Featured Items
Sacramental Moments
3rd Grade is studying Norman Rockwell: They discussed how they see Christ as their true Freedom from Want.
Varsity Football is Heading to the State Championship! Wish them luck as they prepare for their game.
The 10th graders recently read On the Incarnation by Athenasius, learning about the power of Christ coming to earth!
Important Dates
Wednesday, November 10 – 2nd Quarter Midterm Reports Were Posted – Parents, check your Veracross Parent Portals to access your student’s midterm reports. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teachers by using their [email protected] (ex. [email protected]).
CANCELLED: Friday, November 12 – PTF Meeting
Friday, November 12 – All School Spirit Day – Let’s cheer on our Men’s Varsity Football as they head to Greenville for the State Championship Game! Go Knights! All students and teachers K-12 are invited to wear their Approved CCS Spirit Wear and jeans. Click here for the Non-Uniform Dress Code.
Friday, November 12 – Varsity Football Championships Fan Buses – If you are interested in attending the State Championship football game, please click here to sign up for a bus. Buses will return before midnight. Bring money for food! If there is not enough interest, the buses will not go. Students K-8 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Fee: $10/Adult; Students are Free
- When: 4:45 P.M.
- Where: Meet at the Front of School
Monday, November 15 – Monday, November 22 – Seniors Away on Their Senior Service Practicum – Pray for our seniors as they travel to Tennessee to minister to and serve the people of Newport.
Tuesday, November 16 – Board Meeting – The Board meeting that was scheduled for November 9 has been postponed to November 16. All Corporate Members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, November 19 – 4th Grade Planetarium Field Trip
Monday, November 22 & Tuesday, November 23 – 5th Grade Ocean Days
Tuesday, November 23 – Corporate Membership Renewal Bank Draft – To make the Corporate Membership Renewal as convenient as possible for our current families who pay their tuition via monthly bank drafts, a bank draft for the CCS Corporate Membership Fee will automatically pull from the account you have selected in your parent portal.
Wednesday, November 24 – Friday, November 26 – Thanksgiving Break – School Closed.
Thursday, November 25 – No Knightly News – Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Tutor Lists– If your child needs extra support on homework, please click here for our approved tutors list. Tutoring usually occurs in the Commons Area after school.
What to Do When Absent:
- School Health Policy – School health policy states that students must be “fever free” and “symptom free” for 24 hours after an illness, (e.g. if your child had a fever on Monday, he may not return to school on Tuesday). Please do not send sick children to school.
- Attendance Tracker – Parents can put in attendance for absent students or late arrivals (due to an appointment) by going here: Veracross Parent Portal > Submit Student Absence
- Class Website – If you have absent students, information is available on our class website to help track work that is missed. You can access the Monday letter, assignment sheet, and spelling list for the week. Our math textbook and Latin flashcards are also available. Access the class website by going here: Veracross Parent Portal > My Children > Classes and Reports > 4thGrade Class Website > Website
- Canceling My Hot Lunchbox – All meals can be cancelled up to 24 hours before a scheduled lunch. If you were unable to cancel a meal and would like to collect it from the school, please email [email protected] by 10:00 A.M.
Important Dates
Wednesday, November 10 – 2nd Quarter Midterm Reports Were Posted – Parents, check your Veracross Parent Portals to access your student’s midterm reports. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teachers by using their [email protected] (ex. [email protected]).
CANCELLED: Friday, November 12 – PTF Meeting
Friday, November 12 – All School Spirit Day – Let’s cheer on our Men’s Varsity Football as they head to Greenville for the State Championship Game! Go Knights! All students and teachers K-12 are invited to wear their Approved CCS Spirit Wear and jeans. Click here for the Non-Uniform Dress Code.
Friday, November 12 – Varsity Football Championships Fan Buses – If you are interested in attending the State Championship football game, please click here to sign up for a bus. Buses will return before midnight. Bring money for food! If there is not enough interest, the buses will not go. Students K-8 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Fee: $10/Adult; Students are Free
- When: 4:45 P.M.
- Where: Meet at the Front of School
Monday, November 15 – Monday, November 22 – Seniors Away on Their Senior Service Practicum – Pray for our seniors as they travel to Tennessee to minister to and serve the people of Newport.
