A Letter from the Headmaster
Dear Cary Christian Family,
It is an honor and privilege to partner with you in the education of your children. Our prayer is that our students would be equipped to flourish in the world God has given them by finding their identity in Christ.
We are in the third generation of our school, and it is a special time. We stand on the shoulders of the pioneer families who founded the school, and the builders who established our campus and school organization. Our generation is the legacy generation, building upon what has been given to us and establishing a strong legacy for generations to come.
In the last four years, our community has donated over $1.4 million without a capital campaign. Your generosity has given us the freedom to move forward together on several great projects, including the Theater, Stairwells, and Art Room. We are excited to continue moving forward and are thankful for your continued generosity to the school. Please consider us in your year-end giving. Click here to donate now!
I pray that this Christmas season draws you and your family closer to Christ.
Merry Christmas,
Robbie Hinton
Featured Items
2023-2024 Re-Enrollment – The re-enrollment fee is $170 per student. Access Re-Enrollment from your Veracross Parent Portal. To minimize issues, please complete Online Re-enrollment with a computer and please clear your browsing history/cookies. Also make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is up to date. Click here to access the Tuition and Fees Schedule for 2023-2024.
- UPDATE: Full-Day Kindergarten (2nd Semester 2024) – We are happy to announce that Kindergarten will be moving to a full-day experience for second semester beginning with the 2023-24 school year. Half-day Kindergarten will remain an option for parents for the first semester. Having a full-day Kindergarten will allow us to increase our capacity to offer an excellent classical education founded upon a biblical worldview. Kindergarten is a child’s first taste of Cary Christian School. We are working to design an intentional program that meets children where they are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Additional time will enable us to better support the child’s love of learning and help curiosity and play find their way to inquiry and innovation. The additional time will also help to cultivate the contemplative habits of story, play, laughter, and discussion as we aim to meet learning objectives in an excellent way that works with the grain of the child. The Tuition and Fee Schedule reflects this change.
- 2023-2024 Academic Calendar – Click here to access all academic days for the next school year. This calendar includes Early Releases, Breaks, SSP, and the Rhetoric School Fall Retreat.
Sacramental Moments
Cary Christmas Parade – Video
Important Dates
TODAY, Thursday, December 15 – Friday, January 13 – Online Re-Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year Is Open TODAY – The re-enrollment fee is $170 per student. Access Re-Enrollment from your Veracross Parent Portal. To minimize issues, please complete Online Re-enrollment with a computer and please clear your browsing history/cookies. Also make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is up to date. Click here to access the Tuition and Fees Schedule for 2023-2024.
Friday, December 16th – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected]
Friday, December 16 – Christmas Outfit Day – Wear red and green, Christmas sweaters or dresses, or any fun Christmas attire! Click here to access the Non-Uniform Dress Day Guidelines.
Friday, December 16 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter & Early Release – No After-School Care. No hot lunch. Please plan ahead and let your child’s teacher know before 8:00 A.M. if you plan to pick up your child early. Do not park in the outer carpool loop.
- K-5th Grade: 11:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Monday, December 19 – Monday, January 2 – Christmas Break – Merry Christmas! We pray you enjoy a restful Break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! School is closed.
Tuesday, January 3 – First Day of 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, January 3 – 2nd Quarter Report Cards Posted – Report cards will be posted by 3:30 P.M. on your Veracross Parent Portal. If you have a question please reach out to your child’s teacher (first initial-last [email protected], eg. [email protected]).
Thursday, January 5 – 4th Grade NC Symphony Fieldtrip – The North Carolina Symphony invites fourth graders to a special concert designed just for this age group. They do an excellent job of exposing students to classical music, pointing out the different instruments of the orchestra, and focusing on elements of music that the students are able to identify.
Tuesday, January 10 – Firm Foundation – All Parents are invited to join us for this monthly meeting to learn more about classical, Christian Education, to fellowship together, and to hear from the Board and Administration. Click here for a full schedule and for more information.
- When: 8:00 – 9:00 A.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Tuesday, January 10 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend,
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Friday, January 13 – Lower School Convocation – For the month of January, our Lower School students will be focusing on the biblical character trait of respect. God is worthy of our respect because he created all things. We can show respect and honor for God by acknowledging who he is and by giving Him our best. We treat others as God wants us to, with respect. Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Important Dates
TODAY, Thursday, December 15 – Friday, January 13 –Online Re-Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year Is Open TODAY – The re-enrollment fee is $170 per student. Access Re-Enrollment from your Veracross Parent Portal. To minimize issues, please complete Online Re-enrollment with a computer and please clear your browsing history/cookies. Also make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is up to date. Click here to access the Tuition and Fees Schedule for 2023-2024. .
Friday, December 16th – Lost & Found – Each month, the lost and found items are set out under the K-2 Recess Canopy/3-5 Carpool Canopy (the side of our building closest to the baseball field). Families may come and look for lost items between 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Any items left will be donated or discarded. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Ellen Wentz at [email protected]
Friday, December 16 – Rhetoric School Semester Exams – Below is the schedule for Friday.
- 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. – History
- 10:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. – Science
Friday, December 16 – 6th Grade Field Trip to Sunrise Senior Living – Our 6th Graders are Christmas Caroling at the Sunrise Senior Living Center down the street. They are looking forward to blessing their community.
