Featured Items

Logic School & Varsity
Baseball Tryouts
Jan. 18 & Feb. 1

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Holiday – No Classes
January 20

Rhetoric School
Snow Ball Dance
Jan. 25
Let Us Pray
2025-26 Enrollment
Thank you for re-enrolling your students. With 97% retention, we cannot think of a better year. There are seats open in several grades. Stepping onto our campus speaks for itself, so please share this tour link with prospective families.
School-Wide Information
Monday, January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School Closed
Monday, January 27 – “Raising Sturdy Kids” – Parent Event with Keith McCurdy – Click here to reserve seats for you and your guests through the Portal. Admission is free.
- Where: Gym
- When: 6:30-8:00 p.m. (General Admission – Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.)
- Note: Keith McCurdy will be on campus all day. In the morning, he will speak to our Upper School students about “Perception and What Shapes It.” That afternoon, he will meet with our staff and faculty to talk about “Understanding Your Audience.”
Monday, February 3 – “Honor A Teacher” Nomination Deadline By 5:00 p.m. – The Chamber of Commerce has announced its 25th year of the “Honor A Teacher” program among the 37 participating schools. They are seeking nominations now. To nominate an excellent teacher, click here, and be ready to describe why you believe he/she deserves this award.
Excellence in teaching – We know it when we see it. It can be the teacher who spends extra time with the students who need it most, or the teacher who is creative enough to inspire a real love of learning in a student. Perhaps it’s a teacher who cares enough to be involved with their students beyond the classroom. Whatever their methods, certain teachers make a real impact on students and their learning abilities.
Friday, February 7 – Deadline for 2025-26 Tuition Assistance Application – To learn more about the program and process, click here.
Wednesday, February 26 – Church Leaders Lunch – In the coming weeks, each student will have the opportunity to write a letter of appreciation to a pastor or other leader at their church. Those letters will be sent along with an invitation to attend our annual Church Leaders Lunch event. We are excited to welcome local church leaders to tour our campus, meet some of our students and administrators, and step into the classrooms to hear what our students are learning!
Lower School (K-5th)
Friday, January 24 – Grades 1 and 5 – Wright Brothers Presentation – Paul Carr visits our First and Fifth Graders to share the story of the Wright Brothers’ visit to Kitty Hawk in the early 1900s. He comes in costume as the character Wilbur Wright. Carr is a retired Air Force colonel and retired Delta International captain. He has had a life-long curiosity about the Wright Brothers and has been appearing as a Wilbur Wright story teller since 2002.
SAVE THE DATE! – Wednesday, February 5 – Grade 2 Assembly
- Where: Theater
- When: 10:30 a.m.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, January 22 – Senior Parent Meeting – Learn about the second semester senior year: academic, social, and commencement details. Then enjoy hearing from our Seniors about their SSP experience and watch the SSP video.
- Where: Theater
- When:
- 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Second Semester Senior year meeting
- 8:00-9:00 p.m. – SSP Experience presentation
BY TOMORROW! – Friday, January 17 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance Signups – Parents, be sure to sign your student(s) up for this special event. Signup on the Portal (or click here).
Saturday, January 25 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance – Get ready for this long-standing tradition by reviewing the dance information for planning your attire.
College Counseling
Saturday, January 25 – In-Home Practice ACT for Sophomores and Juniors – Use this opportunity to practice the ACT (registration link). The deadline to register is January 23. Once registered, you will receive a link from Compass Prep on Friday, January 24, to take the test.
Career Connections Database – Parents, would you be interested in sharing about your career with our Rhetoric School students on February 28 for Career Connection Day? We would love to have you participate! Complete this short form so that we know your field and position.
- Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges.
- Send Ms. Smith copies of scholarship offers as you receive them so she can enter your information into Scoir.
TOMORROW! Friday, January 17 – Entries Due for 2025 NCDOT Aviation Art Contest – This year’s theme is “Women with Wings.” Learn more on the NCDOT Division of Aviation’s art contest website.
Blakey Prize in Fine Art– This is an exclusive ACCS art competition with work due in April. Visit the contest website for information and to look at past winners. Let Mrs. Blanchard know if this is something you might be interested in submitting artwork for as there are guidelines. CCS can only enter two pieces. If we have more than two works to submit, administration will vote on the entries to represent CCS.
Varsity & Logic School Baseball Tryout Information –
- Location: USA Baseball National Training Complex Indoor Facility (280 Brooks Park Ln, Cary, NC 27519)
- Dates: January 18 and February 1
- Times:
- Varsity (2:00-2:45 p.m.)
- Logic School (2:45-3:30 p.m. )
Note: Players need to arrive 15 minutes early to warm up.
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
- Junior Varsity Football – Assistant Coach (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.