Featured Items
Sacramental Moments
Logic School
Choral Arts Concert
Thursday, December 8
All are welcome for this beautiful event. Click here to read more. The concert is free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!
Rhetoric School
Choral Arts Concert
Saturday, December 10
Click here to read more about this celebratory event. The concert is free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!

Grammar School Christmas
Assemblies & Parties
Wednesday, December 14
CCS Theater & Classrooms
3rd Grade: 8:30 – 10:00 A.M.
4th Grade: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
5th Grade: 12:30 – 2:00 P.M.
Important Dates
Thursday, December 8 – Toys for Tots Donation Collection – The Lower School students can contribute to our Toys for Tots toy drive. Upper school students will be available during the morning carpool to collect new, unwrapped toys to contribute to Wake County Toys for Tots. Bins are also located in the upper school hallways if you would like to leave a gift prior to the carpool collection. Thank you for generously supporting this service project.
- When: Morning Carpool
- Where: Lower School Carpool Lanes
The Annual Day of Giving
Thursday, December 8
Today we held our Annual Day of Giving. We are so thankful to get to talk to so many of you. If you would like to donate, click here before December 31! In past years your generosity has afforded us the opportunity to renovate the Theater. We look forward to the projects we have ahead of us. These projects include:
- Building a portico over the Rhetoric School drop-off (Grammar wing) side of the building
- Improving the acoustics in our gym
Thursday, December 8 – Middle School Choral Arts Concert – All are welcome for this beautiful event. Click here to read more. The concerts are free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Saturday, December 10 – Upper School Band Concert – Join the Upper School Band for our Christmas Concert, conducted for the first time by our new Band Director, Dwight Dillon-Seminario. Also featuring student conductors! This is sure to be a fun-filled afternoon of music!
- When: 1:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Gym
Saturday, December 10 – Cary Christmas Parade – CCS will be in the Cary Christmas Parade. This is a special time for our Kinderbuddies to come together and represent our school! If you have a student in either kindergarten or fourth grade and have not yet signed up, there is still time via this link! If you have any questions, please reach out to Jamie Sheppard (4th Grade) or Casey Horst (Kindergarten). For the rest of our school community, please join us in cheering on our CCS students and families. They would love to see you there!
- When: 2:00 P.M.
- Where: Downtown Cary
Saturday, December 10 – Rhetoric School Choral Arts Concert – All are welcome for this beautiful event. Click here to read more. The concerts are free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Tuesday, December 13 – Phonics School Christmas Assemblies – Join us for a sweet morning of Christmas carols, memory verses, and celebration of our Savior’s birth! After each assembly, families will meet back in the teacher’s classroom for a Christmas party.
- Kindergarten: 8:30 – 10:00 A.M.
- 1st Grade: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
- 2nd Grade: 12:30 – 2:00 P.M.
Tuesday, December 13 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Wednesday, December 14 – Grammar School Christmas Assemblies – Come hear from our 3rd-5th Graders as they share what they have learned and celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. After each assembly, families will meet back in the teacher’s classroom for a Christmas party.
- 3rd Grade: 8:30 – 10:00 A.M.
- 4th Grade: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
- 5th Grade: 12:30 – 2:00 P.M.
Thursday, December 15 – Fifth Grade Field Trip – Our fifth graders will “travel back in time” to Camp Flintlock and participate in several hands-on activities including colonial games, making an authentic style Indian necklace, authentic colonial store and 18th century clothing, and eating a traditional treat from this time.
Friday, December 16 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter & Early Release – We pray you enjoy a restful Break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! No After-School Care. No hot lunch. Please let us know before 8:00 A.M. if you plan to pick up your child early. Do not park in the outer carpool loop.
- K-5th Grade: 11:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Lower School Christmas Dress-Down Days – To celebrate the Christmas season, our students will enjoy some fun dress-down days together.
- Thursday, December 15: Christmas Socks Day (with daily uniforms)
- Friday, December 16: Christmas Outfit Day (wear red and green, Christmas sweaters or dresses, or any fun Christmas attire!)
Important Dates
December 8 – Toys for Tots Donation Collection – The Logic and Rhetoric students are collecting new, unwrapped toys to contribute to Toys for Tots. Collection bins are located in each hallway for students to leave their gifts. All donations will be given to the Wake County Toys for Tots drive and will be distributed to needy families in Wake County prior to Christmas. Thank you for generously participating in this service project.
Rhetoric School Secret Santa – It’s time for our annual Secret Santa exchange for the Rhetoric School Hallway!
- December 8 – 9 – Students need to bring their gifts to the assigned classroom today or tomorrow.
- Tuesday, December 13– Students will pick up their Secret Santa gifts during lunch in the assigned grade-level classroom.
- 9th Grade: Mrs. Baker (214)
- 10th Grade: Mrs. Lipes (212)
- 11th Grade: Mr. Adams (216)
- 12th Grade: Mrs. Clarkson (202)

The Annual Day of Giving
Thursday, December 8
Today we held our Annual Day of Giving. We are so thankful to get to talk to so many of you. If you would like to donate, click here before December 31! In past years your generosity has afforded us the opportunity to renovate the Theater. We look forward to the projects we have ahead of us. These projects include:
- Building a portico over the Rhetoric School drop-off (Grammar wing) side of the building
- Improving the acoustics in our gym
Thursday, December 8 – Middle School Choral Arts Concert – All are welcome for this beautiful event. Click here to read more. The concerts are free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Friday, November 9 – Upper School Christmas Convocation
Saturday, December 10 – Upper School Band Concert – Join the Upper School Band for our Christmas Concert, conducted for the first time by our new Music Director, Dwight Dillon-Seminario. Also featuring student conductors! This is sure to be a fun-filled afternoon of music!