Friday, December 16 – Logic School Christmas Outfit Day – Wear red and green, Christmas sweaters or dresses, or any fun Christmas attire! Click here to access the Non-Uniform Dress Day Guidelines.
Friday, December 16 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter & Early Release – No After-School Care. No hot lunch. Please plan ahead and let us know before 8:00 A.M. if you plan to pick up your child early. Do not park in the outer carpool loop.
- 6th – 8th Grade: 12:15 – 12:45 P.M.
- 9th – 12th Grade: 12:20 – 12:45 P.M.
Monday, December 19 – Monday, January 2 – Christmas Break – Merry Christmas! We pray you enjoy a restful Break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! School is closed. Athletics will continue (reach out to your child’s coach with any questions).
Tuesday, January 3 – First Day of 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, January 3 – 2nd Quarter Report Cards Posted – Report cards will be posted by 3:30 P.M. on your Veracross Parent Portal. If you have a question please reach out to your child’s teacher (first initial-last [email protected], eg. [email protected]).
Friday, January 6 – Upper School House (Logic and Rhetoric School) – Remember to wear your house shirt!
Tuesday, January 10 – Firm Foundation – All Parents are invited to join us for this monthly meeting to learn more about classical, Christian Education, to fellowship together, and to hear from the Board and Administration. Click here for a full schedule and for more information.
- When: 8:00 – 9:00 A.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Tuesday, January 10 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend,
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
SAVE THE DATE: Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance (9th-12th Grade) – We look forward to our Annual Snow Ball Dance on January 21, at 7:00 P.M. in our school Gym. Christmas Break is a great time to start looking for the semi-formal dresses and suits! Click here to read more about details and attire for this fun celebration!
Getting a NC Learner’s Permit during Christmas Break? If your child has successfully completed both the Driver’s Ed class and Behind the Wheel training, you will need the NC Driver Eligibility Certificate from CCS for your DMV appointment. The Driver Eligibility Certificate affirms that the student is in good academic standing at a North Carolina school. It is valid for 30 days. If you have a DMV appointment scheduled for a Learner’s Permit over the holidays or think you might schedule one, please email your DEC request to Upper School receptionist Miss Kailyn Eskridge at [email protected] today or Friday before 10:00 am. CCS offices will be closed during Christmas Break.
Jordan Driving School – Online class registration will begin in January for Jordan Driving School’s March 13-17, class for CCS students through their website, jordandriving.com. Please check their website under Private Schools and click on our school’s name. Payment is through their website and costs $65. This covers both the live online class and the future Behind-the-Wheel training that follows. Right now, the wait time for Behind-the-Wheel is approximately 6 weeks (this timeframe may vary). The Knightly News will announce when registration is live. Questions? Email [email protected].
9th Grade – The Life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
10th Grade – Imaginative Dialogue Project with all sources from the quarter
11th Grade – John Milton’s Paradise Lost
- How does Milton’s work “justify the ways of God to man”?
12th Grade – Debates on resolutions concerning the Bill of Rights
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 11 – Junior Student and Parent College Counseling Meeting – Junior year is a very important year in the college application process. All Juniors and parents (at least one parent) are encouraged to attend.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Seniors – A few notes for you:
- Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges. Send Ms. Smith copies of scholarship offers for her to enter your information into Scoir as you receive them.
- For documents that need to be received by January 2, students must submit them by Friday, December 30, no later than 12:00 P.M. Please indicate this information on your Scoir account.
Registration Open for Digital At-Home PSAT Practice Test – The CCS College Counseling Office and Compass Education Group will administer a FREE adaptive at-home Practice Digital PSAT to 10th and 11th Grade students. The test mimics the computer-based test— question type, content, timing, duration, and adaptive structure — so students will get an early feel for what’s to come in next fall. Click here to Register. You must register by January 25.
- When: Saturday, January 28, at 9:00 A.M.
- Where: Online (from the comfort of your home)
Spring Sport Coaching Needs – These are stipend paid positions. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics at [email protected].
- Varsity Lacrosse
- Logic School Track and Field
- Logic School Girls’ Soccer
- Logic School Boys’ Tennis
Varsity Spring Sports Interest Sign-Up Sheets – As we prepare for spring sports, Rhetoric Students are encouraged to sign up for the sport of their choice. These sheets are located on a table under the bulletin board at the beginning of the Rhetoric hallway near the hot lunch cabinet. The sheets will be out through December 16. Preseason optional practices may begin in early January depending on the coach’s preference (see your coach for details). Official tryouts begin Monday, February 13.
Summer Camps K-8th Grade – For planning purposes, here are the weeks identified for summer sports camps. Additional information (days of the week, times, grade grouping specifics, and cost) will come out later.
- Week of June 5: Field Hockey, Baseball, and Football (Lower School)
- Week of June 12: Football (Lower School)
- Week of June 19: Wrestling (Lower School)
- Week of June 26: Lacrosse (Lower and Logic School)
- Week of July 3: No Camps
- Week of July 10: Soccer (Lower and Logic School), Basketball (Lower School), Girls Basketball (Lower School and Logic School)
- Week of July 17: Volleyball (Lower and Logic School), Football (Lower School),
- Week of July 24: No Camps
Coed Logic School Winter Futsal – Coach Brose will host futsal training for Logic School students in the gym starting January 7. There will be a total of 6 weeks on Saturdays from 7:45 – 9:00 A.M. The cost is $120. If you are interested in participating, email [email protected].
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).