Featured Items
Important Dates
Monday, August 1 – Kindergarten Meet & Greet – We are excited to invite our Kindergarten families to come and enjoy a time of meeting their teachers and classmates. Parents will walk to the classrooms with their kindergartner, drop off their supplies, and then head to the playground for some fun!
- When: 9:00 – 10:30 A.M.
- Where: Kindergarten Classrooms & K-2 Playground
Monday, August 1 – New Family Picnic – New Families, bring a picnic dinner to enjoy on our Upper Field. Our teachers, board, and champion families are excited to meet you. Drinks will be provided.
- When: 5:00 – 6:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Upper Field
Monday, August 1 – Family Festival – Join us for a time of fellowship to kick-off the school year! We will have lawn games and novelty ice cream. We are so excited to be together and to see what the Lord has in store for the new year!
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Upper Field and Pavilion
Tuesday, August 2 – Meet the Teacher Day – 1st-12th Grade Families, stop by anytime between 8:00 – 11:00 A.M. to drop off school supplies and meet your children’s teachers! We look forward to greeting you and welcoming you to your new class! Lower School teachers will have a special welcome at 8:15 A.M. and 9:15 A.M., and will make the information available in a handout on the first day of school. No uniforms.
- When: 8:00 – 11:00 A.M. (8:15 and 9:15 A.M.)
- Where: Cary Christian School
Wednesday, August 3 – First Day of School– Welcome home, students! We can’t wait for you to be here! Remember your dress uniform. (Click here for the dress uniform guidelines.) Start times:
- Kindergarten – 9:15 A.M. (First day only)
- 1st-5th Grade – 8:15 A.M.
Wednesday, August 3 – Kindergarten Parents: Proof of Immunizations and Kindergarten Health Assessments are Due – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state approved exemptions) before this date, you will have 30 days to become compliant according to NC law.
Wednesday, August 3 – Kindergarten Kiss & Cry – Following drop-off, kindergarten parents are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and to hear from Mrs. Kelly Gardner, Lower School Dean. Give your little one a kiss at their classroom door, shed a few tears, then join us for a sweet time of first-day fellowship. (Tissues provided.)
- When: 9:15-10:00 A.M.
- Where: CCS Pavilion
Monday, August 8 – First Day of After School Care – Lower School students who stay after school without a supervised activity are required to go to After School Care. The first day of After School Care is on the Monday of the first full week of school. Click here for more info!
Medicine Disbursement Policy – CCS follows NC laws when it comes to the disbursement of both over-the-counter and prescription medications. Furthermore, these policies differ between the lower and upper schools. Please read this policy carefully. Parents may drop off medications with Mrs. Blondin, at the front desk downstairs, or in the Health Office next week prior to the first day of school or as soon as possible thereafter.
Summer Reading – We hope that you’re enjoying the summer reading books. Remember to bring your book back on the first day of school (without writing and in good condition).
Updated PDF Calendar – Click here to access our updated PDF Calendar. Some dates/times/locations have changed since the original publication. Please review this version. As always, for an up-to-date calendar, please visit your Veracross Parent Portal!
3rd Grade Ukulele Class – We are excited to announce that our 3rd Graders will be learning to play Ukulele rather than Recorder this coming year with our new band teacher, Mr. Dillon! Check out your Parent Portal to see the scope and sequence for the lower school.

Important Dates
Thursday, July 28 – Rhetoric School Class Schedules (9-12) will be posted on your Parent & Student Portals.
- If you notice an error in your schedule, please email Mr. Seitz, at [email protected], and Mrs. Stewart, at [email protected].
- If you have changed your mind in regards to the elective you have chosen, please wait until Meet Your Teacher Day to fill out the form and make changes. Do not send an email about electives. Students will have until August 12 to make elective changes with their parent signature.
Monday, August 1 – New Family Picnic – New Families, bring a picnic dinner to enjoy on our Upper field. Our teachers, board, and champion families are excited to meet you. Drinks will be provided.
- When: 5:00 – 6:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Upper Field
Monday, August 1 – Family Festival – Join us for a time of fellowship to kick-off the school year! We will have lawn games and novelty ice cream. We are so excited to be together and to see what the Lord has in store for the new year!
- When: 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: CCS Upper Field and Pavilion
Tuesday, August 2 – Meet the Teacher Day – Stop by anytime between 8:00 – 11:00 A.M. to drop off set up your lockers and meet your children’s teacher(s)! We are so excited to welcome you home! No uniforms.
- When: 8:00 – 11:00 A.M.
- Where: Cary Christian School
Tuesday, August 2 – Senior Dinner and Parking Space Decorating – We are excited for this time to reconnect and get to know each other better. Seniors who plan to drive this upcoming year will be assigned a parking space. Students will have an opportunity that evening to decorate their parking space or back parking lot area with sidewalk chalk (provided by CCS). Bring your own chairs. Thank you, Megan Bovenizer, for agreeing to chair this event. Please reach out to her directly at [email protected] to join in the planning fun.
- When: 6:30 – 8:00 P.M.
- Where: 3-5 Playground & Senior Parking Lot

Wednesday, August 3 – Senior Breakfast – Seniors will come early, park in their newly decorated parking spaces, and gather for grab and go breakfast food and photo fun. Thank you, Cathy Allen, for agreeing to chair this event. Please reach out to her directly at [email protected] to join in the planning fun.
