Featured Items

11th Grade
College Counseling
Meeting – August 21

August 28

Picture Days
August 30 & 31
Let Us Pray
We received news of a tragic wakeboarding/boating accident involving Wiley Sloan, a St. David’s 8th Grade student. He has undergone organ and limb surgeries. We ask our CCS community to lift him and his family in prayer through this difficult time.
Lord, grant to all athletes, coaches, and fans the strength to pursue excellence throughout our sports programs. We pray that you will instill Christlike sportsmanship and equip everyone to play for your glory and for the good of each team. Protect them from injury and harm. And finally, we pray that you would provide our school with the endurance to pursue our heavenly prize: eternal life in Your Son. Amen.
School-Wide Information
Friday, August 25 – Lost & Found – Each month, lost and found items are placed under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Families may look for lost items between 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Please Note: Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in hallway or gym bins, please check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
Monday, August 28 – GoPlaySave Kick-Off – Lower School students will bring home a GoPlaySave Coupon book filled with over $10,000 in savings from a variety of local businesses. This first book can be used as a sample in your sales efforts and/or be purchased by your first buyer! All students will bring home a Fundraising Letter with a QR code and step-by-step directions to set up your student’s online shop. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your child’s link. Online orders only (no cash/checks) and prizes for top sellers make this an easy and exciting fundraiser!
- Orders Due: Monday, September 18
- Books Delivered: Friday, September 22
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
- If you do not wish to participate (or if you only plan on purchasing and selling Mobile “Books”), please return the sample coupon book to your child’s teacher.
Early Release Day on Friday, September 1 – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Please click here to review the non-uniform day guidelines.
Tuesday, September 12 – Voting for Board Members – Eligible corporation members can expect to receive instructions for how to vote for board members in the upcoming board election. Please review the posted “23-24 Nominee Profiles” in your Veracross Parent Portal.
Tuesday, September 12 – Fall Corporation Meeting – All corporation members are invited to attend the September Corporation Board Meeting. Election results will be announced.
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
SAVE THE DATE for Homecoming Festivities on Friday, September 15th. You won’t want to miss this year’s annual homecoming event! Get ready to cheer on the Knights, enjoy food trucks, games for younger kids, and the alumni tent. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected]. Stay tuned for additional information.
SAVE THE DATE for this year’s 23rd Annual CCS Golf Classic – Monday, October 30th – Each year, friends of CCS lace up their spikes for a fun day on the links to support our amazing school! You can register a foursome or individually. The day will tee-off with breakfast from Chick-fil-A and then players will head to the courses to swing their way to victory. After a great day of fun and fellowship, players will check the results and wait expectantly to hear their name called as the winner of fabulous raffle prizes! More information to come in next week’s Knightly News. Registration will open Monday, August 28th. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected]
ParentSquare Tip – Show Your Appreciation:
As we all integrate ParentSquare into the life of the school, one of the fun aspects of it is being able to show your appreciation for posts. There are two ways to do this, either from your phone or when you are logged into the ParentSquare website. Here are two examples to show you where to click on the heart icon or “Appreciate.”
Generic phone and website samples:
Lower School (K-5th)
Tuesday, August 29 – Parents in Prayer Group – Please join us on the last Tuesday of each month (except December and May) for an opportunity to gather with Lower School parents and pray for the teachers, administrators, students, and families at Cary Christian School.
- When: 8:30 – 9:15 A.M.
- Where: Pavilion
Thursday, August 31 – Mark your calendars for Fall School Picture Day! – Lifetouch is coming to campus August 31 (Lower School K-5th) for our Individual School Picture Day. All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. School pictures make great gifts and keepsakes. Pre-purchase your individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. As always, Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Please check out the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
Early Release Day on Friday, September 1 – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Please click here to review the non-uniform day guidelines.
Lower School Athletic Development Programs – Our goal for Lower School sports at CCS is to cultivate a love for and teach the fundamentals of a sport. With that mission in mind, we have coordinated opportunities for 4th and 5th grade students to participate in local sports clinics with NetSports and TGA of Wake County. Click here for a flyer of all sports clinics being offered this fall. To register, email Jeff Poore ([email protected]).
Upper School (6th-12th)
Monday, August 21 – Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape – Please have your student at school before 8:00 A.M. We plan to take attendance, load the buses, and leave by 8:15 A.M. If your student is not attending the retreat, they will not come to school on Monday.
Wednesday, August 30 – Mark your calendars for Fall School Picture Day! – Lifetouch is coming to campus August 30 (Upper School 6th-12th) for our Individual School Picture Day. All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. School pictures make great gifts and keepsakes. Pre-purchase your individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. As always, Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Please check out the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
Early Release Day on Friday, September 1 – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Upper school students, please click here to refer to the non-uniform day guidelines.
SAVE THE DATE: October 9-13, 2023 – Jordan Driving School will offer CCS students an online Driver’s Education Class during our CCS Fall Break. To be eligible, students must be 14 ½ years old or older by October 9. Cost is expected to be $65. Online registration and payments will be handled through Jordan Driving School’s website, but registration is not yet available. Stay tuned to The Knightly News in September for more details.
7th & 12th Grade Students – Proof of Immunizations by September 1st – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state-approved exemptions), you will have until September 1st to become compliant, according to NC law, or your student may not return to school until this is complete.
AP and Dual Enrollment Meeting – 10th and 11th Grade families – Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 P.M. in the Theater. At this meeting, we will discuss AP Exam only and Dual Enrollment, two separate topics. Ms. Laura Smith will also talk about why CCS only offers a certain number of AP classes.
9th Grade: Plato’s “Theaetetus” – What is truth? How can we know it when we see it?
10th Grade: Augustine’s Confessions – What is the fundamental human problem?
11th Grade: Giambattista Vico’s “On the Proper Order of Studies” – What is the purpose of education?
12th Grade: Plato’s Republic – How has Justice been defined throughout history?
College Counseling
Monday, August 21 – 11th Grade College Counseling Meeting for Juniors and Parents of Juniors – This is one of two very important meetings during the Junior year. Junior year is a critical year from a college application perspective. Ms. Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover relevant information for parents and students regarding Junior year.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
- Where: Theater
Monday, August 21 – Seniors, your transcript change requests are due.
Seniors – To schedule meetings via Calendly with Ms. Laura Smith, please use this link.
Baseline Concussion Testing – Parents of fall athletes should have received an email last week with instructions for baseline concussion testing through SWAY. If you did not receive the email, or have any questions, please reach out to Jeff Poore ([email protected]).
Lower School Athletic Development Programs – Our goal for Lower School sports at CCS is to cultivate a love for and teach the fundamentals of a sport. With that mission in mind, we have coordinated opportunities for 4th and 5th grade students to participate in local sports clinics with NetSports and TGA of Wake County. Click here for a flyer of all sports clinics being offered this fall. To register, email Jeff Poore ([email protected]).
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).