A Letter from the Headmaster
Battle for the American Mind
Wednesday, February 8
7:00 P.M. – Discussion
8:00 P.M. – Book Signing
“We need to train children to apply reason to find Truth, sourced in God, not themselves.” (pg. 81)
Wednesday is a great opportunity for Cary Christian School. The President of our Accrediting Association has written a book explaining the importance of Classical Education, and Pete Hegseth has agreed to use his platform as a Fox News Anchor to leverage our story.
I hope you will join us for this meaningful event. Click here to register.
Robbie Hinton
Featured Items

Knights’ Fest
February 6 – February 10
Details Below!

College Admissions Panel
Wednesday, February 15
7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
Sacramental Moments
Congratulations to our students who participated in the 24-Hour Play Festival! Our three student directors – Trinity Quaye, Stella Hallberg, and Natalie Warren – and their talented casts presented their plays Saturday evening to a delighted audience and four adjudicators. At the end of the evening, Natalie’s play was chosen to move forward as next year’s NCTC production. Congratulations to all for a job very well done!
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 1 – Third Quarter Midterms Were Posted – Third quarter midterms were posted to your Veracross Parent Portal. Please email your child’s teacher directly if you have any questions or concerns. All staff member emails are their first initial and last name @carychristianschool.org. (example: [email protected])
Friday, February 3 – Kindergarten Field Trip to The Smiling Turtle – To highlight our Community Helpers unit, the Kindergarten classes will be taking a field trip to The Smiling Turtle Pediatric Dentistry office. Dr. Banakas and her staff will be welcoming the kindergarteners and teaching them about dental care. We are thankful for our community helpers and the roles they play in keeping us healthy.
Friday, February 3 – Red, White, and Blue Day – As our Fifth Graders learn about the events of the War for Independence, they will celebrate the founding of our country. Students will dress in patriotic attire and will hear a presentation about the history and symbolism of the American flag, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Students will also experience colonial life activities and participate in many other fun games and projects that will conclude with a red, white, and blue snack.
Friday, February 3 – Lower School Convocation – For the month of February, our Lower School students will be focusing on the biblical character traits of kindness and compassion. Kindness is caring for others and putting their needs before our own. We show kindness because God has been kind to us, and He calls us to love others the way He has loved us. We will memorize and sing, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
Saturday, February 4 – Tuition Assistance Closes – Applications for the 2023-2024 school year close. Click here for more information.
Monday, February 6 – Kindergarten Community Night – Kindergarten students and families are invited to come out and enjoy some sweet fellowship with their classmates and families! We hope these community nights will allow our community to grow closer together while enjoying good food and having fun! Click here to access the flyer.
- When: 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Shake Shack (310 Colonades Way)
Monday, February 6 – First Grade Community Night – First Grade students and families are invited to come out and enjoy some sweet fellowship with their classmates and families! We hope these community nights will allow our community to grow closer together while enjoying good food and having fun! Click here to access the flyer.
- When: 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Alpaca (1107 Pine Plaza Drive)
Tuesday, February 7 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Wednesday, February 8 – Battle for the American Mind – Join us for an exciting evening with the president of the ACCS (Association of Classical Christian Schools), David Goodwin, and Fox News Anchor, Pete Hegseth. Their book, Battle for the American Mind, presents a compelling argument for classical, Christian education. Come learn more about the great value a distinctly classical and distinctly Christian education offers as we seek to raise the next generation. Invite your friends; this event is open to the general public. Seating is limited, so click here to register.
- When: 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. (Doors will open at 6:30.)
- Where: CCS Gym
- Parking: There will be parking available at both Cary Christian School and Peace Church with shuttles beginning at 5:45 from Peace Church. We kindly ask our CCS families to park at Peace Church to allow our guests to park on Campus.
