Featured Items

Hoedown: Grades 9-12
7:00-9:00 P.M.
Saturday, November 11

Rhetoric School
Drama Production
November 16-18

All-School Service
Shoebox Project
Friday, November 17
A Prayer for Opportunities to Serve: Operation Christmas Child, Toys for Tots, Senior Service Practicum and the SSP Winter Coats Collection
Praise you, Father God, for revealing several amazing opportunities for our CCS community to serve people in need. Ignite our enthusiasm for service to others. Go before us and make a way for an abundance of resources and donations. Make a way, Lord, for every single gift to go directly to the person who needs it most. Allow our gifts to transmit HOPE and JOY to children! Through service and times of fellowship, please bless our students’ hearts and relationships as they serve together, K-12, side-by-side. Lord, may our feeble efforts be bolstered by your power to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in our community and around the world!
School-Wide Information
Friday, November 10 – Worship Night – Let’s join in worship together! All CCS K-12 students and parents are invited to attend this event that is led by our student worship team. Student testimonies will also be shared during this special time.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M.
Tuesday, November 14 – Monthly Board Meeting
- Where: Art Room (Field House)
- When: 5:00 P.M.
Friday, November 17 – Operation Christmas Child (All-School Service Project) – We are still in need of donations to pack shoeboxes for every age range! Please sign up by using the QR code (click here) or by going to your Parent Portal and clicking the green OCC Donation button. We are hopeful that every CCS student will either donate 15 items or make a $15 monetary donation toward items. All items will be collected in homeroom classes the week of November 13.
Monday, November 20 Deadline – Spirit Store Holiday Gifting – The shipping and ordering cutoff for items at the Spirit Store to arrive before Christmas is November 20. CCS Spirit items can be purchased online or at our Spirit Store at the Pavilion on Thursdays from 2:30-4:00 P.M.
Tuesday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Pies for Teachers – It’s time to get ready for pie day! CCS has a wonderful tradition at Thanksgiving, initiated eleven years ago by a sixth-grade student, where we bless each staff member with a pie on the Tuesday morning (November 21) before Thanksgiving break. Parents, students, grandparents alike… Let’s get baking and thank all our teachers who pour so much love into our children throughout the year. Sign up to bring a pie or volunteer for this event on Parent Square, click here!
Tuesday, November 21 – Early Release Day/CCS Spirit Wear Day – On Early Release Days, there is no After School Care and no Lunch. Please bring a healthy snack and water bottle.
Dismissal Times:
- 11:45 A.M. Rhetoric School (9-12)
- 12:15 P.M. Logic School (6-8) and Lower School (K-5)
Wednesday – Friday, November 22-24 – Thanksgiving Break – School is closed.
Collections for Senior Service Practicum (SSP) – Please put aside ANY cold weather outerwear items (coats, hats, gloves/mittens of all sizes) that you wish to give away for our “Coats for the Cold” collection that will start the week of November 13 for our annual trip to Tennessee. These items should be gently used and freshly laundered then bagged.
- Grades K-5: Bring items to your classrooms
- Grades 6-12: Deliver items to Mrs. Hillsgrove’s office
2023-24 Yearbook Sales Are Open! – It’s time to order this keepsake on Search for Cary Christian School then follow the prompts.
2024-25 Academic Calendar – Next school year’s calendar for the academic year is published on Veracross Portals and can be downloaded from this link.
Leftover Candy? – Our Kindergarten and Fourth Grade students will gladly accept this for their float in next month’s Cary Christmas Parade. They will enjoy passing out the candy to spectators. Please drop off all candy donations at the front desk.
Vision Nights
Where Beauty Confronts Purpose – Remember to RSVP! – Be sure to register for a date in your grade level (see links below).
If you have students across more than one grade level group, you are welcome to select the date that works best for you in any of those groups. If you prefer to attend a date in a different grade level, email Mrs. Kelly Butler, Director of Marketing and Communications, and she can handle your registration.
We are aiming for 100% participation of our parents, faculty, and staff!
Event Options:
- Rhetoric (9th-12th) Vision Night – 4 nights, complete!
- Logic (6th-8th) Vision Night – 3 nights, complete!
- Grammar (3rd-5th) Vision Night (November 7-done, 9, 13) – Two left!
- Phonics (K-2nd) Vision Night (November 15, 28, 29)
Lower School (K-5th)
Friday, November 10 – First Grade History Museum Field Trip – Our First Graders will visit the North Carolina Museum of History and will make connections to the history of explorers and early settlers using artifacts from the museum’s exhibits. What did the explorers find when they first stepped on land? John White’s beautiful watercolors allow the first graders to see with the eyes of an explorer.
