Featured Items

Yearbook on Sale
for Lowest Price

Worship Night
for K-12 Families
November 8

Rhetoric School
Hoedown Dance
November 9
Let Us Pray for Our School
Dear God, Thank you for looking after our school. Thank you that you love each and everyone of us here. Help us to learn, play, and share together, so that the wonderful world you have made becomes more beautiful everyday. Amen. (Unknown)
School-Wide Information
TOMORROW! November 1 – Reaffirm Your Covenantal Commitment – As a covenantal school, Cary Christian School’s enrollment policy requires that each parent review and sign the Corporation Membership on an annual basis. At least one parent or guardian of each child attending Cary Christian School must be a member of the Corporation. Click here to read and sign by November 1. (On November 15, everyone will be auto drafted their related fee.)
Friday, November 8 – Worship Night for K-12 Families – Let’s join in worship together! All K-12 students and parents are invited to attend this event that is led by our student worship team. Student testimonies will also be shared by Emmaline Russell, 12th grade, and Noah-Bell Yamamura, 11th grade.
- When: 7:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, November 12 – Monthly Board Meeting
- When: 5:30 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, November 13 – Fall Prospective Family Open House (5:00-7:00 p.m.) – Spread your love for CCS by inviting families to this special event where those who are curious or already serious about classical Christian education can meet our faculty and staff while perusing the classrooms and hallways. Please encourage them to register through the CCS website.
SAVE THE DATE! – Friday, November 22 – Operation Christmas Child – Upper and Lower School students will partner together to pack shoeboxes for the ministry of Operation Christmas Child. Click here for more about this event and for ways you can contribute. There are many opportunities to volunteer for this event! To sign up, through ParentSquare, click here. We are asking every student for a $20 monetary donation and a small gift item:
- Monetary donations will be used to make a bulk purchase of school supplies, hygiene items, and a ‘wow’ item for each box.
- Small gift item donations will be used to complete each box.
Donations can be made through your Parent Portal.
This Side of the Oak Tree – This week, the Leadership Team initiated a new, weekly email communication that highlights a topic for our school community. Our desire is to bring more clarity to how Cary Christian School functions. We begin with Afternoon Carpool by explaining how it is designed to flow with safety and efficiency.
2024-25 Yearbooks are Now on Sale for the Lowest Price – The CCS yearbook is on sale for $50.00. Order online before the price goes up on November 19. See below for information about how to run an ad in this edition, too!
Also, consider purchasing a yearbook ad! Funds go to support Community Development within our school. Contact: Ellen Wentz.
- Yearbook Ad (full-color) – Due by Wednesday, November 6
- Full-Page Ad – $350
- Half-Page Ad – $250
- Quarter-Page Ad – $150
- Yearbook Ad (full-color) – Due by Wednesday, November 6
Department Pages – Athletics – Log onto the Parent Portal and click on the button for Athletics. This is where several helpful tools are located for our athletes, parents of an athlete, or Knights’ fans.
- View/Subscribe to Calendar – Everyone can view or subscribe to any sports team’s schedule.
- Sports Info Guide – Each season, athletic families have quick access to the coaches list, evaluation and uniform fitting dates, athletic fees, practice times and locations, and how play time and playing up is handled.
- NCISAA Health Forms – This is where required forms for sports participation are available for download. Guidelines for Health and Safety as well as some other helpful links are provided.
- Spirit Store – Enjoy easy online purchasing for showing your school spirit! (This is also linked from the dashboard under FAQs.)
- Livestream – HUDL and YouTube are utilized to enjoy watching some of our competitions.
- Athletic Reminders and Current Sports Records – These are regularly updated throughout the given sports season.
Lower School (K-5th)
Wednesday, November 6 – Grade 4 Assembly – This is a special time for our fourth graders to take the stage and share what they have been learning. Parents are invited to join us for a reception after the assembly. You will enjoy seeing the students’ medieval costumes and learning some Latin derivatives. Early dismissal for fourth graders will occur after the reception.
- When: 10:30 a.m.
- Where: Theater
