Featured Items

Firm Foundation
for Parents
January 13

Winter Prospective
Family Open House
January 15

NCDOT Aviation
Art Contest
January 17
A Prayer for the Second Semester
Lord, as we begin the next semester, make us ready, attentive and available to hear you. Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that you walk through it with us. Thank you for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use. May all that we are today, all that we try to do today, may all our encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all be placed in your hands. May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life, and courage to all we come in contact with this semester. We thank you, Lord. Amen.
(adapted from Marquette University)
Capital Campaign
$4 million dollars committed! Thank you. God has blessed us with a strong and generous community. We are looking for $94,000 to close the gap. To make a pledge and donate: Cary Christian School.
School-Wide Information
- 2025-2026 Re-Enrollment – The re-enrollment fee is $210 per student. Access re-enrollment in your Parent Portal. To minimize issues, complete online re-enrollment with a computer and clear your browsing history/cookies. Also make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is updated. Complete all five steps of the online process (including payment). Click here to access the 2025-26 Tuition and Fees Schedule.
- Where: Theater
- When: 8:00-9:30 a.m.
- Where: Theater
- When: 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 15 – Winter Prospective Family Open House (5:00-7:00 p.m.) – Know anyone curious about classical Christian education or eager to enroll at Cary Christian School? This is a super event to recommend to them! This is the registration link for them to use.
Monday, January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School Closed
Friday, February 7 – Deadline for 2025-26 Tuition Assistance Application – To learn more about the program and process, click here.
Registration Is Open! – Parent Event with Keith McCurdy on Monday, January 27 – Click here to reserve seats for you and your guests through the Portal. Admission is free.
- Topic: Raising Sturdy Kids
- Where: Gym
- When: 6:30-8:00 p.m. (General Admission – Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.)
- Note: Keith McCurdy will be on campus all day. In the morning, he will speak to our Upper School students about “Perception and What Shapes It.” That afternoon, he will meet with our staff and faculty to talk about “Understanding Your Audience.”
Here are a few reminders to help us keep our families and our school community healthy this winter:
- Wash Hands!! This is the #1 way to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria that cause infections and leads to illness.
- Eat Healthy Foods!! Fueling your body with proper nutrition and hydration is essential in fighting off illness.
- Take Vitamins!! (Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D, Quercetin, etc.) These help to boost your immune system, strengthening natural immunity.
- Get Adequate Sleep!! This is extremely necessary for brain function and mental health.
- Stay Home!! If you or your child are sick, please refrain from sharing it with others. DO NOT send a child to school if they are visibly ill, have a persistent cough, have had a fever within 24 hours, have been vomiting with or without diarrhea, or show other signs of contagious illness. When parents recognize that they have a sick child in their home, it is imperative that the child be given time to recover from their illness prior to sending them back to school. When unhealthy children are home, school keeps moving as it should, but when unhealthy children are at school, it inhibits the flow of learning for many of their peers, teachers, staff members, and themselves.
Amber Boger, RN, Health Office
“Students must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy.”
Lower School (K-5th)
Quarter 2 Report Cards – These were posted in the Parent Portal on January 8.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, January 22 – Senior Parent Meeting – Learn about the second semester senior year: academic, social, and graduation details. Then enjoy hearing from our Seniors about their SSP experience and watch the SSP video.
- Where: Theater
- When:
- 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Second Semester Senior year meeting
- 8:00-9:00 p.m. – SSP Experience presentation
Saturday, January 25 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance – Signup on the Portal (or click here). Get ready for this long-standing tradition by reviewing the dance information for planning your attire.
College Counseling
Saturday, January 25 – In-Home Practice ACT for Sophomores and Juniors – Use this opportunity to practice the ACT (registration link). The deadline to register is January 23. Once registered, you will receive a link from Compass Prep on Friday, January 24, to take the test.
Career Connections Database – Parents, would you be interested in sharing about your career with our Rhetoric School students on February 28 for Career Connection Day? We would love to have you participate! Complete this short form so that we know your field and position.
- Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges.
- Send Ms. Smith copies of scholarship offers as you receive them so she can enter your information into Scoir.
Friday, January 17 – Entries Due for 2025 NCDOT Aviation Art Contest – This year’s theme is “Women with Wings.” Learn more on the NCDOT Division of Aviation’s art contest website.
Blakey Prize in Fine Art– This is an exclusive ACCS art competition with work due in April. Visit the contest website for information and to look at past winners. Let Mrs. Blanchard know if this is something you might be interested in submitting artwork for as there are guidelines. CCS can only enter two pieces. If we have more than two works to submit, administration will vote on the entries to represent CCS.
Varsity & Logic School Baseball Tryout Information –
- Location: USA Baseball National Training Complex Indoor Facility (280 Brooks Park Ln, Cary, NC 27519)
- Dates: January 18 and February 1
- Times:
- Varsity (2:00-2:45 p.m.)
- Logic School (2:45-3:30 p.m. )
Note: Players need to arrive 15 minutes early to warm up.
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.