Featured Items

Worship Night
for K-12 Families
November 8

Rhetoric School
Hoedown Dance
November 9

Prospective Family
Fall Open House
November 13
A Prayer for Parents Driving Their Children to School
Father, as we head to school, guard our hearts and minds. Give me helpful words to speak as we drive together. Help my child(ren) to love learning about your world today. Give my child(ren) courage, kindness, and wisdom and remind us that you go before us in all things. Thank you for your presence, even in the ordinary moments of our day. Amen. – Kaleidoscope (Kids Bibles)
Capital Campaign
Construction is about to begin! This will be a fun season, but it requires everyone’s cooperation. Our plan is to continue to offer every service we have been providing. The reality is there are limitations to what we can do. Over the next few weeks, we will be iterating our plan. Stay tuned for communication about timing and other pertinent information as we draw closer to the construction phase.
Thanks to the generosity of many donors, we are close to meeting the $4 million fundraising goal to establish an endowment, add parking, and install synthetic turf on our main field. Learn more about the campaign and how you can donate to bring the goal to completion!
School-Wide Information
TOMORROW! Friday, November 8 – Worship Night for K-12 Families – Let’s join in worship together! All K-12 students and parents are invited to attend this event that is led by our student worship team. Student testimonies will also be shared by Emmaline Russell, 12th grade, and Noah-Bell Yamamura, 11th grade.
- When: 7:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, November 12 – Monthly Board Meeting
- When: 5:30 p.m.
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, November 13 – Fall Prospective Family Open House (5:00-7:00 p.m.) – Spread your love for CCS by inviting families to this special event where those who are curious or already serious about classical Christian education can meet our faculty and staff while perusing the classrooms and hallways. Please encourage them to register through the CCS website.
Until Friday, November 15 – Collections for Senior Service Practicum (SSP) – Set aside ANY cold weather items (blankets, coats, hats, gloves/mittens of all sizes, new socks) that you wish to give away for our “Coats for the Cold” collection for our annual trip to Tennessee. These items should be gently used and freshly laundered then bagged. Walmart gift cards are also greatly appreciated for purchases being made for those we serve.
UPDATE: Lowes and Home Depot gift cards are needed as the community is now in need of building supplies.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Please pray for our students and adults as we prepare for our time in Eastern Tennessee.
Deliver your items, beginning after fall break, to these collection zones:
- Grades K-5: Mr. Shane Tharrington’s security desk
- Grades 6-12: Mrs. Diane Hillsgrove’s office
2025-26 Academic Calendar – Next school year’s calendar for the academic year is published on the Portals and can be downloaded from this link.
Thanksgiving Pies – It’s time to get ready for Pie Day on Tuesday, November 26. CCS has a wonderful tradition at Thanksgiving. Initiated 17 years ago by a 6th grade student, she blessed her teachers with homemade pies before Thanksgiving. Parents, students, grandparents alike… Let’s continue this tradition and get to baking to thank all of our teachers who pour so much love into our students throughout the year. If you would like to bake a pie or volunteer, please sign up through ParentSquare! Boxes will be passed out during morning carpool on Thursday, November 21, Friday, November 22, and Monday, November 25. Deliver your homemade, baked pie through any carpool line on Tuesday, November 26 in the box that was provided. If you have any questions, contact Megan Ganzert.
SAVE THE DATE! – Jane Eyre – Rhetoric School Fall Drama Production – Stay tuned for ticket information in next week’s Knightly News.
- When: December 5-7
- Evening shows – 7:00 p.m., Saturday matinee – 1:00 p.m.
- Where: Theater
This Side of the Oak Tree – Morning Carpool is this week’s e-newsletter topic. You may locate all issues in the series, soon after they are emailed, on the Portal in the menu bar.
2024-25 Yearbooks Are on Sale for the Lowest Price – The CCS yearbook is on sale for $50.00. Order online before the price goes up on November 19.
