Featured Items
Sacramental Moments
At Lower School
Convocation, We Talked
About What it Means
to be Respectful.
Important Dates
Thursday, January 20 – POSTPONED: Prospective Family Open House – Due to the inclement weather, we have decided to postpone the open house to Thursday, February 3.
Friday, January 21 – POSTPONED: Grammar School Spelling Bee – Has been postponed to Friday, January 28.
Friday, January 28 – Lost and Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Tuesday, February 1 – Coffee Beans with the Deans – Come out and enjoy some coffee with Kevin Seitz and Diane Hillsgrove. They are excited to share with you about what’s happening on our campus and to hear any questions from you!
- When: 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
- Where: Music Room (2nd Floor of the Field House)
Tutor List – If your child needs a tutor, go to your Veracross Parent Portal to access the Tutor List.
Veracross “Submit Student Absence” Button – Rather than emailing the main office, you may now go into your Veracross Parent Portal and submit your child’s absences (whether for illness, doctor’s appointment, or other family event). This submission will go directly to the main office and your child’s teachers.
The Mis-Education of America – FOX Nation has partnered with ACCS to do a documentary on education in America, and the ways that Classical Christian Education gives answers to the many problems our education system is facing. The Classical Difference is offering an exclusive opportunity to get a 90-day free trial of FOX nation so you may watch the documentary. Go to nation.foxnews.com, choose “Start Your Free Trial,” enter your information, and use the Promo Code “CLASSROOM” at checkout.
Important Dates
Thursday, January 20 – POSTPONED: Prospective Family Open House – Due to the inclement weather, we have decided to postpone the open house to Thursday, February 3.
Friday, January 21 – POSTPONED: SSP Convocation – After the Senior Parent Meeting on February 2, the seniors will present their SSP Convocation for their parents. On February 25, the Rhetoric School will get to enjoy the SSP Convocation. This convocation is a very special convocation and with the uncertainty of the weather, we have chosen, what we believe to be, a better option for this convocation.
Saturday, January 22 – POSTPONED: Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance (9th-12th Graders) – Due to the projected weather this weekend, we are postponing Snow Ball to Saturday, February 5. More information was sent to parents via email. If this changes your plans for Snow Ball (either freeing you to attend or making it so you are now unable to attend), please email Diane Hillsgrove.
Thursday, January 27 – Senior Theme Day – PJ Day
Friday, January 28 – Lost and Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Tuesday, February 1 – Coffee Beans with the Deans – Come out and enjoy some coffee with Kevin Seitz and Diane Hillsgrove. They are excited to share with you about what’s happening on our campus and to hear any thoughts or questions from you!
- When: 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
- Where: Music Room (2nd Floor of the Field House)
Wednesday, February 2 – Senior Parent Meeting & SSP Convocation – Senior Parents, we would like to see at least one parent from each family join us. Come learn about what you you can expect for your child’s final semester here at Cary Christian School. You will hear from Kevin Seitz (Academics, College Counseling, & Graduation) and Diane Hillsgrove (Student Life). This is information you do not want to miss. The SSP Convocation will follow.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M. (meeting); 8:15 – 9:30 P.M. (SSP Convocation)
- Where: Theater
Veracross “Submit Student Absence” Button – Rather than emailing the main office, you can now go into your Veracross Parent Portal and submit your child’s absences (whether for illness, doctor’s appointment, or other family event). This submission will go directly to the main office and your child’s teachers.
Tutor List – If your child needs a tutor, go to your Veracross Parent Portal to access the Tutor List.
Drivers Ed Update – Jordan Driving School will NOT offer a Driver’s Education class at CCS this school year. We hope to reintroduce JDS classes at CCS during next school year’s Fall Break, October 10-14, 2022.
The Mis-Education of America – FOX Nation has partnered with ACCS to do a documentary on education in America, and the ways that Classical Christian Education gives answers to the many problems our education system is facing. The Classical Difference is offering an exclusive opportunity to get a 90-day free trial of FOX nation so you may watch the documentary. Go to nation.foxnews.com, choose “Start Your Free Trial,” enter your information, and use the Promo Code “CLASSROOM” at checkout.
College Counseling
Wednesday, January 26 – Junior Parent and Student College Counseling Meeting – Junior year is a very important year in the college application process. All Juniors and parents (at least one parent) are encouraged to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Music Room
Junior Student/Parent/College Counselor Meetings – You may book these meetings using Calendly (click here). Note: Meetings scheduled after school will only be done by Zoom. Meetings scheduled during the day will have the option of being in person and/or virtual. In preparation for the Junior Student/Parent/College Counselor Meeting, students need to complete the Rising Senior Survey and parents need to complete the Parent Brag Sheet.
Save the Date – College Admissions Panel – On Wednesday, February 16 from 7:00 – 8:30 P.M., a panel of College Admissions Representatives will answer questions. This event is open to all Rhetoric students and parents. More details to follow next week.
9th Grade – Nicomachean Ethics
- How can the idea of the mean help us approach ethical questions?
10th Grade – Dante’s Inferno
- What does it take to recognize and recover from disordered loves?
11th Grade – John Henry Newman The Idea of a University
- What is the purpose of a college education?
12th Grade – Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and “Second Inaugural Address”
- Why is the way America sees itself necessary to its preservation?
Spring Sports Sign-Ups – All Logic School students interested in a spring sport need to sign-up by Mrs. Walsh’s desk (upstairs Commons Area). Sign-ups will end on January 21. Parents, please remind your students to sign-up.
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).