Featured Items

Lower School
Donuts with Dads
April 11

Senior Thesis
April 12-25

Firm Foundation
for Parents
April 16
Let Us Pray for Fathers
Almighty God, Thank you for blessing us with the dads in our life. We are so grateful for how they provide for us in this world, just as you do. We pray that our dads will excel in the work you sent them here to do, and give the glory to you, Lord. Help our dads to love their families, as you loved us. Heavenly Father, help those without the gift of a dad. Be their father, providing for them and caring for them. Lord, give us the strength to honor our fathers, and show respect to these authorities whom you have placed over us. God, please protect our families and friends. Amen.
— Lorelai Maxwell, Grade 6 (Mr. Rieke’s class)
Development Update
We’re getting closer… $311k to Go! – Raise your hand as high as you can!
Click here to indicate your 3-year pledge, set up a recurring donation, or make an online donation. There are a few ways to give, including transferring appreciated stock. Cary Christian School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore donors may be eligible for a tax benefit to the extent of the law.
Seeking further information?
School-Wide Information
Friday, April 12 – Senior Thesis Presentations – Senior Thesis Presentations begin on April 12. We invite all CCS families to come support and celebrate our Senior students in this academic achievement. Click here for a full schedule of topics. For students who would like to miss class to attend a friend’s presentation, read our instructions on absence requests.
Tuesday, April 16 – Firm Foundation – Mark your calendar for the next session! These events are designed for CCS parents who want to dig deeper into the world of classical, Christian education. Hear from CCS guest speakers, read and discuss several books related to our mission, and help build community among fellow parents. For those interested in becoming eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, these sessions help serve as a conduit to satisfy some of the prerequisites necessary for Board service eligibility. To learn more, click here.
- Where: Music Room – Location change!
- When: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
Tuesday, April 16 – Board Visitation Day – Members of our school board plan to enjoy time on campus to visit classrooms and engage with staff throughout this school day.
Tuesday, April 16 – Board meeting – Closed Session
Lower School (K-5th)
TODAY & TOMORROW – Thursday-Friday, April 4-5 – Grade 5 – Country Days – Students have been studying a foreign country of their choice and will be presenting their research reports in front of the class. Afterwards, we will enjoy an international feast. We are thankful we serve a God of every tongue, tribe, and nation! Pray that we will be a people with a heart for the nations.
Wednesday, April 10 – Grade 3 – Assembly – This is a special time for our third graders to take the stage and share what they have been learning. Parents are invited to join us for a reception after the assembly. Early dismissal for third grade students will occur after the reception.
- Where: Theater
- When: 10:30 A.M.
Thursday, April 11 – Lower School Donuts with Dads – All Lower School dads are invited to enjoy donuts with their kindergarten-fifth grade student(s)!
- Where: Pavilion
- When: 7:30 A.M.
Friday, April 12 – Grade 3 – Field Trip – Third Graders will visit Sylvan Heights Bird Park, an aviary (Third Graders know “avis” is Latin for “bird!”) in Scotland Neck, N.C. They will marvel at God’s feathered creation from all over the world while they observe the many different types of beaks, feet, and plumage that they studied throughout third quarter.
Wednesday, April 17 – Grades 2-5 Mid-term Reports – Available in Parent Portal after 3:30 P.M.
Boys Youth Baseball Camp (Rising 3rd – 5th Grade Boys) – This camp (click here) will be led by the Varsity Head Baseball Coach and assisted by Varsity baseball players. The camp will teach the fundamentals of baseball and engage the kids in a fun and competitive atmosphere to develop new learned skills. There will be hitting, fielding, scrimmages, and more! Any experience with the sport is welcome. This camp includes a CCS baseball hat or shirt.
o Dates: July 22 – 26
o Time: 4:30– 6:30 P.M.
o Location: CCS Lower Field
o Cost: $150
o Director: Bryan Dearolf, Varsity Baseball Coach
Upper School (6th-12th)
- Where: Commons Area
- When: 12:30-1:00 P.M. (during lunch)
College Counseling
Every Wednesday in April – Rhetoric College Counseling Lunch and Learn – Drop-In Lunch and Learn sessions are intended for students and parents to ask general college counseling questions. Sessions are open for any student or parent in Grades 9-12. Click here for the complete schedule.
- Dates: Next three Wednesdays in April (10, 17, 24)
- Where: Commons Area
- When: 12:20 -1:05 P.M.
TODAY! – Thursday, April 4 – High Point University Scholars Program – Juniors, are you interested in being nominated as a High Point University Scholar? Click here to see if you qualify. You must also complete the survey “Request for Nomination for High Point University Junior Scholar,” located in Scoir, to be considered as a CCS nominee for HPU Junior Scholar. Today is the due date. Email Ms. Smith when both steps have been completed. CCS can nominate 5 students. Be sure to apply for a CCS nomination if you are interested!
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to discuss college admission decisions or do a practice interview for a scholarship, schedule via Calendly.
AP Exams – Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors – Develop and work your study plans for your upcoming AP Exams, May 6 and May 23. Locations will be announced mid-April. There are free resources to prepare for the upcoming exams, including practice sessions, live videos, and live recordings: click here.
– ARTS –
SAVE THE DATE! – Friday, April 26 – Saturday, May 4 – Spring Art Show – Featuring K-12 Artwork
- Where: Main Lobby and Lower School Hallways
- When: 6:00 P.M. May 2-4; 12:00 P.M. May 4 (Most work will be on display for Grandparents Day.)
SAVE THE DATE! – Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4 –Rhetoric School Spring Drama Production – Agatha Christie’s “A Murder is Announced”- Stay tuned for ticket sales to reserve your seats!
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M. May 2-4; 1:00 P.M. May 4
SAVE THE DATE! – Saturday, May 11 – “A Night at the Movies” Spring Concert on the Lawn – Plan to bring your lawn chairs or blanket and picnic to enjoy an incredible performance by the Logic School Chorus, Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, and the Logic and Rhetoric School bands.
- Where: Main Field
- When: 6:00 P.M.
NEW! Art Contest – Do you have a student who loves to draw cars or trucks? The United States Department of Transportation is holding a poster contest for road safety. Enter by June 7, follow this link to see details.
Boys Youth Baseball Camp (Rising 3rd – 5th Grade Boys) – This camp (click here) will be led by the Varsity Head Baseball Coach and assisted by Varsity baseball players. The camp will teach the fundamentals of baseball and engage the kids in a fun and competitive atmosphere to develop new learned skills. There will be hitting, fielding, scrimmages, and more! Any experience with the sport is welcome. This camp includes a CCS baseball hat or shirt.
- Dates: July 22 – 26
- Time: 4:30– 6:30 P.M.
- Location: CCS Lower Field
- Cost: $150
- Director: Bryan Dearolf, Varsity Baseball Coach
SAVE THE DATE! – Fall 2024 Sports Evaluations – Monday-Tuesday, May 20-21 – Detailed information to come!
- May 20 & 21 – Logic School Evaluations
- May 21 – Rhetoric School Evaluations
Coaching Positions Are Open – See coaching opportunities below. If you are interested, contact Jeff Poore.
- Fall:
- Gold Girls Tennis
- Gold Field Hockey
- JV Volleyball
- Blue Girls Volleyball – Position Filled!
- Winter:
- Varsity Girls Basketball – Position Filled!
- Fall:
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).