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Sacramental Moments
The Knights Podcast
Dave Lederer & Micah Terhune – Connecting the Mind of Theology with the Heart
Welcome back to the Knights Podcast!! We are so excited for season two! Today we have the incredible opportunity to dive into Theology with Mr. Lederer and Mr. Terhune (our Rhetoric School Theology teachers). They are diving into discipleship in the Upper School, connecting their subjects to the hearts of their students, and building relationships with the young men and women in their classes! Click here to listen.
Important Dates
Friday, August 26 – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded.
Friday, August 26 – Lower School Convocation
Wednesday, August 31 – Lower School Picture Day – All students Grades K-5 will be photographed. Wear CCS Dress Uniform and your smile all day on 8/31! Lifetouch Picture Order Forms will be sent home with students in their Monday Folders on Monday, August 22. Photos may be ordered using the paper form or online.
- Order online: mylifetouch.com
- Cary Christian School Picture Day ID: EVT6FH4F2
Visitors – During school hours, all visitors must check in at the front desk. Students and faculty may not allow visitors in through the side/back doors.
Annual Golf Tournament Registration Opens on August 22 – SAVE THE DATE for the 22nd Annual CCS Golf Classic on Monday, October 24! Each year, friends of CCS put on their spikes for a fun day on the links to support our amazing school! The day will kick-off with breakfast before players head to the courses for a shotgun start with a captain’s choice format. After a great day of fun and fellowship, players will check the results and listen for the fabulous raffle prize winners! A save the date with links to sponsorship information was sent home in Lower School Monday folders this week. Registration will open next Monday, August 22. Look for the link on the Veracoss home page and in next week’s Knightly News. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
Dance and Movement Clinic – A dance class open to all 1st to 3rd graders for both new and experienced dancers to explore the art of dance and movement through ballet, improvisation, and interactive dance-based games. This clinic will introduce students to multiple styles of dance in a safe, fun, and lowkey environment. We will meet every Tuesday and Thursday in September (6-29) from 2:45-3:45. The cost is $100 per dancer for the whole 8-class session. More details and information to register are included in a flyer in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader’s Monday folder.
GoPlaySave Fundraiser Benefitting CCS Students, Families, Faculty, and Staff – If you haven’t done so already, use this link to set up your student’s online store. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your student’s link. Online orders only (no cash/checks). There are prizes for top sellers. Lower School families – If you decide to purchase the coupon book that your child brings home on Monday and therefore do not need a coupon book delivered to you in September, please indicate “Sample book purchased. No additional book needed.” in the Order Notes when you pay online.
- Orders Due: Monday, September 12
- Books Delivered: Week of September 19
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
Important Dates
Friday, August 26 – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded.
Thursday, September 1 – Upper School Picture Day – All students Grades 6-12 will be photographed. Wear CCS Dress Uniform and your smile all day on 9/1! Lifetouch Picture Order Forms will be sent home with students on Monday, August 22. Photos may be ordered using the paper form or online.
- Order online: mylifetouch.com
- Cary Christian School Picture Day ID:EVT6FH4F2
Fall Retreat – We are praying for a great Rhetoric School Fall Retreat, and we cannot wait to hear from our students and faculty when they get back!
Visitors – During school hours, all visitors must check in at the front desk. Students and faculty may not allow visitors in through the side/back doors.
Annual Golf Tournament Registration Opens on August 22 – SAVE THE DATE for the 22nd Annual CCS Golf Classic on Monday, October 24! Each year, friends of CCS put on their spikes for a fun day on the links to support our amazing school! The day will kick-off with breakfast before players head to the courses for a shotgun start with a captain’s choice format. After a great day of fun and fellowship, players will check the results and listen for the fabulous raffle prize winners! A save the date with links to sponsorship information was sent home in Lower School Monday folders this week. Registration will open next Monday, August 22. Look for the link on the Veracoss home page and in next week’s Knightly News. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
GoPlaySave Fundraiser Benefitting CCS Students, Families, Faculty, and Staff – If you haven’t done so already, use this link to set up your student’s online store. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your student’s link. Online orders only (no cash/checks). There are prizes for top sellers.
- Orders Due: Monday, September 12
- Books Delivered: Week of September 19
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
9th Grade – Heraclitus – What is Truth, and how do we know it when we see it?
10th Grade – Augustine’s Confessions – What does it mean to have rightly ordered loves?
11th Grade – Giambattista Vico’s “On the Proper Order of Studies” – What is the purpose of education?
12th Grade – Plato’sRepublic – Is justicealwaysmore profitable than injustice?
College Counseling
Thursday, September 1 – Deadline for PSAT/NMSQT Registration for Sophomores and Juniors – CCS will administer the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday, October 12, on campus. The $25 fee is due by September 1, a late fee of $15 will apply after this date. The test will run from 8:00 A.M. – 12:15 P.M.
- All 11th Graders Should Take the PSAT/NMSQT – While this test is a practice SAT (PSAT), it is also the qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship (NMSQT).
- 10th Graders May Take the PSAT – While it is the exact same test that the Juniors take, Sophomores take the test for practice. It does not qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Ms. Smith advises Sophomores to take it to gain experience and as a baseline.
Helpful Links for the PSAT/NMSQT:
RESCHEDULED: Sophomore Parent Meeting – The Sophomore Parent Meeting that was scheduled in September will now be held on Wednesday, October 19 at 7:00 P.M. in the Theater.
NC State Park Scholarship Update – Seniors, are you interested in being a Park Scholar? Here is a Park Scholarship application process update: School Endorsements are no longer part of the application process. All highly qualified students must apply by Nov. 1. Students click here to begin their applications.
UNC Morehead-Cain Scholarship – If you are interested in being a school nominee for Morehead-Cain, those applications are due Monday, August 29, at 8:00 A.M. to Ms. Smith.
Collaborative Help Sessions for the Park and Morehead-Cain Scholarship Applicants – Wednesday mornings in Ms. Smith’s office. Schedule via Calendly.
Wednesday, August 31 – Team Pictures – Pictures will begin at or after 1:30 P.M. A detailed schedule will be posted in The Knightly News on Thursday, August 25. To order packages for individual or team pictures please go to Mylifetouch.com and use picture day ID: EVTNXV9D4.
Athletic Fees – If your student has signed up to play a fall sport, you will be invoiced and drafted on Friday, September 30. You will receive an email with further instructions next week. If you have any special needs regarding this payment, please contact the athletic office ([email protected]).
The carychristianathletics.com page is no longer active – All information can be found on your Veracross Parent Portal (under Athletics).
Athletic Bulletin Board (Instructions) – We have an addition to the Parent Portal called the Athletic Bulletin Board. Click on the Athletics button at the top of the Parent Portal. Once there, you will find current information for athletics. Special Buttons:
- Access ALL Games, Meets, and Matches in a calendar format through the “CCS Athletics Calendar” button.
- Subscribe to Individual Sports Calendars – The second button links you to a page where you may subscribe to the entire schedule of a particular team. You may also copy that link and share it with family and friends.
- Varsity Records and Calendars – Schedules, team records, and stats are listed in MaxPreps (this link can also be found on the Athletics Page of the Parent Portal).
- Logic School Gold Team Records and Sports Calendars – Gold schedules are managed on the CAMSC Website.
- Logic School Blue Team Schedules – Blue Team Schedules are found on the Veracross Calendar (found on your Parent Portal).
Coaching Needs for This School Year – These are stipend paid positions. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics at [email protected].
- Varsity Boys Lacrosse
- Middle School Boys Lacrosse
- Middle School Girls Soccer
- Middle School Boys Tennis
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).