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Be sure to secure your child’s seat for next year. You can access re-enrollment on your Veracross Parent Portal. The re-enrollment fee is $165 per student. Students re-enrolling after January 14, 2022, will be required to pay the enrollment fee of $575 per student and may lose their class seat priority. Follow these steps to re-enroll (they must be done in order):
- Log into the Veracross CCS Parent Portal.
- Click on the “Re-Enrollment” button at the top of the screen.
- Follow the prompts to complete the re-enrollment process.
- If your intention is to withdraw, you will need to click on the re-enrollment button to indicate this decision.
Important Re-Enrollment Notes:
- Late Re-Enrollment: Students re-enrolling after January 14, 2022, will be required to pay the enrollment fee of $575 per student and may lose their class seat priority.
- 2022-2023 Schedule of Tuition & Fees: This information is currently posted on the Parent Portal under “Policies.”
- Tuition Assistance: Information regarding Tuition Assistance is available HERE or on the Parent Portal under Policies.
- To Newly Enroll Siblings: To reserve a seat for the 2022-2023 school year for a newly enrolling sibling, complete and submit the Online Student Application. The application must be submitted by January 14, 2022, to ensure priority as a current family. The Enrollment fee is $475 per Kindergarten student and $575 for students grades 1-12.
- Questions? Please reach out to Margaret Finnegan ([email protected]) or Kevin Seitz ([email protected])
Sacramental Moments
Important Dates
Friday, January 14 – Online Re-Enrollment for 2022-2023 School Year Closes TOMORROW – Be sure to secure your child’s seat for next year. You can access re-enrollment on your Veracross Parent Portal. The re-enrollment fee is $165 per student. Check your Parent Portal for the Tuition and Fees Schedule (under “Policies”). Students re-enrolling after January 14, 2022, will be required to pay the enrollment fee of $575 per student and may lose their class seat priority.
Monday, January 17 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School closed.
Tuesday, January 18 – RESCHEDULED Lower School Convocation – January will focus on the biblical character of Respect. We desire to behave in a way that honors God and shows respect to each other. Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Thursday, January 20 – Prospective Family Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Campus
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, January 21 – Grammar School Spelling Bee
Sick Policy – When your child is not feeling well:
- Parents should notify the school by submitting the student absence in the Veracross Parent Portal.
- Keep your child home. Do not send the child to school.
- Do not give your child fever-reducing medication and then send him to school.
- The child must not return to school until he is free of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of contagious illness for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.
- If the child is diagnosed with an illness requiring antibiotics, he should not return to school for 24 hours following his first dose.
- If someone in your household tests positive for COVID, all students must quarantine until they have been released to come back to school by Amber Boger, RN.
- Remember to cancel your child’s My Hot Lunchbox order.
Veracross “Submit Student Absence” Button – Rather than emailing the main office, you may now go into your Veracross Parent Portal and submit your child’s absences (whether for illness, doctor’s appointment, or other family event). This submission will go directly to the main office and your child’s teachers.
Tutor List – If your child needs a tutor, go to your Veracross Parent Portal to access the Tutor List.
2022 – 2023 Yearly Calendar – Click here to access next year’s calendar.
Winter Coats – Now more than ever, our students need to be outside getting fresh air and vitamin D. Please remember to send a winter jacket with your child!
Important Dates
Friday, January 14 – Upper School House Day
Friday, January 14 – Online Re-Enrollment for 2022-2023 School Year Closes TOMORROW – Be sure to secure your child’s seat for next year. You can access re-enrollment on your Veracross Parent Portal. The re-enrollment fee is $165 per student. Check your Parent Portal for the Tuition and Fees Schedule (under “Policies”). Students re-enrolling after January 14, 2022, will be required to pay the enrollment fee of $575 per student and may lose their class seat priority.
Monday, January 17 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School closed.
Thursday, January 20 – Prospective Family Open House – Current families, invite your friends to come and hear about CCS. Registration is on our website!
- Where: CCS Campus
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Friday, January 21 – SSP Convocation – The Seniors are excited to share about their trip to Newport Tennessee with our Rhetoric school students and the Senior parents. Senior parents, we hope to see you there!
