Featured Items
Sacramental Moments
The Knights Podcast
Tom McMahon – Stoicism and Christianity?
We generally know what it means when we say that someone seems “stoic.” But what is stoicism really? How can it point us to truth? How does it fall short? Tom McMahon dives into these questions and discusses this school of philosophy and how he teaches it to 9th Graders! Listen here!
Important Dates
Friday, August 26 – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded.
Friday, August 26 – Lower School Convocation – For the month of August, we are encouraging our students toward the biblical character trait of responsibility. Responsibility is doing something to the best of our ability. Doing a job well is a way to show responsibility. We will be looking for ways we can be responsible at home, at school, and on the playground. Whatever you do…do it well! (Colossians 3:23)
Wednesday, August 31 – Lower School Picture Day – All students Grades K-5 will be photographed. Wear CCS Dress Uniform and your smile all day on 8/31! Lifetouch Picture Order Forms were sent home with students in their Monday Folders on Monday, August 22. Photos may be ordered using the paper form or online.
- Order online: mylifetouch.com
- Cary Christian School Picture Day ID: EVT6FH4F2
Friday, September 2 – Full Day of Classes – Because of the way the calendar falls, the day before Labor Day weekend is NOT an early release. This is different from previous years.
Monday, September 5 – Labor Day – School Closed! Enjoy your long weekend!
Wednesday, September 7 – Midterm Progress Reports Posted – You will be able to access your students’ Midterm Progress Reports on your Veracross Student and Parent Portals after 4:00 P.M.
Board Nominee Profiles – Please check your Parent Portal under “Corporation,” for this year’s Board Nominee Profiles. More information on the election process will come in next week’s Knightly News and in the Monday Folders.
Save the Date – Movie Night – Saturday, September 10, is the date for our annual movie night. We cannot wait to see you there! Look for more information in next week’s Knightly News.
HR Manager Opening – Do you know a brother or sister in Christ who has HR experience? CCS has an exciting opening for a Payroll & Benefits Manager. Please visit our website to view job requirements and required qualifications.
GoPlaySave Update – Week 1 Top Sellers received a Fresh. Local Ice Cream gift card (Jackson Helms: Kindergarten, Anna Bechtold: Grade 3, Garrett Bevins: Grade 12). If you haven’t done so already, use this link to set up your student’s online store. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your student’s link. Online orders only (no cash/checks). There are prizes for top sellers.
- Orders Due: Monday, September 12
- Books Delivered: Week of September 19
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
- Lower School Families – If you wish to purchase the sample book sent home on Monday, please indicate that in the online Order Notes. If you do not wish to participate, please return the sample coupon book to your child’s teacher.
Important Dates
Friday, August 26 – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded.
Thursday, September 1 – Upper School Picture Day – All students Grades 6-12 will be photographed. Wear CCS Dress Uniform and your smile all day on 9/1! Lifetouch Picture Order Forms were sent home with students on Monday, August 22. Photos may be ordered using the paper form or online.
- Order online: mylifetouch.com
- Cary Christian School Picture Day ID: EVT6FH4F2
Friday, September 2 – Upper School Convocation
Friday, September 2 – Full Day of Classes – Because of the way the calendar falls, the day before Labor Day weekend is NOT an early release. This is different from previous years.
Monday, September 5 – Labor Day – School Closed! Enjoy your long weekend!
Wednesday, September 7 – Midterm Progress Reports Posted – You will be able to access your students’ Midterm Progress Reports on your Veracross Student and Parent Portals after 4:00 P.M.
Volunteer Opportunity! We need two volunteers for our Upper School Picture Day on Thursday, September 1, from 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. If you’d like to volunteer, please email Lynanne Rhoades.
Retreat Photos – Rhetoric School Parents and Students, you can access photos from the retreat on your Parent Portal!
HR Manager Opening – Do you know a brother or sister in Christ who has HR experience? CCS has an exciting opening for a Payroll & Benefits Manager. Please visit our website to view job requirements and required qualifications.
Board Nominee Profiles – Please check your Parent Portal under Corporation, for this year’s Board Nominee Profiles. More information on the election process will come in next week’s Knightly News and in the Monday Folders.
