Featured Items

Spring Art Show
Begins April 26

Spring Drama
May 2-4

Fine Arts Spring
Concert on the Lawn
May 11
A Prayer of Confession
Dear Heavenly Father, You are an amazing God! You are perfect in every way. I could never live up to you. I confess all of my sin, especially when I have disobeyed you and my parents. I know I am a sinner. My sins are more than the sea. Please hear my prayer, and open my eyes and cleanse my soul. Help me to love everyone, just as you have loved us. Remove all of my impurity, for I am precious in your sight. I turn away from my sin and run to you. Thank you for forgiving me. In your great name, Amen.
— Reagan Rushing, Grade 6
School-Wide Information
TODAY! – THURSDAY, April 25 – Lost & Found – Families may look for lost items between 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. under the West Canopy (the side of the building closest to the baseball field). Any unclaimed items will be donated or discarded. Each week, campus-wide items are consolidated in the K-2 stairwell. If you cannot find your belongings in the hallway or gym bins, please check the K-2 stairwell throughout the month. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Wentz.
Friday, May 3 – Spirit Store Order Summer Deadline – The Spirit Store will continue to be open every Thursday at the Pavilion, 2:30-4:00 P.M. through May 9. The last day to order an item from the online Spirit Store and guarantee delivery before the end of the year is May 3. Any orders placed after May 3 will be processed, but may not be delivered before Summer Break. Any orders delivered after the end of the year will be available for pick up at the school over Summer Break.
Tuesday, May 7 – Firm Foundation – Mark your calendar for the last session of 2023-24! These events are designed for CCS parents who want to dig deeper into the world of classical, Christian education. Hear from CCS guest speakers, read and discuss several books related to our mission, and help build community among fellow parents. For those interested in becoming eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, these sessions help serve as a conduit to satisfy some of the prerequisites necessary for Board service eligibility. To learn more, click here.
- When: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Where: Theater
Tuesday, May 7 – Board Meeting
- When: 5:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Thursday, May 9 – Senior Thesis Encore Night – All families are invited to hear from four of our top seniors as they speak on a variety of relevant and challenging biblical and cultural subjects. Each presentation will last 5-10 minutes, followed by a 10-15 minute period of dialogue as they answer questions from the audience. For more info, click here.
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Saturday, May 11 – Fine Arts Spring Concert on the Lawn – “A Night at the Movies” – Take a musical journey at the movies starring our Logic School Chorus, Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and the Logic and Rhetoric School bands as well as other guest instrumentalists. This will be an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the music of the movies. Classics from years past and current features will be featured throughout the evening. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket and a picnic to share, and join us for a once in a lifetime event. (Rain date is Sunday, May 12, at 6:00 P.M.)
- When: 6:00 P.M.
- Where: Main Field
Save the Date – Re-Threads – Re-Threads Consignment Sale will be held on Thursday, June 6, from 7:00–9:00 P.M. at the Peace Church Fellowship Hall. Now is a great time to start gathering uniform pieces that kids have outgrown. This flyer will give you all the details on buying and selling. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for Re-Threads, please contact Ellen Wentz. Note: Volunteers will have the opportunity to shop the sale before the general public!
Lower School (K-5th)
TODAY! – Thursday, April 25 – Boys Middle School Soccer Interest Meeting – Come get all the pre-season/tryout information and meet the coaches. This meeting is for rising 6th-8th graders and their parents. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Emily Smith.
- When: 3:00 P.M.
- Where: Pavilion
TOMORROW! – Friday, April 26 – Lower School Grandparents’ Day – We are looking forward to welcoming grandparents and special guests to our campus to share a glimpse of our excellent classical education founded upon a biblical worldview. The schedule for the day’s program can be found here. If overflow parking is needed, shuttles will be running to and from Peace Presbyterian Church (basketball lot) at 1777 W Chathan Street.