- When: 1:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Gym
Saturday, December 10 – Cary Christmas Parade – CCS will be in the Cary Christmas Parade. This is a special time for our Kinderbuddies to come together and represent our school! For the rest of our school community, please join us in cheering on our CCS students and families. They would love to see you there!
- When: 2:00 P.M.
- Where: Downtown Cary
Saturday, December 10 – Rhetoric School Choral Arts Concert – All are welcome for this beautiful event. Click here to read more. The concerts are free; however, we will have a ticketed entrance because of our limited seating. Click here to get your tickets now!
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Tuesday, December 13 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Exam-Day Reminders
- Get sleep!
- Eat a nutritious breakfast.
- Arrive Early; Be seated on time.
- Bring a nutritious snack and water bottle.
- Bring a book to read after the first test is completed.
- Arrange transportation for 12:15 P.M.– early dismissal (Rhetoric School students are free to quietly leave CCS campus when they finish their second exam.)
- MyHotLunchBox ordering is not available for students in grades 9-12.
Friday, December 16 – Last Day of 2nd Quarter & Early Release – We pray you enjoy a restful Break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! No After-School Care. No hot lunch. Please let us know before 8:00 A.M. if you plan to pick up your child early. Do not park in the outer carpool loop.
- 6th – 8th Grade: 12:15 – 12:45 P.M.
- 9th – 12th Grade: 12:20 – 12:45 P.M.
Christmas Dress-Down Days – To celebrate the Christmas season, our students will enjoy some fun dress-down days together.
- Rhetoric School
- Monday, December 12: Christmas Pajamas Day
- Tuesday, December 13: Christmas Character Day
- Wednesday, December 14: Christmas Sweater Day
- Logic School
- Thursday, December 15: Christmas Socks Day (with daily uniforms)
- Friday, December 16: Christmas Outfit Day (wear red and green, Christmas sweaters or dresses, or any fun Christmas attire!)
- Rhetoric School
Important Dates
Tuesday, December 13 – Alumni Lunch – Rhetoric School Students are encouraged to mingle with recent alumni. Be sure to greet alumni in the Commons Area after you get your lunch.
Tuesday, December 13 – Alumni Panel Discussion – ALL SENIORS are encouraged to attend a Panel Discussion with recent alumni during elective period at 2:30 P.M in room 206. This is a great opportunity to learn from some recent CCS graduates about life after CCS and how God has worked in their lives during college. Seniors, come with your questions. If you need a pass to leave your elective that day, communicate with your elective teacher and get a pass from Mrs. McGinnis.
PSAT Results – The results were posted on December 6. Students received an access code emailed to the email address that you reported to College Board on the PSAT answer sheet. If you didn’t give an email address, then you can create a new account or access your existing College Board account to get your scores. We recommend you print out a copy of your score report and carefully review it. Parents and students can learn about the score reports at www.SAT.org/scoresdemo. Ms. Smith handed back the PSAT test booklets to Juniors last week and distributed them to Sophomores on Tuesday. These booklets can be helpful as students review their score reports and look back at questions they missed. Please use the booklets and score reports to do your own “test corrections.” Juniors, if you want to know about National Merit qualifying scores, please go to www.nationalmerit.org.
Spring Sport Coaching Needs – These are stipend paid positions. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics at [email protected].
- Varsity Lacrosse
- Logic School Track and Field
- Logic School Girls’ Soccer
- Logic School Boys’ Tennis
Varsity Spring Sports Interest Sign-Up Sheets – As we prepare for spring sports, Rhetoric Students are encouraged to sign up for the sport of their choice. These sheets are located on a table under the bulletin board at the beginning of the Rhetoric hallway near the hot lunch cabinet. The sheets will be out through December 16. Preseason optional practices may begin in early January depending on the coach’s preference (see your coach for details). Official tryouts begin Monday, February 13.
Baseline Concussion Testing – For parents of students interested in establishing a baseline for concussion, we are offering a free service through SWAY. An email went out from the Athletic Department to all current winter athletes with instructions. If you did not receive it, or you do not have a winter sports athlete, please reach out to Jeff Poore.
Summer Camps K-8th Grade – For planning purposes, here are the weeks identified for summer sports camps. Additional information (days of the week, times, grade grouping specifics, and cost) will come out later.
- Week of June 5: Field Hockey, Baseball, and Football (Lower School)
- Week of June 12: Football (Lower School)
- Week of June 19: Wrestling (Lower School)
- Week of July 26: Lacrosse (Lower and Logic School)
- Week of July 3: No Camps
- Week of July 10: Soccer (Lower and Logic School), Basketball (Lower School), Girls Basketball (Lower School and Logic School)
- Week of July 17: Volleyball (Lower and Logic School), Football (Lower School),
- Week of July 24: No Camps
Coed Logic School Winter Futsal – Coach Brose will host futsal training for Logic School students grades 6 through 8 in the gym starting January 7. There will be a total of 6 weeks. This is on Saturdays from 7:45 – 9:00 A.M. The cost is $120. If you are interested in participating, email [email protected].
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).