GoPlaySave Update – Week 1 Top Sellers received a Fresh. Local Ice Cream gift card (Jackson Helms: Kindergarten, Anna Bechtold: Grade 3, Garrett Bevins: Grade 12). If you haven’t done so already, use this link to set up your student’s online store. Share your student’s custom URL with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will receive an email each time someone purchases through your student’s link. Online orders only (no cash/checks). There are prizes for top sellers.
- Orders Due: Monday, September 12
- Books Delivered: Week of September 19
- Mobile “Books”: Activation Codes are sent directly to buyers via email
- Upper School Families – Your child received an information sheet on Monday! Use the link above to set up their account. Seniors, every book you sell gives 50% of your proceeds towards your SSP trip!
Save the Date – Movie Night – Saturday, September 10, is the date for our annual movie night. We cannot wait to see you there! Look for more information in next week’s Knightly News.
9th Grade – CS Lewis, “On the Reading of Old Books”
- What is Truth, and how do we know it when we see it?
10th Grade – Augustine’s Confessions
- What is the goal of self-examination and confession?
- Why do we try to satisfy our longing for God with other things?
11 Grade – Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan, John Locke on politics
- Why do we have government?
- Is it ever right to revolt against the government?
12th Grade – Plato’s Republic
- How should we educate leaders?
- How can a person be virtuous?
College Counseling
Thursday, September 1 – PSAT/NMSQT URGENT Deadline – All Sophomores and Juniors must register for the PSAT/NMSQT by September 1. CCS will administer these tests in the Gym on Wednesday, October 12 (over Fall Break). Helpful Links for the PSAT/NMSQT:
College Visits – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors – Please stop by the pavilion during your lunchtime. This will give you an opportunity to gather information about these colleges. Parents are welcome!
- Wednesday, September 7 – University of North Carolina at Asheville
- Thursday, September 8 – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
NC State Park Scholarship Update – Seniors, are you interested in being a Park Scholar? Here is a Park Scholarship application process update: School Endorsements are no longer part of the application process. All highly qualified students must apply by Nov. 1. Students click here to begin their applications.
UNC Morehead-Cain Scholarship – If you are interested in being a school nominee for Morehead-Cain, those applications are due Monday, August 29, at 8:00 A.M. to Ms. Smith.
Collaborative Help Sessions for the Park and Morehead-Cain Scholarship Applicants – Wednesday mornings in Ms. Smith’s office. Schedule via Calendly.
Did you miss the Senior or Junior College Counseling meetings? The PowerPoints can be found on the appropriate College Counseling Page in Veracross. To find them, go to your Parent Portal, click “Academics” from the menu bar, and then click on the appropriate grade.
Wednesday, August 31 – Team Pictures – Pictures will begin at 1:45 P.M. To order packages for individual or team pictures please go to http://mylifetouch.com/ and use picture day ID: EVTNXV9D4.
- 1:45 P.M. – Blue Boys Soccer
- 2:00 P.M. – Gold Boys Soccer
- 2:15 P.M. – Logic School Cross Country
- 2:30 P.M. – Blue Girls Volleyball
- 2:45 P.M. – Gold Girls Volleyball
- 3:00 P.M. – Varsity Girls Tennis
- 3:15 P.M. – Varsity Cross Country
- 3:30 P.M. – Logic School Field Hockey
- 3:45 P.M. – Varsity Field Hockey
- 4:00 P.M. – JV Volleyball
- 4:15 P.M. – Varsity Volleyball
- 4:30 P.M. – JV Football
- 4:45 P.M. – Varsity Boys Soccer
- 5:00 P.M. – Varsity Football
Athletic Fees – If your student has signed up to play a fall sport, you will be invoiced and drafted on Friday, September 30. You should have received an email last week with instructions. If you have any special needs regarding this payment, please contact the athletic office ([email protected]).
- Varsity/JV Sports: $250
- Logic School Sports: $225
Live Streaming – Varsity and Junior Varsity Games and Matches are now available at the CCS You Tube Channel. Follow this LINK.
Use this link to share our Athletic Calendar with family and friends!
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).