Co-Ed Indoor Soccer Clinic (Grades 4-5) – Registration Is Open Until November 12 – Want to get some additional training during the winter months when clubs are dormant? Join Coach Morgan and his staff for skills training and short-sided games inside a warm gym! The clinic will be held on Thursdays after school at Bethel Baptist Church. Students will meet at the gym door on the 3-5 hallway to change into athletic clothes and be bused over to Bethel. Students must be picked up from Bethel Baptist by 4:30 p.m. The cost is $150 per student for the 6 sessions. The dates are 11/14, 11/21, 12/12, 1/9, 1/16, and 1/23. Registration is through Veracross and opens 10/1. If you have additional questions, email Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics.
Boys Wrestling Clinic (Grades 3-5) – Registration Is Open Until November 12 – Join Coach Chris Sullivan, CCS parent and Head Varsity Wrestling Coach, for a 6-week clinic being held after school here at CCS. The cost is $125 per student. The dates are 11/12, 11/19, 12/3, 12/10, 1/14, and 1/21. The clinic will meet after school from 2:30-3:45 p.m. Pickup will be at the bell tower at 3:45 p.m. Registration is through Veracross and opens 10/1. If you have additional questions, email Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Saturday, November 9 – Rhetoric School Hoedown – Signup at Mrs. Walsh’s desk. Keep planning your outfit (modest attire, similar to dress-up days) and get ready for a fun night!
- When: 7:00-9:00 p.m.
- Where: Main Field
Now Until Friday, November 15 – Collections for Senior Service Practicum (SSP) – Set aside ANY cold weather items (blankets, coats, hats, gloves/mittens of all sizes, new socks) that you wish to give away for our “Coats for the Cold” collection for our annual trip to Tennessee. These items should be gently used and freshly laundered then bagged. Walmart gift cards are also greatly appreciated for purchases being made for those we serve.
UPDATE: We are working with the staff at Carson Springs to determine other items that will be helpful to the community as they have been impacted by Hurricane Helene.
Deliver your items, beginning after fall break, to these collection zones:
- Grades K-5: Mr. Shane Tharrington’s security desk
- Grades 6-12: Mrs. Diane Hillsgrove’s office
College Counseling
TOMORROW! November 1 – AP Exam-Only Registration Closes – Students who are NOT enrolled in AP classes may register to take AP Exams. Late fees will apply after tomorrow from College Board and CCS. Follow these steps:
- Use this link for Joining Codes.
- Students must register for AP Exams in their College Board account.
- Parents must pay on Veracross for the AP Exam Only.
- Refer to College Board for details – SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools
Students who are in AP Classes at CCS (AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics) are already registered and have paid for the corresponding AP Exam. No further action is needed from students in our AP Classes.
TOMORROW! – November 1 Deadline – Enrollment Registration for 2024-2025 Dual Credit Courses with Colorado Christian University Closes – For more information about dual credit and to register, visit this webpage. You will receive a Colorado Christian University student ID and confirmation email when your registration is successful. Also, the PowerPoint presentation from our recent Dual Credit Information Session with Mr. Seitz and Ms. Smith is available on the Parent Portal on the College Counseling department page. We hope you’ll take advantage of this information if you were unable to attend the session.
Monday, November 6 (Due by 8:00 a.m.) – Deadline for Juniors to Apply for the Governor’s School – You have about two weeks to apply for a CCS nomination for Governor’s School of North Carolina. Sophomores, if this intrigues you, there are limited opportunities in dance, choral music, and instrumental music. If you are interested in Governor’s School, be sure to follow these instructions: Click here. The application (Click here.) and essay must be printed and turned in by 8:00 a.m. on November 6.
November 13, Wednesday – Freshmen and Sophomore Students and Parents College Counseling Meeting – This meeting will cover pertinent information for freshmen and sophomores to be well prepared for the college application process. Both students and parents should attend.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
PSAT Results – Freshmen – The results from your practice PSAT through Compass Prep were emailed to you from Compass Prep this week. Check to see how you did.
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to review essays or get help with applications, schedule a meeting via Calendly.
Scholastic Art and Writing Competition – This is open now! Create an account then upload your artwork or written pieces. Click here for more information and to enter the contest.
Thursday, November 14 – Winter Sports Picture Day
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Girls Soccer (Spring) – Position Filled!
- Gold (MS) Girls Soccer (Spring)
- Varsity Track (Spring)
- Varsity Boys Tennis (Spring)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.