Friday, November 10 – Fifth Grade Field Trip to Camp Flintlock – In line with our American Colonial studies, fifth graders will travel back in time to Camp Flintlock and participate in several hands-on activities including colonial games, making an authentic style Native American necklace, shopping at a colonial store and trying on 18th century clothing.
Wednesday, November 15 – Fourth Grade Field Trip to the Planetarium – Fourth Graders will enjoy seeing the stars projected on the dome ceiling as they learn more about constellations and deep sky objects they have studied. The Planetarium offers a special way of being able to view the Carolina night skies. Students will also participate in a science lab demonstration about Magnificent Matter.
Friday, November 17 – Third Grade Rock Day – Students will have the opportunity to discover more about God’s amazing creation through panning for rocks, cracking geodes, performing tests on a mystery rock, and traveling through the rock cycle.
Carpool Safety – Please ensure that your children are buckled in their seats through the carpool line. Do not allow them to hang out of car windows or sunroofs.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Friday, November 10 – Worship Night – Let’s show our support of the student worship team’s leadership and sing praises to Jesus together! There are some students planning to share their spiritual testimony that night, too. Parents are always welcome! Plus, this event is open to all CCS families, K-12, so please spread the word!
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M.
College Counseling
Freshmen and Sophomore Student/Parent College Counseling Meeting Recap – Ms. Smith discussed how Freshman Year is Foundational and gave an overview of Sophomore Keys to Success. To review, refer to the PowerPoint presentation.
Students, you have action items:
- Complete the Survey in Scoir by November 30.
- If you were not able to attend, fill out this form (link to come) and return it to Mrs. McGinnis or Ms. Smith by November 30 to get your transcript and other materials.
Sophomores and Juniors, it is expected that College Board will release your PSAT results on your College Board Portal on Thursday, November 16. Be sure to check your results. If you did not meet a Benchmark, Ms. Smith encourages you to hire a tutor in that area. Any questions, please reach out to her at [email protected].
Freshmen, results from your practice PSAT through Compass Prep were emailed to you from Compass Prep last week. Check to see how you did.
Seniors, if you need to meet with Ms. Smith to review essays, practice for scholarship interviews, or get help with applications, please use this link.
Let’s talk college financial aid for a moment. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Financial Aid) which usually opens in October has been delayed until December since it is undergoing a comprehensive overhaul designed to simplify it. Seniors, you may go to this link to create your FAFSA ID so that you are ready for the FAFSA release in December.
Many colleges are using the CSS Profile to make preliminary or final college financial awards. Colleges that did not require it in the past, may require it now. Be sure to check your application portal or check with your college financial aid office.
– ARTS –
- Snow White: The Queen’s Fair Daughter (Based on the Olenberg manuscript and early versions of the Brothers Grimm tale)
- Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother’s Tale (Based on the oral tale The Grandmother’s Tale (pre-1690); Little Red Riding Hood, by Charles Perrault (1697); and Little Red Cap, by the Brothers Grimm (1812))
TO BUY TICKETS, click here.
Monday, November 13 – Winter Sports Pictures – All athletes need to bring their sports uniform to school. Every athlete will have an individual photo and team picture. To order either or both photos, order through using this Picture ID: EVTTKBCKH, or download and print the order form.
Athletes will be dismissed from class for their given time slot:
- Blue Girls’ Basketball: 1:30 P.M.
- Gold Girls’ Basketball: 1:45 P.M.
- Blue Boys’ Basketball: 2:00 P.M.
- Gold Boys’ Basketball: 2:15 P.M.
- Wrestling: 2:30 P.M.
- JV Women’s Basketball: 2:45 P.M.
- Varsity Women’s Basketball: 3:00 P.M.
- Swimming Men: 3:15 P.M.
- Swimming Women: 3:30 P.M.
- JV Men’s Basketball: 3:45 P.M.
- Varsity Men’s Basketball: 4:00 P.M.
Athletics Home Livestream – Home games will now be livestreamed through HUDL. Click here to view our school HUDL page where you can view upcoming games, highlights, and more!
Winter Athletics Calendar – To view the most up-to-date calendar for winter sports, click here.
Coaches Needed – There are multiple coaching positions open for the Spring 2024 Season! Please see the list of coaching needs below. If you are interested, please reach out to Jeff Poore.
- Logic School Track
- Logic School Girls’ Soccer
- Logic School Lacrosse
- Varsity Lacrosse
- Logic School Boys’ Tennis – Position Filled!
- Varsity Men’s Tennis
SAVE THE DATE! – Spring Athletics Evaluations – Week of December 4
SAVE THE DATE! – Lower School Wrestling Clinic – Grades 3-5 – January 4–February 6
- Tuesdays and Thursdays on campus, 2:30-4:00 P.M.
- 10 sessions – $125 per student
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).