Tuesday, April 30 – Lower School Parents in Prayer
- When: 8:15 A.M.
- Where: Pavilion
Thursday, May 2 – Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea –This is a special time just for Moms and their Kindergarten students. The students are looking forward to presenting a program to honor their moms. You bring the hugs. We’ll provide the tissues.
- When: 11:00 A.M.
- Where: Gym
Friday, May 3 – Grade 1 – Duke Gardens Field Trip – First Graders will extend their classroom learning by exploring the beauty of Duke Gardens. They will be going on a wonder walk with small groups that will be led by garden guides, connecting specific content to students’ interest as they explore different garden areas.
Friday, May 3 – Grade 2 – Field Trip to the Zoo – Turtles, lizards, alligators, snakes; some of these reptiles give us the shakes! Second grade students have spent fourth quarter researching a mammal or a reptile and writing an animal report. Their upcoming visit to the zoo is a long-awaited day to experience and marvel at God’s handiwork. Students will be on the hunt for the animal they have studied!
Friday, May 3 – Grade 4 – Reformation Celebration – Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria! Salvation is found by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone! Fourth graders will spend the day celebrating the Protestant Reformation. They will eat a special “Diet of Worms” snack, analyze and sing Martin Luther’s famous hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” learn to write 5 Solas in calligraphy, map the European countries involved in the Reformation, burn the bull, and more!
Wednesday, May 8 – JV Football Interest Meeting – Rising 6th Grade students and their parents are invited to attend an information meeting regarding football at Cary Christian. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Elkins.
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
SAVE THE DATE! – Friday, May 10 – Grade 5 – Wax Museum – Parents and friends are invited to tour our Wax Museum and meet some characters from early American History.
Upper School (6th-12th)
TOMORROW! – Friday, April 26 – Senior Skip Day – Seniors will enjoy a day off campus to fellowship with each other and celebrate as they approach the last few weeks of their time at Cary Christian School. Students and parents are responsible for planning the day as this is not a school sponsored event.
Monday, April 29 – 2024-2025 Class Representative Nominations – Current 6th-11th Grade students, refer to the email for how to access the class representative information and nomination survey link. The link will close on Monday, April 29, at 4:00 P.M. Students, see Mrs. Hillsgrove if you have any questions.
Wednesday, May 1 – CCS Robotics Team Debut/Workshop – We are excited to announce the reveal of the CCS Robotics Team. Over the last year, Rhetoric School students have been working hard to create a functional robot. In March, they competed in a FTC competition and earned the Judge’s Choice Award for their remarkable progress as a rookie team. FIRST, the organization that runs this program, is a globally recognized non-profit that promotes STEM through robotics competitions. We are excited about this program because it offers our students a strong introduction to engineering that they could not receive elsewhere. The team is hosting a Robotics Debut/Workshop for any interested students or parents to learn about the team. Drive the robot, learn about its design process, talk with the members, and more! The Tundrabots, an older team that is mentoring this team, will assist and support with the event. They are bringing their competition field and robot as well. Our team is looking for a head coach and volunteers. If you are an adult who has any experience with this area of work (construction, engineer, designer, electrician, carpenter, etc.), talk to us at the event or message one of the leaders. If you are interested in promoting STEM at CCS, we would appreciate any type of support. For more information please email one of the co-leaders, Isaac Young, Daniel Jacob, or Mr. Hinton.
- When: 5:00-6:00 P.M.
- Where: Commons Area
Thursday, May 2 – Senior Photo with College or Next-Step T-Shirt Day – For this final Senior Day, our Seniors will wear a shirt that signifies what they plan to do after Cary Christian School. We are proud of our Seniors and so excited to see what the Lord has in store for them! A class picture will be taken at the oak tree at 12:10 P.M. Seniors, be on time so you don’t miss this Cary Christian School tradition.
