
Featured Items

Rhetoric School
Career Connections
February 28

Logic School
Drama Production
March 5-6


Early Release
for Spring Break
March 7

What a blessing to show appreciation for church leaders represented by our families this week! They toured campus, enjoyed seeing students, and connected during lunch. 

Let Us Pray for Our Church Leaders

Dear Lord, your word says many things about faithfulness. We pray now for our church leaders that they will continue to be faithful to you and to your church. Help them to always seek your direction in their lives and the life of your church. We pray that they are faithful in all that they do, faithful to their commitments, faithful to their families, faithful to their staff, but most of all we pray that they are always faithful to you. Lord, help them to be faithful to proclaim your name in all the earth. We praise you for the upcoming event that we have to honor them on our campus. May you bless this special day and these whom you have called into your service. Amen.

— Adapted from

School-Wide Information


TOMORROW! – Friday, February 28 – Lost & Found (8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.) – Families may look for lost items under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in the hallway or gym bins, check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz.
Wednesday-Thursday, March 5-6 – Logic School Drama Production: MacBeth – Reserve your seats, click here, for this kid’s cautionary tale concerning greed, power, mayhem, and other current events. Share this link to invite guests. 
    • Where: Theater
    • When: 6:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.) 

Friday, March 7 – Early Release for Spring Break – Last Day of Classes for Quarter 3 – All-School Spirit Day – No My Hot Lunch Box or After-School Care programs will be provided. On Early Release Days, there is no lunchtime. Students need to bring a substantial snack and water bottle. 

Pick-up Times:

    • Grades 9-12: 11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
    • Grades K-8: 12:15-12:45 p.m.  

Monday-Friday, March 10-14 & March 17-21 – Spring Break (School Closed)



Spring Sports During Construction – Spring sports are underway! Due to the ongoing campus construction project, all spring teams will be playing off-site this season. We’ve teamed up with the Town of Cary, Town of Apex, USA Baseball, and local schools to provide our athletes with the space they need to train and compete. A big thank you to our coaches and parent volunteers for helping manage the challenges of playing away from campus. Locations for our “home” games this season can be found on the CCS Athletics page. Go Knights!

Lower School (K-5th)


TOMORROW! – Friday, February 28 – Grade 3 – Despereaux Day/Soup Feast – Third grade students will become rodents, princes, and princesses from the Kingdom of Dor for their annual Tale of Despereaux. They will feast on a variety of homemade soups while celebrating the wonderful, powerful, ridiculousness of love, hope, and forgiveness. After all, like Cook says, “There ain’t a body, be it mouse or man, that ain’t made better by a little soup.”

Wednesday, March 5 – Grade 1 – North Carolina Day – First graders are learning about the border states, the three different regions, and the many state symbols of North Carolina. They will finish their unit by enjoying a fun day full of activities that celebrate our great state.

Wednesday, March 5 – Grade 5 – National Latin Exam – This standardized exam is administered to all students in Grade 5 during the school day. Latin teacher, Mr. Barber, will help students prepare for the exam during class time. No at-home studying or preparations are needed.

Thursday, March 6 – Grade 2 – Egyptian Day – Second grade students will enjoy growing in their knowledge of Egypt by experiencing a special “Egyptian Day.” They will learn about mummification, hieroglyphics, and much more. These inquisitive students will also dress up as Egyptians, which makes this event even more special.




Upper School (6th-12th)


TODAY! –  Thursday, February 27 – Protocol Signups Open – Protocol is a long-standing tradition for Rhetoric School Juniors and Seniors. This year’s event is on Saturday, April 5, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at MacGregor Downs Country Club. Signups open on today and close on Friday, March 7. Parents, you will register your student through your Parent Portal. As you register, you agree to the behavior and attire expectations. For more details on the evening and attire, click here

Wednesday, March 5 – National Latin Exam – All 7th graders will take the National Latin Exam at 9:40 a.m. during Period 3. The exam will take approximately one hour. Make sure your student gets plenty of rest and eats well in the morning. Also, prepare a quick and easy snack to eat during the regular 5-minute break since we will not have a normal snack time. Students may review previous exams given by the teacher and notes from class as prep but need not spend more than 15-20 minutes doing so. There is no make-up exam, so make every effort to be well rested and present. 


SAVE THE DATE! – Saturday, April 12 (3:00-4:30 p.m.) – Eighth Grade Tea – This is a wonderful opportunity for our young ladies and gentlemen to prepare for the social events they will enjoy in Rhetoric School. Please plan for your student to attend! While registration will open after Spring Break, planning is underway, and we are looking for parents in Grades 7 and 8 to assist with volunteer roles the day of the event as well as eighth grade parents to serve on the planning committee. If you would like to volunteer in either of these capacities, email Ellen Wentz. A Signup Genius will be sent out after the two-week break for those wishing to prepare food or loan serving pieces. Additionally, click here to access the dress code guidelines. Spring break is a great time to get a jump-start on shopping for attire! 

College Counseling


TOMORROW! – Friday, February 28 – Career Connections – The panel for seniors is composed of alumni so that seniors can ask meaningful questions about college, career, and life on campus and after CCS. Grades 9, 10, 11 panels are composed of parents, and alumni are sprinkled in. We hope that students will appreciate learning about varied career options and paths.


Juniors – Use this link to select a time with Ms. Smith. Meetings are scheduled during the school day and are held in Ms. Smith’s office.

Seniors A few notes for you:

    • Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges.
    • When you receive scholarship offers, email those to Ms. Smith.
    • If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to discuss college admission decisions or do a practice interview for a scholarship, use this link to schedule your appointment.


– ARTS – 


Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for coaches to lead programs for the following sports: 

  • Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
  • Junior Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
  • Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
  • Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
  • Blue (Logic School) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
  • Gold (Logic School) Girls Field Hockey (Fall)
  • Blue (Logic School) Boys Basketball (Winter)

For more information, contact  Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.