Featured Items

August 28

Picture Days
August 30 & 31

Golf Classic
Registration Opens
August 28
Let Us Pray
Dear Lord, We pray for our 2023 graduates who are stepping into a new season on a college campus this year. Help them with all of the logistics of finding their classes, meeting professors, and getting moved into housing. Surround them with friends who will challenge them to walk more closely with you and guide them to a church where they can serve you while at college. Help each student to work hard, to study well, and to use his/her time to develop skills and gifts for your purposes. As they encounter new challenges, help them love you with their whole heart. As they hear different philosophies, help them love you with their whole mind. As the enemy prowls around tempting them with all manner of worldliness, help them love you with all their strength. Give each one the courage to follow you and glorify you where you’ve placed them. Amen.
School-Wide Information
Carpool Traffic – Everyone can expect heavier traffic next week as public schools begin their year. We advise allowing some extra commute time to remain punctual and avoid student tardies.
Friday, August 25 – Lost & Found – Families may look for lost items between 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in the hallway or gym bins, please check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
Monday, August 28 – GoPlaySave Kick-Off – All students will bring home a Fundraising Letter with a QR code and step-by-step directions to set up your student’s online shop. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your child’s link. Lower School students will also bring home a GoPlaySave Coupon book filled with over $10,000 in savings from a variety of local businesses. This first book can be used as a sample in your sales efforts and/or be purchased by your first buyer! Online orders only (no cash/checks). Prizes for top sellers make this an easy and exciting fundraiser!
- Orders Due: Monday, September 18
- Books Delivered: Friday, September 22
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
- If you do not wish to participate (or if you only plan on purchasing and selling Mobile “Books”), please return the sample coupon book to your child’s teacher.
Early Release Day on Friday, September 1 – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Please click here to review the non-uniform day guidelines. No My Hot Lunch or After-School Care programs will be provided. Lower School parents – Only provide snacks for your children that day.
Grades 9-12: 11:45 A.M.
Grades K-8: 12:15 P.M.
Monday, September 4 – No school for Labor Day holiday
Monday-Tuesday, September 11-12 – Voting for Board Members – Eligible corporation members can expect to receive instructions for how to vote for board members in the upcoming board election. Please review the posted “23-24 Nominee Profiles” in your Veracross Parent Portal.
Tuesday, September 12 – Fall Corporation Meeting – All corporation members are invited to attend the September Corporation Board Meeting. Election results will be announced.
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Art Contest – Friday, September 29 deadline – All students (K-12) are invited to participate in our first ever Christmas Card Art Contest. Students will submit designs focused on the theme “A Classical Christmas.” Artwork will focus on an architectural feature of a campus building or structure of the school and any other Christmas elements that the artist would like to add. Entries are due by the end of the school day on Friday, September 29. The winner’s art will be featured on this year’s school Christmas card, and he or she will also receive $25 to the CCS school spirit store. Click here for more details.
SAVE THE DATE for Homecoming Festivities on Friday, September 15. You won’t want to miss this year’s annual homecoming event! Get ready to cheer on the Knights, enjoy food trucks, games for younger kids, and the alumni tent. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected]. Stay tuned for additional information.
SAVE THE DATE for this year’s 23rd Annual CCS Golf Classic – Monday, October 30 – Each year, friends of CCS lace up their spikes for a fun day on the links to support our amazing school! You can register a foursome or individually. The day will tee-off with breakfast from Chick-fil-A, and then players will head to the courses to swing their way to victory. After a great day of fun and fellowship, players will check the results and wait expectantly to hear their name called as the winner of fabulous raffle prizes! Click here for sponsorship information. Registration will open Monday, August 28, through the Parent Portal. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
Artsonia – All Students – Families, this is a reminder that the Art Department partners with Artsonia to share your student’s work with you. If you are not already linked to your student’s gallery, you should be receiving a link from Artsonia to connect you to your child’s account. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it. A flyer will also be coming home in Monday folders with more information and who to contact if you have any questions. If you experience a mismatch of your student’s name and artwork, please email Mrs. Marcie Blanchard.