Tuesday, November 16 – Board Meeting – The Board meeting that was scheduled for November 9 has been postponed to November 16. All Corporate Members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, November 19 – Convocation – The theme is “Go! The Great Commission.”
Tuesday, November 23 – Corporate Membership Renewal Bank Draft – To make the Corporate Membership Renewal as convenient as possible for our current families who pay their tuition via monthly bank drafts, a bank draft for the CCS Corporate Membership Fee will automatically pull from the account you have selected in your parent portal.
Wednesday, November 24 – Friday, November 26 – Thanksgiving Break – School Closed.
Thursday, November 25 – No Knightly News – Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
9th Grade – Plato’s Meno
- What is virtue?
10th Grade – Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy
- Why, philosophically speaking, does it make sense to identify God as the supreme source of goodness and happiness?
- If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow evildoers to prosper?
11th Grade – Selections from Milton’s Paradise Lost
- How does Milton use and challenge the conventions of the classical epic?
12th Grade – Selections from the Constitution, Federalist Papers, and Anti-Federalist writings
- How does representation itself and the differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate combine to refine and enlarge the will of the people?
- What was the original intent and function of the presidency?
College Counseling
Seniors – Before you leave for SSP, be sure to communicate with your parents about your college applications. It is recommended that Seniors give parents their email and college portal logins and passwords, since they may not have phones with them on SSP. Parents may then check for communication from colleges while you are gone. Parents, if something is needed please call or email Laura Smith.
Juniors – Please bring your charged laptop to Mr. Lederer’s class on November 16. We will be learning how to navigate through Naviance.
Tutor Lists – If your child needs extra support with homework, please click here for our approved tutors list. Tutoring usually occurs in the Commons Area after school.
Electives Changes for 2nd semester can be requested from November 29 through December 10. The elective change form can be found on the parent and student portals (under “Forms”). It should be PRINTED, completed, and turned to the basket at the Upper School front desk during this timeframe. All changes will be finalized prior to the beginning of 2nd Semester.
MathCounts Is Here! – Cary Christian now has a Chapter in the National Math Club for Middle School students. Mr. Bates will be leading the club using the MathCounts program materials. All Logic School students are invited to attend Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:15 P.M. in Mrs. Robinson’s room (209). We will meet every Wednesday afternoon in the second quarter.
What to Do When Absent:
- School Health Policy – School health policy states that students must be “fever free” and “symptom free” for 24 hours after an illness, (e.g. if your child had a fever on Monday, he may not return to school on Tuesday). Please do not send sick children to school.
- Attendance Tracker – Parents can put in attendance for absent students or late arrivals (due to an appointment) by going here: Veracross Parent Portal > Submit Student Absence
- Canceling My Hot Lunchbox – All meals can be cancelled up to 24 hours before a scheduled lunch. If you were unable to cancel a meal and would like to collect it from the school, please email [email protected] by 10:00 A.M.
Important Dates
Friday, November 12th – CCS Varsity Football Playoffs vs. John Paul II Saints – Watch live: GAME STREAMING LINK HERE.
- Fee: $10.00 Adults / Students and Children FREE
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: 2725 E. 14th Street, Greenville, NC 27858
Friday, November 12 – Varsity Swim Team Meet
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: The Epiphany School
Friday, November 12 – Saturday, November 13 – Varsity Basketball Teams Head to Asheville
- Friday – Asheville School
- Girls Varsity at 6:00 P.M.
- Boys Varsity at 7:30 P.M.
- Saturday – Asheville Christian School
- Girls Varsity at 2:00 P.M.
- Boys Varsity at 3:30 P.M.
- Friday – Asheville School
Winter Team Wear – We will be offering garments for sale with sport-specific logos for the winter sports season. These will be done by vendors we have used in the past as opposed to the one we used for fall sports. Go to the spirit store link Cary Christian School (promoplace.com). Ordering will be open through November 14. Orders will be placed on the 15th and expected to arrive on December 9. Items in this offering currently have deep stock, so we should not have many supply chain issues.
Do You Have a Flair for Decorating? We would love to put your skills to use. The staff is having their annual Christmas gathering on Wednesday, December 15 at 3:30 P.M. in the gym. If you are able to help decorate for this special occasion, please contact Kim Peele at [email protected].
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).