Featured Items

School Closed
for Labor Day
September 4

Midterm Reports
in Parent Portal
September 6

College Visits
in Commons Area
September 6 & 7
A Prayer for Labor Day
Lord, on this Labor Day,
We thank you for the blessing of work. We ask for strength to complete each day. We ask for rest for when we are weary. We ask for your guidance for everyone seeking employment. And we ask that you be with those whose faces we might never see, but who work tirelessly each day for the good of us all. Amen.
School-Wide Information
Early Release Day on Friday, September 1 – This is a Cary Christian School spirit day, so wear your CCS gear! Please click here to review the non-uniform day guidelines. No My Hot Lunch Box or After-School Care programs will be provided. On Early Release Days, there is no lunchtime. Students need to bring a substantial snack and water bottle.
Dismissal Times –
Grades 9-12: 11:45 A.M.
Grades K-8: 12:15 P.M.
Monday, September 4 – No school for Labor Day holiday.
Monday-Tuesday, September 11-12 – Voting for Board Members – Eligible corporation members can expect to receive an email with instructions for how to vote for board members in the upcoming board election. Please review the posted “23-24 Nominee Profiles” in your Veracross Parent Portal.
Tuesday, September 12 – Fall Corporation Meeting – All corporation members are invited to attend the September Corporation Board Meeting. Election results will be announced.
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Registration for This Year’s 23rd Annual CCS Golf Classic is Open!
- When: Monday, October 30
- Where: Prestonwood Country
- Register Here
- Become a Sponsor
If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected].
Lower School (K-5th)
Wednesday, September 6 – 1st Quarter Midterm (2nd-5th Grade) Reports will be available on the Veracross Parent Portal under “My Children, Classes and Reports.”
Friday, September 8 – First Grade Field Trip to the Planetarium
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, September 6 (after 3:30 P.M.) – 1st Quarter Midterm Reports will be posted on the Veracross Parent and Student Portals.
Homecoming Week – Rhetoric School Attire & Events:
Let’s get ready for some fun! Plan ahead for these special dress days and competitions.
- Wednesday, September 13 – Mathletes vs Athletes; lawn games on the field during lunch
- Thursday, September 14 – Hawaiian Day; Pep Rally and Senior Parade during the 3rd block
- Friday, September 15 – Blue (9th and 10th) versus Gold (11th and 12th); 9-square and volleyball on the field during lunch
Please contact Mrs. Jodi Walsh for any questions.
AP and Dual Enrollment Meeting – 10th and 11th Grade Families – Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 P.M. in the Theater. At this meeting, we will discuss Advanced Placement (AP) Exam only and Dual Enrollment. Ms. Laura Smith and Mr. Kevin Seitz will also talk about which AP classes are available at CCS.
College Counseling
October 19 (8:00 – 11:00 A.M.) – All Sophomores and Juniors will take the Digital Adaptive PSAT in school. All Freshmen will take a Digital Adaptive Practice PSAT in school to get familiar with the digital format. All students are required to bring a charged laptop. More details will be communicated closer to the date.
Helpful Links:
Lunchtime College Visits – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors – Come engage with college reps and learn about the educational opportunities on their campuses. Inquire about majors, scholarships, internships, and more. This is a drop-in event in the Commons Area during your lunchtime. Sign up via Scoir. Parents are welcome, too!
- Wednesday, September 6
- The University of Alabama
- Temple University
- Thursday, September 7
- Furman University
UNC Morehead-Cain or NC State Park Scholarships – Seniors, are you interested in being a Morehead-Cain or a Park Scholar? There is still time to self-nominate. Students should meet with Ms. Smith by September 7 to understand the process and deadlines. It takes a great deal of time and effort to create an effective, strong, and competitive application. Ms. Smith will guide you through the process. The application due dates are October 1 and November 1 respectively.
Seniors – To schedule meetings via Calendly with Ms. Laura Smith, please use this link.
– ARTS –
Art Contest – Friday, September 29 deadline – All students (K-12) are invited to participate in our first ever Christmas Card Art Contest. Students will submit designs focused on the theme “A Classical Christmas.” Artwork will focus on an architectural feature of a campus building or structure of the school and any other Christmas elements that the artist would like to add. Entries are due by the end of the school day on Friday, September 29. The winner’s art will be featured on this year’s school Christmas card, and he or she will also receive $25 to the CCS school spirit store. Click here for more details.
Basketball Early Evaluations – Continuing with the sports evaluation process that started in May for fall sports, Basketball Early Evaluations (formerly known as tryouts) will be held in early September. Students who wish to play basketball during the winter sports season will need to attend at least one of the sessions below. Teams will begin open gym practices following evaluations to prepare for official daily practices. Official practices will begin October 31. Students currently playing on a fall sports team will need to communicate with the winter coaches about their intent to play and attend a session with the permission of their fall coach. If you have questions, please reach out to Jeff Poore ([email protected]).
- Saturday, September 9:
- Logic Boys: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Logic Girls: 9:30-11:00 A.M.
- Sunday, September 10:
- Varsity Men (Includes JV): 2:00-3:30 P.M.
- Varsity Women: 3:30-5:00 P.M.
- Saturday, September 16:
- Logic Boys: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Logic Girls: 9:30-11:00 A.M.
- Sunday, September 17:
- Varsity Men (Includes JV): 2:00-3:30 P.M.
- Varsity Women: 3:30-5:00 P.M.
Swimming and Wrestling Evaluations – Stay tuned for upcoming information!
Fall Sports Games – Join us for a home athletics game and cheer on your CCS Knights! Click here for a schedule of all fall sports games.
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).