Lower School (K-5th)
Tuesday, August 29 – Parents in Prayer Group – Please join us on the last Tuesday of each month (except December and May) for an opportunity to gather with Lower School parents and pray for the teachers, administrators, students, and families at Cary Christian School.
- When: 8:30 – 9:15 A.M.
- Where: Pavilion
Thursday, August 31 – Reminder for Lower School Individual School Picture Day – All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. Pre-purchase individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Refer to the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, August 30 – Reminder for Upper School Individual School Picture Day – All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. Pre-purchase individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Refer to the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
“Thank you!” to all of the parents, staff, and faculty who supported last week’s Rhetoric School retreat at Camp Sea Gull and this week’s 8th Grade retreat at Camp Agape. Your encouragement and prayers were essential to making these events a special time for our students. Class photos will be shared soon through ParentSquare (and StudentSquare).
AP and Dual Enrollment Meeting – 10th and 11th Grade Families – Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 P.M. in the Theater. At this meeting, we will discuss Advanced Placement (AP) Exam only and Dual Enrollment. Ms. Laura Smith will also talk about which AP classes are available at CCS.
9th Grade: C.S. Lewis, “On the Reading of Old Books” – Why should we read old books? How can they help us discern truth?
10th Grade: Augustine, Confessions – What does it mean to rightly order our loves? What is the goal of self-examination and confession?
11th Grade: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan – Why do we have government? John Locke, “Second Treatise of Civil Government” – Is it ever right to revolt against the government?
12th Grade: Plato, Republic – Is justice always more profitable than injustice? How should we educate leaders to be virtuous?
College Counseling
October 19 (8:00 – 11:00 A.M.) – All Sophomores and Juniors will take the Digital Adaptive PSAT in school. All Freshmen will take a Digital Adaptive Practice PSAT in school to get familiar with the digital format. All students are required to bring a charged laptop. More details will be communicated closer to the date.
Helpful Links:
Lunchtime College Visits – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors – Come engage with college reps and learn about the educational opportunities on their campuses. Inquire about majors, scholarships, internships, and more. This is a drop-in event in the Commons Area during your lunchtime. Sign up via Scoir. Parents are welcome, too!
- Wednesday, September 6
- The University of Alabama
- Temple University
- Thursday, September 7
- Furman University
UNC Morehead-Cain or NC State Park Scholarships – Seniors, are you interested in being a Morehead-Cain or a Park Scholar? There is still time to self-nominate. Students should meet with Ms. Smith by September 7 to understand the process and deadlines. It takes a great deal of time and effort to create an effective, strong, and competitive application. Ms. Smith will guide you through the process. The application due dates are October 1 and November 1 respectively.
Seniors – To schedule meetings via Calendly with Ms. Laura Smith, please use this link.
– ARTS –
Art Contest – Friday, September 29 deadline – All students (K-12) are invited to participate in our first ever Christmas Card Art Contest. Students will submit designs focused on the theme ‘A Classical Christmas.’ Artwork will focus on an architectural feature of a campus building or structure of the school and any other Christmas elements that the artist would like to add. Entries are due by the end of the school day on Friday, September 29. The winner’s art will be featured on this year’s school Christmas card, and he or she will also receive $25 to the CCS school spirit store. Click here for more details.
Artsonia – All Students – Families, this is a reminder that the Art Department partners with Artsonia to share your student’s work with you. If you are not already linked to your student’s gallery, you should be receiving a link from Artsonia to connect you to your child’s account. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it. A flyer will also be coming home in Monday folders with more information and who to contact if you have any questions. If you experience a mismatch of your student’s name and artwork, please email Mrs. Marcie Blanchard.
Fall Sports Games – Join us for a home athletics game and cheer on your CCS Knights! Click here for a schedule of all fall sports games.
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).