Featured Items

Drama Production
& K-12 Art Show
May 2-4

Senior Thesis
Encore Night
May 9

Fine Arts Spring
Concert on the Lawn
May 11
A Prayer for the Class of 2024
Dear God, Thank you for letting me listen to some of the senior theses! Some of the ones I saw were very well done and led me to think more about you and answers for well-debated topics in today’s world. I pray that the seniors leave Cary Christian School in a way they did not come; leaving having a stronger faith and to continue to do so throughout college and forever. Please protect them through hard and good times and let them stick with you. Let them have good leaders throughout their lives and for them to bring people closer to God. Help them find peace in you, even if they’re not certain about anything. God, please be with them and give them strength through you. And let them praise you forever. Amen.
— 8th Grade CCS Student, Anonymous
School-Wide Information
TOMORROW – Friday, May 3 – Spirit Store Order Summer Deadline – The Spirit Store will continue to be open every Thursday at the Pavilion, 2:30-4:00 P.M. through May 9. The last day to order an item from the online Spirit Store and guarantee delivery before the end of the year is May 3. Any orders placed after May 3 will be processed, but may not be delivered before Summer Break. Any orders delivered after the end of the year will be available for pick up at the school over Summer Break.
Tuesday, May 7 – Firm Foundation – Mark your calendar for the last session of 2023-24! These events are designed for CCS parents who want to dig deeper into the world of classical, Christian education. Hear from CCS guest speakers, read and discuss several books related to our mission, and help build community among fellow parents. For those interested in becoming eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, these sessions help serve as a conduit to satisfy some of the prerequisites necessary for Board service eligibility. To learn more, click here.
- When: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, May 7 – Board Meeting
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Thursday, May 9 – Senior Thesis Encore Night – All families are invited to hear from four of our top seniors as they speak on a variety of relevant and challenging biblical and cultural subjects. Each presentation will last 5-10 minutes, followed by a 10-15 minute period of dialogue as they answer questions from the audience. For more info, click here.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Saturday, May 11 – Fine Arts Spring Concert on the Lawn – “A Night at the Movies” – Take a musical journey at the movies starring our Logic School Chorus, Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and the Logic and Rhetoric School bands as well as other guest instrumentalists. This will be an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the music of the movies. Classics from years past and current features will be featured throughout the evening. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket and a picnic to share, and join us for a once in a lifetime event. (Rain date is Sunday, May 12, at 6:00 P.M.)
- When: 6:00 P.M.
- Where: Main Field
Thursday, May 16 – Class of 2024 Graduation – We are looking forward to honoring the Class of 2024 at our Graduation Ceremony! General Admission Seating is available for the entire CCS community – no reservation required! Gates open at 6:15 P.M. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Main Field
- Parking: Overflow parking is at Bethel Church (1111 W. Chatham St.). Shuttles will run from 5:30 – 9:30 P.M.
- When: 7:00–9:00 P.M.
- Where: Peace Church Fellowship Hall
Uniform Updates – Exciting News! – Flynn O’Hara has new pieces available for purchase:
- Performance fabric shirts and shorts (Grades K-12)
- Performance fabric pants (Grades 9-12)
- Performance fleece 1/4 zip pullover in navy and hunter green (All Grades)
Student Medication Pick-Up – Any parent who has over-the-counter or prescription medications for their child(ren) stored at CCS, must come BEFORE the last day of school to take medication home. Please notify the Health Office in advance to schedule a time for pickup (919-303-2560, ext. 212). NO medication of any type will be stored at CCS over the summer.
Summer Camp Registration Is Still Open – Browse the Camp Catalog and sign up for summer learning and fun through the Parent Portal.
Lower School (K-5th)
TOMORROW- Friday, May 3 – Grade 1 – Duke Gardens Field Trip – First Graders will extend their classroom learning by exploring the beauty of Duke Gardens. They will be going on a wonder walk with small groups that will be led by garden guides, connecting specific content to students’ interest as they explore different garden areas.
TOMORROW- Friday, May 3 – Grade 2 – Field Trip to the Zoo – Turtles, lizards, alligators, snakes; some of these reptiles give us the shakes! Second grade students have spent fourth quarter researching a mammal or a reptile and writing an animal report. Their upcoming visit to the zoo is a long-awaited day to experience and marvel at God’s handiwork. Students will be on the hunt for the animal they have studied!
TOMORROW- Friday, May 3 – Grade 4 – Reformation Celebration – Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria! Salvation is found by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone! Fourth graders will spend the day celebrating the Protestant Reformation. They will eat a special “Diet of Worms” snack, analyze and sing Martin Luther’s famous hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” learn to write 5 Solas in calligraphy, map the European countries involved in the Reformation, burn the bull, and more!