- When: 11:00 A.M.
- Where: Theater
Saturday, January 22 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance (9th-12th Graders) – Sign-ups have closed. We are excited for a fun night of dancing and fellowship!
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Gym
Tutor List – If your child needs a tutor, go to your Veracross Parent Portal to access the Tutor List.
Drivers Ed Update – Jordan Driving School will NOT offer a Driver’s Education class at CCS this school year. We hope to reintroduce JDS classes at CCS during next school year’s Fall Break, October 10-14, 2022.
Sick Policy – When your child is not feeling well:
- Parents should notify the school by submitting the student absence in the Veracross Parent Portal.
- Keep your child home. Do not send the child to school.
- Do not give your child fever-reducing medication and then send him to school.
- The child must not return to school until he is free of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of contagious illness for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.
- If the child is diagnosed with an illness requiring antibiotics, he should not return to school for 24 hours following his first dose.
- If someone in your household tests positive for COVID, all students must quarantine until they have been released to come back to school by Amber Boger, RN.
- Remember to cancel your child’s My Hot Lunchbox order.
Veracross “Submit Student Absence” Button – Rather than emailing the main office, you can now go into your Veracross Parent Portal and submit your child’s absences (whether for illness, doctor’s appointment, or other family event). This submission will go directly to the main office and your child’s teachers.
Dual Enrollment for 2022-2023 – As Cary Christian School continues to pursue academic excellence, we are looking for additional opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year. CCS has a long history of preparing our students well for their futures. Our expectation is that our students’ education should exceed state requirements. As such, we have earned and maintained a full accreditation through the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS). Considering current uncertainties with the SAT and ACT, our students are looking to us to continue to provide the necessary foundation for their futures. Both the Director of College Counseling and the Academic Dean receive an increasing number of requests to approve external Dual Enrollment and add AP Classes to allow our students to be more competitive for college applications. Students will often take college level courses elsewhere to add to their already attractive transcript, for two reasons: to be noticed by elite colleges and to begin earning college credits through dual enrollment (dual credit). Next year we will be offering some classes as dual credit. We will have a meeting towards the end of the year to present the program and potential courses that qualify for dual credit for Rhetoric School parents and students.
2022 – 2023 Yearly Calendar – Click here to access next year’s calendar.
9th Grade Literature – This quarter, we will read a survey of Greek Tragedy. We will evaluate the tragedies using Aristotle’s framework from his Poetics. While some of the stories may be unfamiliar to you, plays such as Oedipus the King and Antigone are ubiquitous in culture. As this quarter moves quickly and the plays are interactive, many of my previous students have stated that this is their favorite quarter of the course. It is not always easy, but wrestling with Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides will make the students better readers, writers, and learners.
Winter Coats – Now more than ever, our students need to be outside getting fresh air and vitamin D; please remember to send a winter jacket with your child!
College Counseling
Wednesday, January 26 – Junior Parent and Student College Counseling Meeting – Junior year is a very important year in the college application process. All Juniors and parents (at least one parent) are encouraged to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Music Room
Junior Student/Parent/College Counselor Meetings – You may book these meetings using Calendly (click here). Note: Meetings scheduled after school will only be done by Zoom. Meetings scheduled during the day will have the option of being in person and/or virtual. In preparation for the Junior Student/Parent/College Counselor Meeting, students need to complete the Rising Senior Survey and parents need to complete the Parent Brag Sheet.
9th Grade – Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
- What Is the highest good man can attain?
10th Grade – Selections from Aquinas
- What is more conducive to virtue (and happiness), the active or the contemplative life?
11th Grade – Thomas Arnold, “Rugby School – Use of the Classics”
- Why should we study the classical past?
12the Grade – Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”
- Can the founding principles of the nation be reconciled with the existence of slavery and the experience of the slaves?
Spring Sports Sign-Ups – All Logic School students interested in a spring sport need to sign-up by Mrs. Walsh’s desk (upstairs Commons Area). Sign-ups will end on January 21. Parents, please remind your students to sign-up.
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).