Featured Items

K-12 Early Release
November 21

Thanksgiving Pies
for Teachers
November 21

Thanksgiving Break
School Closed
November 22-24
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer
“O, heavenly Father: We thank thee for food and remember the hungry. We thank thee for health and remember the sick. We thank thee for friends and remember the friendless. We thank thee for freedom and remember the enslaved. May these remembrances stir us to service, that thy gifts to us may be used for others. Amen.”
— Abigail van Buren, a.k.a “Dear Abby”
School-Wide Information
Friday, November 17 – Operation Christmas Child (All-School Service Project) – Thank you for the incredible support that we have received through your generous donations. We are looking forward to a special time of service tomorrow in which our Upper and Lower School students will work together to pack hundreds of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. This service opportunity would not have been possible without your help. We are grateful!
Tomorrow – Friday, November 17 – Lost & Found – Families may look for lost items between 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in the hallway or gym bins, please check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz.
Tuesday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Pies for Teachers – We are excited to bless each staff member with a pie on the Tuesday morning (November 21) before Thanksgiving break. Sign up to bring a pie or volunteer for this event on Parent Square, click here! You may deliver your baked and boxed pie during the morning carpool.
Tuesday, November 21 – Early Release Day/CCS Spirit Wear Day – On Early Release Days, there is no After School Care and no Lunch. Please bring a healthy snack and water bottle.
Dismissal Times:
- 11:45 A.M. Rhetoric School (9-12)
- 12:15 P.M. Logic School (6-8) and Lower School (K-5)
Wednesday – Friday, November 22-24 – Thanksgiving Break – School is closed.
Wednesday, December 6 – Logic School Annual Christmas Concert – Everyone is cordially invited to join the Logic School Chorus’ Sounds of the Christmas Season Concert. This is a beautiful opportunity to hear these wonderful students singing together through worship and scripture. There is no cost to attend, so you will want to arrive early for the best seats! Please direct any questions to Mr. James Baker, Choral Arts Program Director.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M.
Collections for Senior Service Practicum (SSP) – We are continuing to collect ANY cold weather outerwear items (coats, hats, gloves/mittens of all sizes) that you wish to give away for our “Coats for the Cold” collection for our trip to Tennessee beginning on November 30. These items should be gently used and freshly laundered then bagged.
Walmart gift cards of any amount are also super helpful for us to shop and purchase items on behalf of our school families. Please provide these in an envelope addressed to Mrs. Walsh and deliver to her desk. Thank you for your support!
- Grades K-5: Bring items to your classrooms
- Grades 6-12: Deliver items to Mrs. Hillsgrove’s office
2023-24 Yearbook on Sale for $50 – Lowest Price of the Year Until 11/24! – It’s time to order this keepsake on Search for Cary Christian School then follow the prompts. The price increases to $55 if purchased by 1/26/24 then $60 thereafter.
Extra 2022-23 Yearbooks Available! – Did you forget to order or misplace last year’s yearbook? We have some for sale for $60 each. To purchase one, please see Ms. Kailyn Eskridge at the upper school desk.
Vision Nights
Where Beauty Confronts Purpose – Two Dates Left! – Be sure to register if you are a Phonics School parent (see link below) or just show up in the evening to sign-in if your children are in a different grade level. We don’t want anyone to miss out on these events about CCS’ future!
We are aiming for 100% participation of our parents, faculty, and staff!
Event Options:
- Rhetoric (9th-12th) Vision Night – 4 nights, complete!
- Logic (6th-8th) Vision Night – 3 nights, complete!
- Grammar (3rd-5th) Vision Night – 3 nights, complete!
- Phonics (K-2nd) Vision Night (November 15 – done, 28, 29) – 2 left!
Please direct questions to Mrs. Kelly Butler, Director of Marketing and Communications.
Lower School (K-5th)
Friday, November 17 – Third Grade Rock Day – Students will have the opportunity to discover more about God’s amazing creation through panning for rocks, cracking geodes, performing tests on a mystery rock, and traveling through the rock cycle.
Monday and Tuesday, November 20-21 – Fifth Grade Ocean Days – Students will present their Ocean Animal Research Projects and participate in ocean-themed crafts, games, and activities to celebrate what they have learned about God’s creation of our amazing oceans.
Carpool Safety – Please ensure that your children are buckled in their seats through the carpool line. Do not allow them to hang out of car windows or sunroofs.
Upper School (6th-12th)
College Counseling
Senior Parents & Seniors – Before SSP, make sure your families communicate about college applications. It is recommended that parents have email and college portal logins and passwords since students will not have access to their phones during the trip. Parents may check for communication from colleges. Parents, if something is needed, please call or email Ms. Smith.
Freshmen and Sophomores, if you missed the 9th and 10th Grade College Counseling Meeting, go to the grade level College Counseling Component Page. Read the PowerPoint and complete the action items by November 30.
Sophomores and Juniors, PSAT Scores will be released today on College Board.
– ARTS –
Athletics Home Livestream – Home games will now be livestreamed through HUDL. Click here to view our school HUDL page where you can view upcoming games, highlights, and more!
Winter Athletics Calendar – To view the most up-to-date calendar for winter sports, click here.
Coaches Needed – There are multiple coaching positions open for the Spring 2024 Season! Please see the list of coaching needs below. If you are interested, please reach out to Jeff Poore.
- Logic School Track
- Logic School Girls’ Soccer
- Logic School Lacrosse – Position filled!
- Varsity Lacrosse
- Varsity Men’s Tennis
SAVE THE DATE! – Spring Athletics Evaluations – Week of December 4
SAVE THE DATE! – Lower School Wrestling Clinic – Grades 3-5 – January 4–February 6
- Tuesdays and Thursdays on campus, 2:30-4:00 P.M.
- 10 sessions – $125 per student
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).