Wednesday, May 8 – Classical Learning Test (CLT) – Grades 3-8 – The CLT is used to evaluate reading, grammar, and mathematics and provide a comprehensive measure of achievement and aptitude. The test will take about three hours with breaks in between. Students do not need to bring or do anything special to be prepared. We ask that they have a healthy breakfast and arrive at school on time to be ready for testing in the morning. A parent report for CLT results will be communicated as they become available in August.
Wednesday, May 8 – JV Football Interest Meeting – Rising 6th Grade students and their parents are invited to attend an information meeting regarding football at Cary Christian. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Elkins.
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Friday, May 10 – Grade 5 – Wax Museum – As a culmination of our history curriculum, each student will dress up and present a brief speech about the life of a famous American, ranging from the early Puritans up to the Founding Fathers. We would love for parents to stop in and see the presentations.
- When: 1:00-2:00 P.M.
- Where: Gym
Monday, May 13 – Fall Sports Online Parent Meeting – Join Mr. Poore for an informational Zoom call regarding Fall Athletics. This call is for parents of rising 6th grade students and new students to CCS.
- When: 4:00 P.M.
- Where: Online: Zoom link
- Meeting ID: 858 6146 9958, Passcode: 1Y5i70
Wednesday, May 15 – Grade 1 – Field Trip to Strawberry Patch – The garden season in first grade is coming to an end. After the last harvest of carrots, radishes and peas the first graders are going to visit DJs Strawberry Patch to enjoy fresh picked strawberries with ice-cream. Is there a sweeter way to celebrate a great gardening season?
Upper School (6th-12th)
TOMORROW – Friday, May 3 – Last Rhetoric School House for 2023-24
Registration Is Now Open – Rhetoric School Retreat (August 14-16, 2024) and Eighth Grade Retreat (August 23, 2024) – Registration closes on May 10. Register through the Parent Portal soon, so your students will not miss these memorable events!
Reminder for Rising Seniors – Sign Up for SSP – In Parent Portal
College Counseling
By Friday, May 3 – Seniors – There are three timely things for you to do:
- Send copies of scholarships offered to Ms. Smith.
- Update Scoir with college decisions, including where you will attend.
- Make your pennant!
Monday, May 6 – Thursday, May 23 – AP Exams – AP Exams will be administered to those who have signed up. If you have questions about what AP Exams you are taking, see your College Board Account. Use this link to see the locations, times, and reminders. Individual emails will be sent to students for each exam. Veracross attendance has already been documented, but it is each student’s responsibility to communicate with his/her teachers.
- Parents, do not order My Hot Lunch for your child if they have a noon AP Exam. They will need to bring lunch on those days.
College Essay Camp – Juniors, have you signed up for Ms. Smith and Mrs. Clarkson’s College Essay Boot Camp? There are still a few spots left. Sign up today!
– ARTS –
Thursday, May 2 – Saturday, May 4 – Spring Art Show – Featuring K-12 Artwork
- Where: Main Lobby and Lower School Hallways
- When: 6:00-7:00 P.M. on May 2-4; 12:00-1:00 P.M. on May 4
TICKETS ON SALE! – Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4 – Rhetoric School Spring Drama Production – Agatha Christie’s A Murder Is Announced – Click here to reserve your seats!
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M. on May 2-4; 1:00 P.M. on May 4
Saturday, May 11 – Fine Arts Spring Concert on the Lawn – “A Night at the Movies” – Take a musical journey at the movies starring our Logic School Chorus, Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and the Logic and Rhetoric School bands as well as other guest instrumentalists. This will be an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the music of the movies. Classics from years past and current features will be featured throughout the evening. Bring a lawn chair, blanket a picnic to share and join us for a once in a lifetime event. (Rain date is Sunday, May 12, at 6:00 P.M.)
- When: 6:00 P.M.
- Where: Main Field
Tuesday, May 7 – Gold and Varsity Girls Tennis Interest Meeting – Logic and Rhetoric Students interested in joining the Varsity Girls Tennis team in the Fall are invited to come hear all about the upcoming season! Parents are welcome to attend. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Jacobsen or Coach Ayers.
- When: 3:30-4:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, May 8 – JV and Varsity Football Interest Meeting – Both prior and prospective Logic and Rhetoric students, along with their parents, should attend this important informational meeting. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Elkins or Coach Elliott.
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Monday, May 13 – Fall Sports Online Parent Meeting – Join Mr. Poore for an informational Zoom call regarding Fall Athletics. This call is for parents of rising 6th grade students and new students to CCS.
- When: 4:00 P.M.
- Where: Online: Zoom link
Meeting ID: 858 6146 9958, Passcode: 1Y5i70
Sports Physicals – These are mandatory for participating in our athletic programs. CCS will not be offering a sports physical day. Here are two recommendations for completing the NCISAA Physical Form, which needs to be uploaded into Magnus in the Parent Portal.
- Schedule a physical with your athlete’s physician/pediatrician.
- Carolina Family Practice is offering a $10 sports physical. Click here to sign up for an appointment at one of their various locations.
Coaching Positions Are Open – See coaching opportunities below. If you are interested, contact Jeff Poore.
- Fall:
- Gold Girls Tennis
- Gold Field Hockey
- JV Volleyball
- Fall:
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).