- When: 7:00 – 7:45 A.M. (Class photo will be taken at 7:30 A.M. on the 3-5 Playground.)
- Where: 3-5 Playground
Wednesday, August 3 – First Day of School – Welcome home, students! We can’t wait for you to be here! Remember your dress uniform. (Click here for the dress uniform guidelines.)
- When: 8:00 A.M. (6th-12th Grade)
Wednesday, August 3 – Parents of 7th & 12th Graders: Proof of immunizations are Due – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state approved exemptions) before this date, you will have 30 days to become compliant according to NC law.
Monday, August 8 – First Day of After School Care – Logic School students who stay after school without a supervised activity are required to go to After School Care. The first day of After School Care is on the Monday of the first full week. Click here for more info!
Wednesday, August 17 – Friday, August 19 – Rhetoric School Retreat at Camp Sea Gull – Click here for more information and to RSVP by Wednesday, August 3.
Medicine Disbursement Policy – CCS follows NC laws when it comes to the disbursement of both over-the-counter and prescription medications. Furthermore, these policies differ between the lower and upper schools. Please read this policy carefully. Parents may drop off medications with Mrs. Blondin, at the front desk downstairs, or in the Health Office next week prior to the first day of school or as soon as possible thereafter.
Summer Reading – We hope that you’re enjoying the summer reading books. Remember to bring your book back on the first day of school (without writing and in good condition). 10th and 11th Graders, please pick up your summer reading book from the front lobby if you haven’t already.
Senior Parent Letter (Click Here) – We are excited for a great year with the Class of 2023! Click here to check out specific volunteer opportunities and ways to celebrate!
Student Engagement (Click Here) – Learn more about the Upper School Student Leadership Program and our 2022-2023 student leaders.
Updated PDF Calendar – Click here to access our updated PDF Calendar. Some dates/times/locations have changed since the original publication. Please review this version. As always, for an up-to-date calendar, please visit your Veracross Parent Portal!
Off-Campus Lunch Permission & Student Parking Permits – All forms are now electronic and found on the Parent Portals.
- Off-Campus Lunch Permission – All 11th &12th Grade parents must complete the off-campus lunch permission indicating if your child does or does not have permission to be off-campus for lunch.
- Parking Permits – For 11th & 12th Grade students who would like to park on campus, a parking permission policy needs to be completed, along with vehicle information in order to obtain a parking permit. Once the policy has been completed, a student can pick up their parking permit tag from Ms. Eskridge, starting on Tuesday, August 2.
College Counseling
Thursday, August 11 – Senior Parents College Counseling Meeting – Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover pertinent information for parents of seniors as they navigate the college admissions process. This meeting is geared to parents as she will meet with the seniors during Rhetoric that day and Monday.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Parent & Student Portals – This year we are incorporating another feature on Veracross, the Component Pages. We have designed the College Counseling pages to give you pertinent information regarding college counseling activities throughout the year. We will update them regularly and encourage you to bookmark these useful resources. Rhetoric Students, the College Counseling Department looks forward to working with you this year!
Monday, August 1 – Physical Exam Day – Physicals are required before practices begin. You may go to your child’s physician or come participate in our Physical Exam Day (Free). Please click here to sign up for a slot. Arrive 10 minutes early with your physical documentation in hand. Upon completion, Physicals must be uploaded to Magnus with physician’s signature.
- When: 8:00 – 11:00 A.M.
- Where: CCS Gymnasium (Enter from 3-5 Hallway)
Monday, August 1 – All Athletic Forms Are Due – In order to participate in tryouts, parents must fill out all athletic forms on their to-do list in Magnus.
Monday, August 1 – All Sports Practices Begin (6th-12th Grade) – Click here for all tryout information. If you have further questions, please reach out to Jeff Poore, Athletic Director, at [email protected].
Rising 6th Grade Athletic Forms & Registration – If your child plans to enroll in Athletics during the 2022-2023 school year, they are required to have a Sports Pre-Participation Form completed and a few other requirements. Forms are found on our Magnus Health Portal. If you have questions about athletic forms please contact Jeff Poore [email protected]. If you have trouble with changing the status in Magnus, please contact [email protected]. To register for Athletics in Magnus:
- Access Magnus through your Veracross Parent Portal
- Click “Health Portal (Magnus)” link on the left side of the page
- Select “Student Health Tracker”
- Click the wheel to Edit “Conditional Questions.”
- Scroll down to the last question, which asks “Will your child be participating in Athletics?”
- Select “Yes”.
- This will add the required forms to your To-Do list.
Athletic Handbook – Click here to access the Athletic Handbook. You may also access it on your Parent Portal!
Fall Coaching Needs for the Upcoming School Year – These are stipend paid positions. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics at [email protected].
- Junior Varsity Volleyball
- Middle School Field Hockey
Athletic Bulletin Board – Parents, you can access up-to-date information for athletics on your Parent Portal!
Spirit Store – Updated Spirit Wear, and Fall Sports Fan Wear items will be available on July 22 at the Online Spirit Store. The store will also be open at the concession stand on August 2 for Meet the Teacher Day. There will be many new items in stock for this coming school year.
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).