Featured Items
Sacramental Moments

The Knights Podcast – Our final edition of the Knights Podcast for this Season One invites you into a conversation with Mr. Halbrook, Mr. Terhune, Mrs. Clarkson, and Class of 2022 Graduate, Alaina Smith. They discuss the challenges, values, and outcomes of our Senior Academic Capstone, the Senior Thesis! Alaina gives her perspective on the experience and discusses how through the process she learned what it looks like to engage in gracious dialogue with people with whom she disagrees. We hope you enjoy this episode, and that you have a great summer! Click here to listen.
2022 Valedictory Address
By Colin Massey
“The witch shook her head… ‘Put away all these childish tricks,’” she said. “‘There is no Narnia, no Overworld, no sky, no sun, no Aslan…. let us begin a wiser life tomorrow… without foolish dreams.’” In C.S. Lewis’s story, Puddleglum and his companions were slowly falling prey to her spell. They were prisoners in the underworld – deep below the Narnian soil. The witch claimed that her cavernous, dark underworld was the real world in an attempt to convince her prisoners that their Narnia was all a dream. (It wasn’t.) Read more.
Important Dates
Friday, May 27 – 1st-5th Grade End of Year Awards Assemblies and Last Day of School (Early Release) – We are looking forward to celebrating this beautiful year! Students will wear their dress uniform. Parents are encouraged to attend and take their students at the end of the Assembly.
- 1st-2nd Grade – 9:30-10:30 A.M. – CCS Gym
- 3rd-5th Grade – 11:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. – CCS Gym
Friday, May 27 – Last Day of School (1st – 5th Grade) – Early Release. No hot lunch. No After School Care.
- When: 12:15-12:45 P.M.
Summer Camps – There is still time to sign up! Go to your Parent Portal to access summer camp information and registration!
Summer Reading (Rising 3rd-5th Graders) – Click here to access the Lower School Summer Reading Program! We are excited to offer more opportunities for our students to engage with great books. Feel free to have your child read the books individually or read it as a family! When we return in the fall there will be class discussions and activities about their novel.
Important Dates
Tuesday, May 31 – Last Day to Request NC Driver’s Eligibility Certificate – The NC Learner’s Permit appointment at the DMV requires many documents, including the NC Driver Eligibility Certificate from school to attest to academic standing. For students who anticipate going to the DMV this summer to obtain a Learner’s Permit after finishing “Behind the Wheel” training, please request your NCDEC in advance by emailing our Upper School Receptionist, Kailyn Eskridge ([email protected]).
Summer Camps – There is still time to sign up! Go to your Parent Portal to access summer camp information and registration!
Summer Reading – Click here to access the Upper School Summer Reading Program! We are excited to offer more opportunities for our students to engage with great books. Feel free to have your child read the book individually or read it as a family! When we return in the fall there will be class discussions about their grade-specific novel.
2022-2023 Student Leadership – Our Upper School student leaders have been selected for the 2022-2023 school year, and we are excited to see what the Lord has in store for our student body! Click here to see who our student leaders will be.
College Counseling
Tuesday, May 31 and Wednesday, June 1 – Shifting to Scoir Informational Meetings (for Rising Seniors) – We are shifting College Admissions Software. Rising Seniors received Scoir access and a detailed email explaining the process. Please bring your questions and your laptop to the Commons Area. Be sure you watch the videos and read the material before you come.
- When: 10:00 – 11:00 A.M.
- Where: CCS Commons Area
Requesting a Letter of Recommendation – Rising Seniors, at your individual meetings, we discussed who you could ask for a letter of recommendation. Ideally it would be from a teacher in an 11th or 12th Grade “core class” (a class with a final exam). You should ask the teacher personally, by email and in person. Then you will follow up with a request in Scoir. Because of transitioning to Scoir, this process for all Rising Seniors is happening now.
Transitioning to Scoir for Rising Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors – Juniors and Junior parents will receive their access to Scoir next week. Underclassmen and parents of underclassmen will be onboarded to Scoir over the summer. We are starting with the rising Seniors since they will be the using Scoir as they make college and career decisions this fall.
Congratulations to our Spring All-State Athletes!
- Women’s Varsity Soccer – Caroline Bovenizer and Ashtyn Kelly
- Varsity Track and Field – James Callahan, Reid Holloway, and Griffin Van Vooren
Congratulations to our Spring All-Conference Athletes!
- Varsity Baseball – Jacob Cesarz, Josh Gooch, Reid Harvey; Honorable Mention – Will Howell
- Varsity Lacrosse – Michael Riccobene and Burke White; Honorable Mention – Jay Cole
- Women’s Varsity Soccer – Samara Athus, Giovanna Atti, Caroline Bovenizer, and Ashtyn Kelly
- Men’s Varsity Tennis – James Callahan, Noah Callahan, and Daniel Joo
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).