- Peace Church: 1777 W Chatham St, Cary, NC 27513
Standardized Testing Update – This spring, we are intentionally switching from SAT-10 (Stanford Achievement Test 10th edition) to the Classical Learning Test (CLT). The CLT exists to reconnect knowledge and virtue by providing meaningful assessments and connections to seekers of truth, goodness, and beauty. CLT offers a standardized test that emphasizes intellectual aptitude and achievement and is grounded in the liberal arts tradition. After a period of evaluation and research, we have concluded that CLT is more aligned with our school’s mission and vision and better fits our needs for assessment as well as our goals for students. Testing results include an in-depth analysis of results, target insights on weaknesses and strengths, example problems for areas to improve, percentiles compared to others (nationally normed), and comparison scores for the ACT, SAT, and PSAT. All results will be available for parents online through the CLT website. CCS will serve as a pilot school for the new 3rd – 6th grade test, which several of our teachers contributed to the development of last summer. Mark your calendar with this new standardized testing date.
- May 10, 2023 – 3rd through 5th grade students will take their 3-hour CLT exam during the school day.
Parents in Prayer – Parents of Lower School students are invited to join bi-monthly prayer meetings that will foster community with one another as we intercede for our CCS family. There is no need to RSVP! All meetings will be held at the Pavilion.
- February 6 – 1:30 – 2:30 P.M.
- February 24 – 8:15 – 8:45 A.M.
Morning Drop-Off – Drop-off time for Lower School students is at 8:00 A.M. with class beginning promptly at 8:15 A.M. On the occasion that your child needs to be dropped off early, there is supervision starting at 7:40 A.M. on the playground. Lower School students may not be dropped off before 7:40 A.M.
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 1 – Third Quarter Midterms Were Posted – Third quarter midterms were posted to your Veracross Student Portal and Parent Portal. Please email your child’s teacher directly if you have any questions or concerns. All staff member emails are their first initial and last name @carychristianschool.org. (example: [email protected])
Saturday, February 4 – Tuition Assistance Closes – Applications for the 2023-2024 school year close. Click here for more information.
Monday, February 6 – Friday, February 10 – Knights’ Fest (6th-12th Grade) – We are looking forward to the annual Knights’ Fest. We pray that we will be able to build community, enjoy a fun week, and glorify God through this time. Check out the information below for important changes to our Rhetoric Dress-Up Days!
- Click here to access the Non-Uniform Dress Day Guidelines.
- Click here to access the Daily Schedule!
- Logic School Dress-Up Days:
- Monday – Pajamas
- Tuesday – Character
- Wednesday – Hobby/Sports
- Thursday – Hawaiian
- Friday – House Colors
- Logic School Dress-Up Days:
- Rhetoric School Dress-Up Days:
- Monday – Pajamas
- Tuesday – Tacky Tuesday
- Wednesday – Character/Celebrity
- Thursday – Neon
- Friday – Medieval/House Shirt
- Rhetoric School Dress-Up Days:
Tuesday, February 7 – Board Meeting – All corporate members are invited to attend.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
Wednesday, February 8 – Battle for the American Mind – Join us for an exciting evening with the president of the ACCS (Association of Classical Christian Schools), David Goodwin, and Fox News Anchor, Pete Hegseth. Their book, Battle for the American Mind, presents a compelling argument for classical, Christian education. Come learn more about the great value a distinctly classical and distinctly Christian education offers as we seek to raise the next generation. Invite your friends; this event is open to the general public. Seating is limited, so click here to register.
- When: 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. (Doors will open at 6:30.)
- Where: CCS Gym
- Parking: There will be parking available at both Cary Christian School and Peace Church with shuttles beginning at 5:45 from Peace Church. We kindly ask our CCS families to park at Peace Church to allow our guests to park on Campus.
- Peace Church: 1777 W Chatham St, Cary, NC 27513
Thursday, February 16 – Senior Dress-Up Day – 12th Grade Students are invited to dress like Minions!
