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Sacramental Moments
Student Spotlights
Tea & Tessa Huang
(6th & 8th Grade)
have qualified for the USA Climbing Bouldering National Championship.
Lauren Davis (4th Grade)
played in a 54-hole College Prep Tournament at the Duke University Golf Course beating the 12- & 13-year-olds.
Yeji Na (9th Grade)
was a finalist in the NCDOT Aviation Art Contest.
Chloe Chan (11th Grade)
was named the News & Observer’s “Athlete of the Week” during the week of January 10.
Griffin Van Vooren
(12th Grade)
was named the News & Observer’s “Athlete of the Week” during the week of February 7.
Important Dates
Friday, February 25 – Lost & Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Wednesday, March 2 – 3rd Grade Field Trip – Third Graders will be visiting Sylvan Heights Bird Park, an aviary (Third Graders know “avis” is Latin for “bird”) in Scotland Neck, N.C. They will marvel at God’s feathered creation from all over the world while they observe the many different types of beaks, feet, and plumage that they have studied throughout third quarter.
Wednesday, March 2 – National Latin Exam for 5th Grade – The National Latin Exam is given annually to Latin students around the world. The NLE is an opportunity for students to receive reinforcement and recognition for their accomplishments in the classroom. The exam will begin promptly at 8:20 A.M. Students do not need to study individually.
Thursday, March 3 – NC Day in 1st Grade – First Graders have been learning the three different regions in North Carolina, border states, and the many state symbols of North Carolina. They will finish off the unit by enjoying a fun day full of activities that celebrate our great state. Students will taste some foods from NC, paint a dogwood tree, make a salt dough map depicting the regions, and more! We will end the day with making a model airplane and learning about the Wright Brothers.
Friday, March 4 – Egyptian Day in 2nd Grade – Second grade will be enjoying Egyptian Day. Students will participate in Egyptian-themed crafts, games, and activities. Our second graders have been learning about people and events that took place in ancient Egypt and how all these things point to Christ and His great story!
Friday, March 4 – All-School Spirit Day – All students, staff, and faculty are invited to wear their CCS-approved spirit wear to celebrate the end of the quarter! Click here for non-uniform guidelines.
Friday, March 4 – Last Day of 3rd Quarter – Early Release. No hot lunch. No After School Care.
- Rhetoric School (9th-12th): 11:45 A.M.
- Lower School (K-5th): 12:15 P.M.
- Logic School (6th-8th): 12:15 P.M.
March 7 – 18 – Spring Break – We pray you enjoy a restful break.
Important Dates
Friday, February 25 – Lost & Found – All items from the Lost and Found bins will be outside. Any items remaining at 3:00 P.M. will be discarded. Please remind your students to check the bins regularly for any missing items.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Where: K-2 Playground
Friday, February 25 – Upper School Convocation
Wednesday, March 2 – National Latin Exam for 7th Grade – The National Latin Exam is given annually to Latin students around the world. The NLE is an opportunity for students to receive reinforcement and recognition for their accomplishments in the classroom. The exam will be held at 10:30 A.M., so please avoid scheduling appointments during that time. Students will review material in class. There should not be much at-home studying needed.
Friday, March 4 – All-School Spirit Day – All students, staff, and faculty are invited to wear their CCS-approved spirit wear to celebrate the end of the quarter! Click here for non-uniform guidelines.
Friday, March 4 – Last Day of 3rd Quarter – Early Release. No hot lunch. No After School Care. No electives.
- Rhetoric School (9th-12th): 11:45 A.M.
- Lower School (K-5th): 12:15 P.M.
- Logic School (6th-8th): 12:15 P.M.
March 7 – 18 – Spring Break – We pray you enjoy a restful break. Spring athletics will continue.
Tuesday, March 22 – Tuesday, March 29 – Protocol Sign-Ups – We are so excited for this fun upperclassman (Juniors and Seniors) event on Saturday, April 9 at 7:00 P.M. For more details on the venue and attire, please click here.
College Counseling
Friday, February 25 – AP Exam-Only Late Registration Ends TOMORROW – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, the cost of late registration for an AP Exam is $165 per AP Exam which includes the College Board Late Fee ($40) and the CCS Late Fee ($25). There are two steps to complete:
- Pay by clicking here.
- Register for the AP Exam on CollegeBoard.com. (Click here for the AP Joining Codes.)
Saturday, February 26th – Practice ACT Test – For those who signed up, the Practice ACT Test is this Saturday. An email was sent to those who signed up.
- When: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. (arrive at 8:45 A.M.)
- Where: Rhetoric hallway
9th Grade – Epicurius’ “Letter to Menoeceus”
- What does it mean to be divine?
- What is the value of pleasure?
10th Grade – Dante’s Purgatorio
- How can lesser goods spur us on to seek God, the greatest good?
11th Grade – Selections from Friedrich Nietzsche
- If “God is dead,” how should we live?
12th Grade – Readings from 19th Century Progressives
- What is the proper response to societal ills?
Wednesday, March 2 – Thursday, March 3 – The Jungle Book – Tickets are on sale now for the Logic School drama production of The Jungle Book. Come enjoy a great story portrayed by our talented students. Tickets are $7.00. Click here to buy your tickets.
- When: 6:30 P.M. (doors open at 6:10 P.M.)
- Where: CCS Theater
Wednesday, March 2 – JV and Varsity Winter Sports Recognition – We are excited to celebrate the winter sports seasons and the athletes who participated. We will acknowledge awards and then enjoy a time of fellowship and dessert.
- When: 7:30 P.M.
- Where: CCS Gym
Spring Sports Forms – All athletes must complete the Pre-Participation Physical Form, Consent to Participate and Release Form, and Concussion Information Form located in the Magnus Health Portal via the Parent Portal in Veracross. If you have already completed these forms for the 2021-2022 school year, there is no need to submit again.
Intro to Volleyball – Coach Regan Scott is offering a weekly clinic for boys and girls in 3rd-6th grade beginning April 4. If you are interested, please email Jeff Poore to sign up.
- When: Tuesdays from 2:45 – 4:00 P.M. (4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, and 5/10)
- Where: CCS Gym
- Cost: $125 (including a T-shirt)
Intro to Lacrosse – Coach Tom Kinney is offering a weekly clinic for boys in 4th & 5th grades beginning March 27. If you are interested, please email Jeff Poore to sign up.
- When: Sundays from 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. (3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, and 5/15)
- Where: CCS Upper Field
- Cost: $125
Soccer – FUTSAL will have a new session for boys and girls in 4th & 5th graders beginning April 24. If you are interested, please email Jeff Poore to sign up.
- When: Sundays from 4:45 – 6:00 P.M. (4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, and 5/29)
- Where: CCS Gym
- Cost: $110
Coach Needed– The Athletic Department is looking for an assistant coach to help coach girls’ tennis next Fall. If you are interested, please email Jeff Poore.
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).