2025-2026 Tuition and Fees Schedule
Kindergarten $8,856 ($738/month)
Grades 1-12 $9,981 ($831.75/month)
Grades 1-12 Student Activity Fee $234 ($19.50/month)
Grades 1-12 Total $10,215 ($851.25/month)
CCS Corporate Membership Fee
Parents who intend to enroll a child or who presently have a child attending CCS are required to be members of the CCS Corporation and ascribe to the CCS By-Law and Statement of Faith. This fee is paid annually on a calendar year basis.
Individual $70
Family $100
New Students
Application Fee
New Student #1 $250
New Student #2 $200
New Student #3 $150
New Student #4 or more $100
- Reduced rates apply only when students in one family apply for the same year.
Enrollment Fee
Kindergarten $600
Grades 1-12 $700
I-20 Registration (non-US) $1,500
- Due two weeks from acceptance letter.
Current Students
Reenrollment Fee $210
- For new students enrolling mid-year, this fee will be due in order to reenroll for the next school year.
Late Reenrollment Fee $700
- This fee applies to students reenrolling after January 10, 2025. Current students who reenroll late will risk losing their seats.
Reenrollment Termination Penalty (RTP) $700
- This fee applies when a student withdraws between March 1 and April 30.
I-20 Reenrollment Fee $1,500
- This fee applies when a student withdraws between March 1 and April 30.
Important Notes
- Tuition payment schedules run monthly from May 1 through April 30 over twelve (12) months. If a student enrolls after May 1, their tuition will be spread over the remaining months in the draft schedule.
- Late enrollees are pro-rated on the number of days attending. The tuition balance must be paid in full by April 30.
- Students voluntarily withdrawn after April 30 and before October 31 will be obligated to pay tuition through October 31. For student voluntarily withdrawn after October 31, you will be obligated to pay tuition through the current month, plus a $700 withdrawal fee.
- Additional fees may apply for student specific activities (e.g., athletics, electives)
- There are NO REFUNDS of monies already paid in the case of student withdrawal. Please see the Parent Portal for withdrawal policy
- Any bank fees or charges incurred in processing tuition payments due to closure or lack of funds in family’s designated bank accounts will be charged to the family.