’s Interactive Community Tool
- Download the app, then register.
- Refer to this document for tips on how to navigate, post, signup, share photos, and more. (This document is also attainable through the Help button, located under FAQ on the Portal.)
- Coming Soon for 2024-25: Arts, Rhetoric School Clubs, and Alumni
Lower School (K-5th)
Thursday, August 15 – Donuts with Dads – All Lower School dads are invited to enjoy donuts with their kindergarten-fifth grade student(s) before school. Parking: Any open space is available due to 9th-12th grade students participating in the off-campus Rhetoric School Retreat.
- When: 7:30 a.m.
- Where: Pavilion
Kindergarten Proof of Immunizations and Health Assessments – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state-approved exemptions), you will have until September 6 to become compliant according to NC law.
Lower School Sports & Arts Offerings – We will be offering various Lower School sports and arts clinics during the fall. Look for more information in the Monday folders. Most programming will begin in late August.
Do you have availability and interest in occasional subbing? – From time to time, we need additional coverage in Lower School for recess supervision and classroom support. Contact Carol Ashworth for the necessary paperwork to be considered for subbing.
SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, August 29 – Fall School Picture Day – Lifetouch is coming to campus for our Lower School Individual Picture Day. Students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Tuesday, August 13 – Deadline for Elective Change Requests – Students have until this date to make elective changes with their parent’s signature. Forms can be found on the portal (under “Forms”) or picked up at the Upper School front desk.
Wednesday, August 14 – Friday, August 16 – Rhetoric School Retreat at Camp Sea Gull – As a reminder, all consent forms must be signed in Magnus by August 12.
Friday, August 9 – Logic School Student Assembly
Monday, August 12 – Rhetoric School Student Assembly
Friday, August 16 – Logic School House – We will welcome the 6th grade class into their Houses!
Friday, August 23 – Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape
New Bell Schedule – The class change time between Blocks 1 & 2 and Blocks 2 & 3 are now 10 minutes each.
SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, August 28 – Upper School Individual Picture Day – Lifetouch is coming to campus for our Upper School Individual Picture Day. Students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs.
College Counseling
Monday, August 12 – Senior Parent Meeting – Don’t miss this critical meeting! – Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover pertinent information for parents of Seniors as their students navigate the college admissions process. This meeting is geared toward parents. Ms. Smith will meet with the Seniors during Rhetoric class on Friday, August 9, and Tuesday, August 13.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Monday, August 19 – Junior Parents and Student College Counseling Meeting – This is one of two very important meetings during Junior year. Junior year is a critical year from a college application perspective. Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover relevant information for parents regarding junior year.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
- Where: Theater
– ARTS –
Saturday, August 24 – Chamber Choir Auditions – The Chamber Choir is an auditioned singing group that represents our school as witnesses of Jesus Christ through music throughout our community and country, the highlight of which is our annual spring tour. All Rhetoric School students are eligible to audition. Audition information, including signups, will be available to the students the first week of school for students to prepare and ask questions. Rhetoric School Concert Choir is a prerequisite for joining the Chamber Choir. Questions? Contact James Baker, Choral Arts Director.
- When: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
TOMORROW! Friday, August 9 – Final Rosters communicated via ParentSquare or individual email. – Decisions will be made based on skills and practice attendance over the summer. Cuts are possible if a student is not ready to compete at the appropriate level and/or if the number of students is too large for our roster to manage. This varies by sport.
Wednesday, August 21 – Athletic Picture Day – Parents may purchase individual and team pictures. A link will be sent to you in ParentSquare for you to make purchases. Senior banner pictures will also be taken this day.
Fall Sports Information – Click here for the full Fall Sports Information Guide.
- Physicals Required – Students are required to have a preparticipation physical before starting practice.
- Make sure you select ATHLETE in Magnus for your student.
- Upload this form into the Veracross/Magnus system.
- Sports Fees – The sports fee auto draft will be on or about September 1 for fall sports. There is a $300 athletic fee for each sport. Some sports may have higher fees in addition due to specific approved team camps or social budgets (meals).
- Teams will have the opportunity to purchase team gear. This information will be communicated in ParentSquare. Sport specific t-shirts and sweatshirts, as well as embroidered items, are always available on the Spirit Store online site.
- Sports schedules are available for download to your phone or computer with this link. Please do not print this schedule as dates and times may change due to weather or other school requests.
- Weather Monitoring – We will monitor the weather daily to determine whether we need to adjust practices.
- We may look at doing later practices for teams during the hottest time of the year.
- We may cancel or truncate practices due to storms.
- Uniforms – Athletes will be given uniforms the week of August 12.
SWAY Baseline Concussion Testing – Each year, we offer parents the opportunity to test their students with the SWAY Medical app, paid by CCS. You can find it on the app store. You can create a free account and use the service to perform the baseline test on your cell phone. The benefit to you is that this information will be available for medical personnel in the event of head injury consultations. It is free and only takes a few minutes to do from the comfort of your own home! Log onto the SWAY Medical website and enter code “J84JW.”
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Gold Girls Tennis – Position Filled!
- Varsity Girls Soccer (Spring)
- Gold (MS) Girls Soccer (Spring)
- Gold (MS) Boys Lacrosse (Spring)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.