Featured Items
Sacramental Moments
The Rhetoric School
Had So Much Fun
At Snow Ball! What
a Great Event!
Some Friends from the
NC Wildlife Refuge
Came to Talk to Our
3rd Grade Classes!
Being United in Christ, we are thankful for the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In January, his birthday was a holiday for our school and our country celebrates February as black history month. We hope you and your family can listen to his “I Have a Dream” speech together and engage in open dialogue about his work and dream for our country and our response as a Christian community.
Important Dates
Friday, February 18 – Spirit Day – To celebrate the last day of the Upper School Knights’ Fest, all Lower School Students are invited to wear their CCS-approved spirit wear. Click here to access the Non-Uniform Dress Day Guidelines.
Monday, February 21 – Presidents’ Day – No School.
Friday, February 25 – Lost & Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Wednesday, March 2 – 3rd Grade Field Trip – Third Graders will be visiting Sylvan Heights Bird Park, an aviary (Third Graders know “avis” is Latin for “bird”) in Scotland Neck, N.C. They will marvel at God’s feathered creation from all over the world while they observe the many different types of beaks, feet, and plumage that they have studied throughout third quarter.
Summer Camps – Our summer camps have been finalized. You can find a list of the camps as well as registration here. Registration is also on your parent portal.
Important Dates
Friday, February 18 – Knights’ Fest – Tomorrow is the last day of Knights’ Fest. Students, come dressed in your medieval attire or CCS spirit wear, enjoy the Knights’ Cup, and cheer on your class in the epic Trebuchet Competition.
Monday, February 21 – Presidents’ Day – No School.
Friday, February 25 – Lost & Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Friday, February 25 – SSP Convocation – Our Seniors are excited to share with the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors about their trip to Tennessee.
Summer Camps – Our summer camps have been finalized. You can find a list of the camps as well as registration here. Registration is also on your parent portal.
2022 Protocol Announcement
- We are excited to announce that Protocol will be held on Saturday, April 9 at Chatham Station in downtown Cary.
- We are returning to the tradition of Protocol being an upperclassmen (juniors and seniors only) event: a special evening for our juniors and seniors to come together for a final dance and a passing of the torch.
- More details will come as we get closer to the date.
Snowball was a great event! Our students enjoyed their Snowball experience and had a great time together as a Rhetoric School community. Thank you to the CCS Social Committee, chaperones, and students for a wonderful fun-filled evening. Click here if you would like to see the photos.
College Counseling
Friday, February 25 – AP Exam-Only Late Registration Period Closes – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, the cost of late registration for an AP Exam is $165 per AP Exam which includes the College Board Late Fee ($40) and the CCS Late Fee ($25).
- Pay by clicking here.
- Register for the AP Exam on CollegeBoard.com. (Click here for the AP Joining Codes.)
Saturday, February 26 – Practice ACT Test – Registration for this test is closed.
- When: 9:00 A.M. (Students should arrive by 8:45 A.M.)
- Where: Rhetoric School Classrooms
There is no Seminar this week, due to Knights’ Fest.
Guest Speaker Last Week – Last Thursday, author and speaker Kaitlyn Schiess spoke to the entire freshman class during their seminar period, as well as select sophomores and 8th graders. Ms. Schiess, author of The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor, helped our students think about the posture Christians should have as they approach politics. She challenged our students to recognize that politics is far more than the policies and debates at the state and national levels. Politics is the activity of creating a flourishing community. Ms. Shiess encouraged students to think about their fundamental understanding of a person’s role in community. Is it to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and enjoy your just desserts, or is it to recognize that all good things are undeserved gifts from God, meant to be stewarded and used to bless those around us? Ultimately, even as we fulfill our civic responsibility to vote for policies that we think will be beneficial to ourselves and our community, we can rest in the truth that our ultimate hope is not in any party, candidate, or election, but in the God who made us in his image and called us to love one another as we wait for him to make all things new.
Wednesday, March 2 – Thursday, March 3 – The Jungle Book – Tickets are on sale now for the Logic School drama production of The Jungle Book. Come enjoy a great story portrayed by our talented students. Tickets are $7.00. Click here to buy your tickets.
- When: 6:30 P.M. (doors open at 6:10 P.M.)
- Where: CCS Theater
Wednesday, March 2 – Winter Sports Recognition – We are excited to celebrate the winter sports seasons and the athletes that participated. We will acknowledge awards and then enjoy a time of fellowship and dessert.
- When: 7:30 P.M.
- Where: CCS Gym
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).