Friday, May 3 – Last Rhetoric School House for 2023-24
2024-2025 Electives – Requests for elective classes opened on April 23 and can be submitted through the Student Portal. To review the list of classes being offered, see below. If you have questions, contact Mr. Seitz and Mrs. Stewart.
Registration Opens Next Week – Rhetoric School Retreat (August 14-16, 2024) and Eighth Grade Retreat (August 23, 2024) – The registration links were emailed to parents on April 24. Registration closes on May 10, be sure to register so your students will not miss these memorable events.
College Counseling
Wednesday, May 1 – National Decision Day – Even though some colleges have extended their deadline, we are still using May 1 so we can have information ready for graduation. Seniors, be sure to enter your decision in Scoir and pay your enrollment deposit. If you need to meet with Ms. Smith, email her for an appointment. Use the Calendly link.
Thursday, May 2 – Senior Photo with College or Next-Step T-shirt – The photo will be at 12:10 P.M. at the oak tree. We can’t wait to see where God is leading you!
Thursday, May 2 – Senior Pennant Deadline – Seniors, have you made your pennant? If not, request one from Mrs. McGinnis and complete by May 2.
Monday, May 6 – Thursday, May 23 – AP Exams – AP Exams will be administered to those who have signed up. If you have questions about what AP Exams you are taking, see your College Board Account. College Board provides free resources for students to practice and prepare for AP Exams. The 2024 AP® Daily: Practice Sessions video series launched April 22, in AP Classroom and on YouTube.
Use this link to see the locations, times, and reminders. Individual emails will be sent to students for each exam. Veracross attendance has already been documented, but it is each student’s responsibility to communicate with his/her teachers.
- Parents, do not order My Hot Lunch for your child if they have a noon AP Exam. They will need to bring lunch on those days.
– ARTS –
STARTING TOMORROW! – Friday, April 26 – Saturday, May 4 – Spring Art Show – Featuring K-12 Artwork
- Where: Main Lobby and Lower School Hallways
- When: 6:00 P.M. on May 2-4; 12:00 P.M. on May 4
TICKETS ON SALE! – Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4 – Rhetoric School Spring Drama Production – Agatha Christie’s A Murder Is Announced – Click here to reserve your seats!
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M. on May 2-4; 1:00 P.M. on May 4
Saturday, May 11 – Fine Arts Spring Concert on the Lawn – “A Night at the Movies” – Take a musical journey at the movies starring our Logic School Chorus, Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and the Logic and Rhetoric School bands as well as other guest instrumentalists. This will be an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the music of the movies. Classics from years past and current features will be featured throughout the evening. Bring a lawn chair, blanket a picnic to share and join us for a once in a lifetime event. (Rain date is Sunday, May 12, at 6:00 P.M.)
- When: 6:00 P.M.
- Where: Main Field
TODAY! – Thursday, April 25 – Boys Middle School Soccer Interest Meeting – Come get all the pre-season/tryout information and meet the coaches. This meeting is for rising 6th-8th graders and their parents. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Emily Smith.
- When: 3:00 P.M.
- Where: Pavilion
Tuesday, May 7 – Varsity Girls Tennis Interest Meeting – Rhetoric Students interested in joining the Varsity Girls Tennis team in the Fall are invited to come hear all about the upcoming season! Parents are welcome to attend. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Jacobsen or Coach Ayers.
- When: 3:30-4:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Wednesday, May 8 – JV and Varsity Football Interest Meeting – Both prior and prospective Logic and Rhetoric students, along with their parents, should attend this important informational meeting. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Elkins or Coach Elliott.
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Sports Physicals – Carolina Family Practice is again offering a $10 sports physical. CCS will not be offering a physical day this August. This is your best and least expensive option to get this done. Take an NCISAA Physical Form with you when you go. Click here to sign up.
Coaching Positions Are Open – See coaching opportunities below. If you are interested, contact Jeff Poore.
- Fall:
- Gold Girls Tennis
- Gold Field Hockey
- JV Volleyball
- Fall:
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).