Featured Items

Quarter 3
Classes Begin
January 6

Keith McCurdy
Opens January 6

Quarter 2
Report Cards
January 8
A Prayer for the New Year
Heavenly Father, as we stand on the threshold of a new year, we want to express our deepest gratitude for the past year’s blessings. Thank you for your faithfulness, your love, and your constant presence in our lives. We acknowledge your sovereignty over the days gone by and the days yet to come. Amen.
Capital Campaign
$4 million dollars committed! Thank you. God has blessed us with a strong and generous community. We are looking for $94,000 to close the gap. To make a pledge and donate: Cary Christian School.
School-Wide Information
TOMORROW – Friday, January 3 – 2025-26 Tuition Assistance Application Opens at 8:00 a.m. – To learn more about the program and process, click here.
Monday, January 6 – Registration Opens – Parent Enrichment Event with Keith McCurdy on Monday, January 27 – Reserve your seats early for an incredible opportunity to hear and learn from a national speaker, family counselor, and advocate for classical Christian education. Keith McCurdy understands the challenges of raising kids in today’s culture. Admission is free. We hope to have a full audience, so invite your friends and family! Visit the Live Sturdy website and listen to the BaseCamp Live podcast to get acquainted with Keith.
Topic: Raising Sturdy Kids
Where: Gym
When: 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.)
Employment Opportunity – Teacher Assistant – Spring Semester – Refer to this link for general information about the job. Candidates must contact Carol Ashworth with their resume and a cover letter explaining why they are a good fit for this position.
My Hot Lunchbox Menu Changes – We moved some favorites to new days, and we have added Panda Express to Thursday. Check out the menu for Panda Express and place orders for next semester through the Parent Portal (“Order Hot Lunch” button).
Lower School (K-5th)
Wednesday, January 8 – Quarter 2 Report Cards – Available in Parent Portal after 3:30 p.m. A printed copy of the report card will be sent home in your student’s Monday folder. Honor Roll ribbons will be awarded along with the printed report card.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, January 8 – Quarter 2 Report Cards – Available in Parent and Student Portals after 3:30 p.m.
SAVE THE DATE! – Wednesday, January 22 – Senior Parent Meeting – Learn about the second semester senior year: academic, social, and graduation details. Then enjoy hearing from our Seniors about their SSP experience and watch the SSP video.
- Where: Theater
- When:
- 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Second Semester Senior year meeting
- 8:00-9:00 p.m. – SSP Experience presentation
SAVE THE DATE! – Saturday, January 25 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance – Signups begin on Wednesday, January 8. Get ready for this long-standing tradition by reviewing the dance information for planning your attire.
College Counseling
Wednesday, January 8 – Juniors and Parents of Juniors – 2nd College Counseling Meeting – Junior year is a very important year in the college application process. All Juniors and at least one parent must attend.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 25 – In-Home Practice ACT for Sophomores and Juniors – Use this opportunity to practice the ACT (registration link). The deadline to register is January 23. Once registered, you will receive a link from Compass Prep on Friday, January 24, to take the test.
Career Connections Database – Parents, would you be interested in sharing about your career with our Rhetoric School students on February 28 for Career Connection Day? We would love to have you participate! Complete this short form so that we know your field and position.
Friday, January 17 – Entries Due for 2025 NCDOT Aviation Art Contest – This year’s theme is “Women with Wings.” Learn more on the NCDOT Division of Aviation’s art contest website.
Blakey Prize in Fine Art– This is an exclusive ACCS art competition with work due in April. Visit the contest website for information and to look at past winners. Let Mrs. Blanchard know if this is something you might be interested in submitting artwork for as there are guidelines. CCS can only enter two pieces. If we have more than two works to submit, administration will vote on the entries to represent CCS.
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.