Department Pages – College Counseling – Rhetoric School students and parents can access the College Counseling Department Pages from their student or parent portals. These pages provide grade-appropriate timelines for students with action items, links for college admission testing, a Resource page, and more. You can click on each grade’s page, beginning with the freshman year, to see the timeline of events and steps for that academic year. The scope of 9-12th grade college counseling is a well-planned, systematic process for how we prepare students for their next steps after CCS. Students have access to Scoir, a college and career information system through which students research and like colleges, manage and track college applications and admissions decisions. If you have questions about the process, please contact Ms. Smith, Director of College Counseling, and her Administrative Assistant, Mrs. McGinnis.
Lower School (K-5th)
Friday, November 15 – Third Grade Rock Day – Students will have the opportunity to discover more about God’s amazing creation by panning for rocks, cracking geodes, performing tests on a mystery rock, and traveling through the rock cycle.
Wednesday, November 20 – Fourth Grade Field Trip to the Planetarium – Fourth Graders will enjoy seeing the stars projected on the dome ceiling as they learn more about constellations and deep sky objects they have studied. The Planetarium offers a special way of being able to view the Carolina night skies. Students will also participate in a science lab demonstration about Magnificent Matter.
Co-Ed Indoor Soccer Clinic (Grades 4-5) – Registration Is Open Until November 12 – Information and registration is available through Veracross. Email Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics, with any questions.
Boys Wrestling Clinic (Grades 3-5) – Registration Is Open Until November 12 – Information and registration is available through Veracross. Email Jeff Poore, Director of Athletics, with any questions.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Saturday, November 9 – Rhetoric School Hoedown – Keep planning your outfit (modest attire, similar to dress-up days) and get ready for a fun night! It is important to be on time as we start class pictures with the freshmen at 7:00 p.m.
- When: 7:00-9:00 p.m.
- Where: Main Field
Wednesday, November 13 – Athletic Signing Day – Let’s celebrate three of our seniors who are signing to compete at the collegiate level:
James Callahan (Track, NC State), Reid Miller (Field Hockey, UNC), Andrew Neal (Golf, Wofford)
- Where: Gym
- When: 12:30-1:00 p.m. (Lunch)
College Counseling
November 13, Wednesday – Freshmen and Sophomore Students and Parents College Counseling Meeting – This meeting will cover pertinent information for freshmen and sophomores to be well prepared for the college application process. Both students and parents should attend.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Sophomores and Juniors, it is expected that College Board will release your PSAT results on your College Board Portal on Thursday, November 14. Be sure to check your results. If you didn’t meet a Benchmark, Ms. Smith encourages you to hire a tutor in that area. Any questions, please reach out to her at [email protected].
Seniors, let’s talk about college financial aid for a moment. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Financial Aid) will open December 1. You must create a FAFSA ID in advance. Click here.
Many private colleges use the CSS Profile to make preliminary or final college financial awards. This opened October 1. Be sure to check your application portal or check with your college financial aid office to see if this is required. Note there is a fee for this application.
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to review essays or get help with applications, schedule a meeting via Calendly.
Scholastic Art and Writing Competition – This is open now! Create an account then upload your artwork or written pieces. Click here for more information and to enter the contest.
2025 NCDOT Aviation Art Contest with More Prizes – Entries must be received by Friday, January 17, 2025. This year’s theme is “Women with Wings.” Read more about the theme at the NCDOT Division of Aviation’s art contest website. (You can use color pencils this year, too.)
Constitution Week Poster Contest – Daughters of the American Revolution – Entries due by January 1 – You are welcome to turn in entries to Mrs. Blondin or Mrs. Blanchard before then. Click here for contest information. Email questions to Mrs. Blanchard or Mrs. Rushing (DAR member/organizer). Read through the contest rules. There is no age limit for this contest, so parents, pull out your pencils and do some sketching, too!
NEW DATE! – Monday, December 2 – Winter Sports Picture Day
Coaching Needs – We are currently looking for head coaches to lead programs for the following sports:
- Varsity Track (Spring)
- Varsity Boys Tennis (Spring)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Varsity Girls Tennis (Fall)
- Varsity Cross Country (Fall)
- Blue (MS) Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- Gold Girls (MS) Field Hockey (Fall)
For more information, contact Jeff Poore, Athletic Director.