
Featured Items

Fall Sports
Picture Day
August 14

Rhetoric School Retreat
Camp Seagull
August 16 – 18

8th Grade Retreat
Camp Agape
August 21

We are overjoyed to welcome 100 new students and their families into our school community! Let’s pray for them to feel welcome and at home:

“Lord, you have brought a new set of families into this school. We thank you for the opportunity to demonstrate your radical hospitality and love toward them. Allow them peace of mind through this new school transition. We ask you to help us, as a school community, guide these parents and students as they learn new routines, navigate the hallways, and adapt to the CCS culture. May you help them feel connected to their new school by developing strong relationships with teachers and finding meaningful friendships. Most of all, Lord, we ask that you allow each of these families to know that their children are in a safe place, getting a great education that honors you. Amen.”

School-Wide Information


Tuesday, August 8 – Board Meeting – All corporation members are encouraged to attend.  

    • When: 5:00 P.M. (revised time)
    •  Where: Theater 


My Hot Lunchbox deliveries begin Monday, August 7th – Lower School students (K-5th) are eligible to order on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Upper School students (6th-12th) are eligible to order Monday-Friday. Parents can find a link to order lunch on their Veracross Parent Portal under important school info. The deadline for an order is noon the day prior to each delivery day, and changes can be made through your My Hot Lunchbox account up until that time. More detailed information on ordering lunch is available through your Parent Portal on Veracross. This year’s restaurants are:

Monday: Red Hot & Blue

Tuesday: Tropical Smoothie

Wednesday: Chick-fil-A

Thursday: Moe’s Southwest Grill

Friday: Randy’s Pizza


ParentSquare Tip –  How to Join A Group:

A convenient feature of ParentSquare is that CCS can have groups. Parents and teachers are automatically grouped by class and grade level. (Rhetoric students are also automatically grouped through the StudentSquare app.) Click on Groups on your phone or desktop, anytime, to see what is happening in these categories or set them up for notifications (when posted, daily digest, etc.)

Community groups will also be forming. Our first one is “CCS Buy/Sell/Trade.” This is designed to be a place where everyone in CCS can advertise uniforms, books, tickets, etc.) Here is how to access it on your phone and join if you choose:

Step 1 – From Home screen, click on More (bottom right)

Step 2 – Click on Groups (under Participate)

Step 3 – Look for Group & click on Join

Lower School (K-5th)


Kindergarten Proof of Immunizations and Health Assessments are now past due for all CCS Kindergarten students. If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state-approved exemptions), you will have until September 1st to become compliant according to NC law

After-School Program – All Lower School students who are not involved in an after-school activity must register for the After-School Program if they cannot be picked up by 3:00 P.M. Registration is required for the After-School Program. The registration link is open in the Parent Portal. Click here for more information about the After-School Program. 

Upper School (6th-12th)


Friday, August 4 – Logic School – Get excited about our first House of the school year! Logic School students are encouraged to support their House each Friday by wearing their “House T-shirt” with regular daily uniform bottom clothing (shorts/pants/skirts). 6th graders and new students will receive their shirts on Friday. Who will win the House Cup this year? Let the games begin!

Friday, August 11 – Logic School and Rhetoric School Student Orientation Assemblies

Wednesday, August 16 – Friday, August 18 – Rhetoric School Retreat at Camp Sea Gull – Remember to RSVP (yes or no) by tomorrow, August 4. Click here for more information.   

Monday, August 21 – Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape – Click here for more information and to RSVP (yes or no) by tomorrow, Friday, August 4.



Colorado Christian University – CCS is partnering with Colorado Christian University to offer dual enrollment. If you received an email from CCU for dual enrollment, it is outside the scope of what we are offering with them and would be in addition to your CCS course work.

Elective Changes (All Logic and Rhetoric students) August 1-11 – To request changes in elective courses, the Change Request form must be completed and turned in to the Upper School front desk. Forms will be accepted Tuesday, August 1 through Friday, August 11. All students should attend the elective class(es) listed on their schedule. If the request is approved, it will be reflected in the portals. 

All 7th & 12th Grade Students Proof of Immunizations are now past due. If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state-approved exemptions), you will have until September 1st to become compliant according to NC law 

After-School Program – All 6th grade students who are not involved in an after-school activity must register for the After-School Program if they cannot be picked up by 3:00 P.M. If your child is in 7th-8th grade and cannot be picked up by 3:00 P.M., they may check-in with Mrs. Jodi Walsh and remain in the Commons Area until 3:45 P.M. for a Study Hall. 8th grade students who are not picked up by 3:45 P.M. must register for and attend the After-School Program unless they are attending an after-school sporting event. The registration link is open in the Parent Portal. Click here for more information about the After-School Program. 

Interested in Dual Enrollment at CCS? Mark your calendar for the AP Exam Only and Dual Enrollment meeting on Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting is for 10th-12th grade families.



In their seminar classes, students read great thinkers of the past and discuss their place in the Great Conversation, wrestling with the perennial questions of human life. Each grade has an overarching question for the year. Each day in class, they will address additional great questions in their endeavor to answer the question for the year. The overarching questions for the year are: 

9th Grade: What is the good life? 

10th Grade: How can we rightly order our loves to desire what God desires? 

11th Grade: How can we understand and live well in a world of conflicting ideas and values? 

12th Grade: How should Christians understand self-government both in the personal and political realm? 

This week we will read and discuss: 

9th: What are the intellectual virtues, and why are they necessary? 

10th: Mortimer Adler on Goodness – What does it mean when we say something is good, and why does it matter? 

11th: Francis Bacon, “Of Studies,” – What are the intellectual virtues, and why are they necessary? 

12th: How should Christians understand self-government both in the personal and political realm? 

College Counseling

Thursday,  August 10 –Senior ParentsCollege Counseling Meeting  – Ms. Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover relevant information for parents of seniors as they navigate the college admissions process.  This meeting is geared toward parents as she will meet with the seniors during Rhetoric class that day and on Monday, August 14th.  
    • When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.  
    • Where: Theater  


Monday, August 14 (by 8:00 A.M.) – Applications to be a school nominee for the Morehead-Cain Scholarship are due by 8:00 A.M. There is a folder outside of Ms. Laura Smith’s office with more information.

Parent & Student Portals – This year, we are continuing to feature the College Counseling Component Pages in Veracross with grade appropriate information. Need help finding them? From your parent or student Veracross log in, click on the College Counseling icon.  We will update them regularly and encourage you to bookmark these useful resources:  



New this year! Bring Instruments to end of the 3rd-5th Grade Hallway (East Stairwell) – Students need to deliver their musical instruments to the shelves in this area for safe storage during the school day.

Wednesday, August 9 – 4th and 5th Grade Band Parents – Please join us for an online info session to learn about the expectations for students choosing band in 4th and 5th grade and to meet the concert band instruments. We will also share information about renting instruments through our partner, Music and Arts.  

When: 7:00 P.M.

Where: Click here for the Zoom link.    


Instrument Rentals – If your student needs to arrange an instrument rental this school year, please contact Music and Arts in Cary. 


Monday, August 14 – Fall Sports Picture Day (gym) – Click here for the schedule. Please bring your uniform to school. Information for ordering photos:


Parent Resources

Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).