Featured Items
Dear Cary Christian Family,
Advent is a time of year that sparks a yearning for community. Throughout history, the Church has anticipated the ultimate community found in the return of Christ. We naturally respond in worship to the incarnate Messiah, praising him and praying for his swift return. Read more.
Sacramental Moments
First grade focuses on the names of Christ using the Adorenaments by Familylife. A favorite name so far has been “Jesus is the Giver of Living Water” – His Holy Spirit. The students pray that the Holy Spirit would develop fruit in their lives.
We have had such a wonderful week celebrating Christmas through our Lower School Christmas Concerts. A huge, “Thank you!” to our Upper School students who have accompanied the performances.
Second grade learns about Joseph as a slave in Egypt. They discussed how Joseph must have felt. They were able to have meaningful conversations about how God uses even suffering to fulfill his greater purpose.
Important Dates
Thursday, December 9 – CANCELLED: New Family Connections Ornament Exchange – Look for a rescheduled event. We hope you have Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 10 – Angel Tree Donations Due TOMORROW – Don’t forget to take an angel off one of the trees in the lobby or Commons Area, buy an item for the age group and sex labeled on the angel, and return that gift unwrapped under the tree tomorrow! We are so excited to partner with the YMCA to bless those in need. Click here to access a shopping reference guide. If you have any questions, please reach out to Diane Hillsgrove ([email protected]).
Friday, December 10 – Lost and Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Saturday, December 11 – Upper School (6th-12th Grade) Christmas Band Concert – Our band students look forward to celebrating this Christmas season with you!
- When: 1:00 P.M.
- Where: Gym
Saturday, December 11 – Cary Christmas Parade – Don’t miss this year’s Town of Cary Christmas Parade featuring our fourth-grade students, Kinderbuddies, and the Acapostles. Come join in the fun and support our community. Road closures along the parade route will begin at 12:30 P.M.
- When: 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
- Where: Downtown Cary
Saturday, December 11 – Rhetoric School (9th-12th Grade) Christmas Choral Arts Concerts – Join us for a night of fellowship and praise as we celebrate this beautiful season.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, December 14 – Board Meeting – All Corporate Members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
December 16 – 17 – Lower School Christmas Dress Days
- Thursday, December 16 – Christmas Sock Day (daily uniform)
- Friday, December 17 – Christmas Sweaters/Outfits Day – Click here for Non-Uniform Day Guidelines.
Friday, December 17 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter – Early Release! No My Hot Lunchbox and no After School Care.
- K – 5th Grade: 12:15 P.M.
Tuesday, January 4 – Friday, January 14, 2022 – Online Re-Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year – The re-enrollment fee is $165 per student.
Annual 200 Campaign – This year’s Annual Fund Campaign is well underway. Help us reach $200,000 by December 31 by going to your Veracross Parent Portal and clicking on the “Annual 200” button.
KNIGHTS’ WRESTLING CLUB STARTS JANUARY 4 – For students in grades 3-5, Coach Sullivan is offering the annual wrestling club on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 4 – February 17. The cost is $175. Students will wrestle at Hope Chapel. Coach Sullivan will pick up students at 2:45 P.M. at school to take to Hope Chapel, where you will pick them up at 4:00 P.M. If you are interested, please email Chris Cathey, so he can send you a release form. Please return form and check made out to CCS to the front desk. We hope your student will join us!
Important Dates
Thursday, December 9 – CANCELLED: New Family Connections Ornament Exchange – Look for a rescheduled event. We hope you have Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 10 – First Annual Christmas Convocation – Our very special Christmas celebration for Logic and Rhetoric School students during our House event time will be filled with Christmas music, new traditions, and timeless messages!
Friday, December 10 – Angel Tree Donations Due TOMORROW – Don’t forget to take an angel off one of the trees in the lobby or Commons Area, buy an item for the age group and sex labeled on the angel, and return that gift unwrapped under the tree tomorrow! We are so excited to partner with the YMCA to bless those in need. Click here to access a shopping reference guide. If you have any questions, please reach out to Diane Hillsgrove ([email protected]).
Friday, December 10 – Lost and Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Saturday, December 11 – Upper School (6th-12th Grade) Christmas Band Concert – Our band students look forward to celebrating this Christmas season with you!
- When: 1:00 P.M.
- Where: Gym
Saturday, December 11 – Cary Christmas Parade – Don’t miss this year’s Town of Cary Christmas Parade featuring our fourth-grade students, Kinderbuddies, and the Acapostles. Come join in the fun and support our community. Road closures along the parade route will begin at 12:30 P.M.
- When: 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
- Where: Downtown Cary
Saturday, December 11 – Rhetoric School (9th-12th Grade) Christmas Choral Arts Concerts – Join us for a night of fellowship and praise as we celebrate this beautiful season.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
December 13 – 17 – Rhetoric School Exam Week
- Monday, December 13 – Regular School “A” Day
- Tuesday, December 14 – Regular School “B” Day (Exam subjects will conduct reviews; no new material.)
- Wednesday, December 15 – Regular School “A” Day (Exam subjects will conduct reviews; no new material.)
- Thursday, December 16 – Semester Exam Day 1
- 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. – Literature
- 10:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. – Math
- Friday, December 17 – Semester Exam Day 2
- 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. – History
- 10:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. – Science
*On the last two days of this week, Thursday, December 16 and Friday, December 17, all Rhetoric School students are dismissed at 12:15 P.M. (or when finished with second exam). No My Hot Lunchbox and NO electives on Thursday and Friday for Rhetoric School students.
December 13 – 15 – Rhetoric School Christmas Dress Days – Click here for Non-Uniform Day Guidelines.