Standardized Testing Update – This spring, we are intentionally switching from SAT-10 (Stanford Achievement Test 10th edition) to the Classical Learning Test (CLT). The CLT exists to reconnect knowledge and virtue by providing meaningful assessments and connections to seekers of truth, goodness, and beauty. CLT offers a standardized test that emphasizes intellectual aptitude and achievement and is grounded in the liberal arts tradition. After a period of evaluation and research, we have concluded that CLT is more aligned with our school’s mission and vision and better fits our needs for assessment as well as our goals for students. Testing results include an in-depth analysis of results, target insights on weaknesses and strengths, example problems for areas to improve, percentiles compared to others (nationally normed), and comparison scores for the ACT, SAT, and PSAT. All results will be available for parents online through the CLT website. CCS will serve as a pilot school for the new 3rd – 6th grade test, which several of our teachers contributed to the development of last summer. Mark your calendar with these NEW standardized testing dates.
- April 19, 2023 – 9th and 10th grade students will take their 2.5-hour CLT exam during the school day.
- May 10, 2023 – 6th through 8th grade students will take their 3-hour CLT exam during the school day.
9th Grade – Epicurius’ Letter to Menoeceus and “Vatican Sayings”
- Is doing good the key to a good life?
10th Grade – Dante’s Inferno and Purgatorio
- Why do we need rightly ordered desires rather than just freedom from the penalty of sin?
- How can we reorder our loves?
11th Grade – Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas
- What is the secret of happiness?
12th Grade – F. J. Turner’s “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus,” John Quincy Adams’ “Address Celebrating the Declaration of Independence”
- What does it mean to be an American?
Friday, February 3 – Rhetoric College Counseling Lunch and Learn – Tomorrow is February’s Lunch and Learn for Rhetoric students and parents. This is a drop-in Lunch and Learn session for 9th to 12th Grade students and parents to ask general college counseling questions.
- When: 12:20-1:00 P.M.
- Where: Commons Area
Friday, February 10 – Friday, February 17 – AP Exam-Only Late Registration Period – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, the cost of late registration for an AP Exam is $165 per AP Exam, which includes the College Board Late Fee ($40) and the CCS Late Fee ($25). To register, complete the two steps below. Both steps must be completed!
- Pay by clicking here.
- Register for the AP Exam on College Board and use the Joining Code Link.
Wednesday, February 15 – College Admissions Panel: College representatives from four universities will share school-specific information with you. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain knowledge on what makes each school unique, how to apply for financial aid, and hear about the admissions process for each university. This panel is designed for Rhetoric School students and parents, but it is also open to the entire CCS community. Schools in attendance will be:
- North Carolina State University, an in-state public university
- Clemson University, an out-of-state public university
- Anderson University, a private Christian college
- Queen’s University of Charlotte, a private university
- When: 7:00-8:30 P.M.
- Where: CCS Theater
ACT Practice Test for 9th-11th Graders – Registration is open for a practice ACT through Compass Education Group for Cary Christian School Students. It will be a free, online, digital, at home practice ACT test for students in the 9th-11th grades. The test results are invaluable in helping craft the ideal testing and tutoring plan for each student. The link to register and a demonstration version of the computer-based test, along with the resulting score reports, are available here. The registration deadline is a week before the testing window opens. On Wednesday, March 15, Compass Education Group will send you a detailed confirmation email with the link to take the test. Students can take the test anytime during the testing window.
- When: Anytime between March 17 and March 27
- Where: Online, in the comfort of your home
Doodle for Google Art Contest – All students are invited to enter! The theme for 2023 is, “I am grateful for…” Use paper of your choice (cardstock, watercolor, charcoal paper) and turn your artwork in with the attached form. Computer generated artwork is also accepted! The contest ends on March 7. See detailed information here on how to enter and contact Mrs. Blanchard at [email protected] with any questions.
Spring Sports Info Now Available – Spring sports officially start on February 13. Click here for detailed information! This information is also listed on the Athletic Bulletin Board on your Parent Portal.
- Note: Varsity Outdoor Track and Field will begin February 21 due to an Indoor Championship Meet on February 14.
Coach’s Food for Thought – Our Athletic Director, Jeff Poore, posts weekly articles to help build our culture of sport at Cary Christian School. These articles are sent to coaches to read, review, and share, and can also be found on our website.
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).