- Monday, December 13 – Christmas PJs
- Tuesday, December 14 – Christmas Character Day
- Wednesday, December 15 – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Tuesday, December 14 – Board Meeting – All Corporate Members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
December 16 – 17 – Logic School Christmas Dress Days
- Thursday, December 16 – Christmas Sock Day (daily uniform)
- Friday, December 17 – Christmas Sweaters/Outfits – Click here for Non-Uniform Day Guidelines.
Friday, December 17 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter – Early Release! No My Hot Lunchbox and no After School Care.
- 6 – 8th Grade: 12:15 P.M.
- 9 – 12th Grade: 12:15 P.M. (or when finished with second exam)
Tuesday, January 4 – Friday, January 14, 2022 – Online Re-Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year – The re-enrollment fee is $165 per student.
Questions of the Week in Rhetoric School Seminar:
9th Grade – Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War
- How should Christians think about power imbalances in the real world?
- How should Christians think about power imbalances in the real world?
10th Grade – Abelard on the Atonement
- How does Christ’s death on the cross provide us with an example to follow?
- How does Christ’s death on the cross provide us with an example to follow?
11th Grade – Epistemology summative assignment
- A Methodist, a Quaker, a Deist, and the Pope meet for coffee at Starbucks. What is their conversation like?
- A Methodist, a Quaker, a Deist, and the Pope meet for coffee at Starbucks. What is their conversation like?
12th Grade – Preparation for Constitutional Debate
- How do each of the Bill of Rights directly relate to the preservation of life, liberty, property, or the pursuit of happiness?
College Counseling
Monday, December 6 – PSAT Results Were Released – Sophomores and Juniors may access their scores using the code sent to their email address recorded on their PSAT answer sheet. We recommend you print out a copy of your score report and carefully review it. Parents and students may learn about the score reports at www.SAT.org/scoresdemo. Ms. Smith handed back the PSAT test booklets to Juniors last week and to Sophomores on Tuesday. These booklets can be very helpful as students review their score reports and look back at questions that they missed. Please use the booklets and score reports to do your own “test corrections.” Juniors, if you want to know about National Merit qualifying scores, please go to www.nationalmerit.org.
Tuesday, December 14 – Annual Alumni Lunch – Rhetoric School Students are encouraged to mingle with recent alumni during our Annual Alumni Lunch. Be sure to greet alumni in the Commons Area after you get your lunch.
- When: 12:30 – 1:30 P.M.
- Where: Commons Area
Tuesday, December 14 – Alumni Panel for Seniors – This is a great opportunity to learn from some recent CCS graduates about life after CCS and how God has worked in their lives during college. Seniors, we encourage you to come with some real-life questions to ask our panelists. If you need a pass to leave your elective that day, please see Mrs. McGinnis, College Counseling Assistant, to get one. Be sure to communicate with your elective teacher.
- When: 2:30 – 3:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
SENIORS – Please be sure that you are keeping Naviance up to date! Enter admissions decisions as you hear from colleges. Send scholarship offers to Ms. Smith. If you need to set up a practice interview, please schedule a meeting with her via Calendly.
Getting a NC Learner’s Permit during Christmas Break? If your child has successfully completed both the Driver’s Ed class and Behind the Wheel training, you will need a NC Driver Eligibility Certificate from CCS for your DMV appointment. The Driver Eligibility Certificate affirms that the student is in good academic standing at a North Carolina school. It is valid for 30 days. If you have a DMV appointment scheduled for a Learner’s Permit over the holidays or think you might schedule one, please email your DEC request to Mrs. Rhoades at [email protected] before December 15. CCS offices will be closed during Christmas Break.
Annual 200 Campaign – This year’s Annual Fund Campaign is well underway. Help us reach $200,000 by December 31 by going to your Veracross Parent Portal and clicking on the “Annual 200” button.
CPR Training – Rhetoric School Students, the Outdoors Club would like to host a CPR training class. Please use this link to indicate which date you would prefer!
Important Dates
Thursday, December 9 – Lacrosse Interest Meeting TODAY
- When: 4:15 P.M.
- Where: Field House Music Room
Varsity Boys’ Tennis Coach – It is my pleasure to announce John Mitchell as our Men’s Varsity Tennis coach this Spring. John recently retired from MetLife as an IT professional and is working in his family’s businesses, Amberly Local and HighCraft. He spent most of his career as a banker and a technology consultant. John is married to Dale, who taught 4th grade at CCS for 13 years and coached the girls’ varsity tennis team. His youngest daughter, Catherine, graduated in 2008 from CCS and played varsity tennis. He currently has four grandchildren attending CCS, with three more scheduled for 2022. In all, Dale and John have 22 grandchildren, all living in eastern NC. John graduated from Davidson College where he played 4 years of varsity tennis and one year of varsity soccer. He taught tennis each summer at the Davidson youth camps, ran the city tennis program in Statesville, and coached a boys’ 14-year-old team one summer, prior to his senior year. After college, John taught private tennis lessons on nights and weekends and has been a ranked player in NC.
Coaching Staff Needs
Varsity Track and Field Volunteers – We need volunteers who are former track and field athletes willing to work two to three days a week with our track team. Coach Mansy has a need for anyone with jumping, sprinting, or throwing experience. The season is from February 15 – May 21. Please contact Jeff Poore, [email protected] if you are interested in learning more.
Middle School Boys Tennis Head Coach – This spring sport’s practices and matches are Monday through Friday. This is a part time stipend-paid position. The season goes from February 15 – May 12. If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Jeff Poore, [email protected].
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).