Featured Items

Senior Parents
College Counseling
Meeting TONIGHT!

Now Open
with New Vendors
for Lunchtime

Fall Sports
Picture Day
August 14
Let’s pray for the Rhetoric Retreat at Camp Sea Gull (August 16 – 18) and the Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape (August 21):
Pray that God will…
- provide traveling mercies.
- protect everyone in body, mind, and spirit.
- bless those who are leading and chaperoning.
- strengthen everyone’s relationship with Christ.
- help every student feel included and valued.
- forge new friendships and strengthen existing ones.
- draw near to each student in times of solitude and group worship.
- enable unity among the students that shines brightly upon their return.
- imprint lasting memories on everyone’s hearts.
School-Wide Information
Wednesday-Thursday, August 30-31 – Mark your calendars for Fall School Picture Days! – Lifetouch is coming to campus August 30 (Upper School 6th-12th) – August 31 (Lower School K-5th) for our Individual School Picture Days. All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. School pictures make great gifts and keepsakes. Pre-purchase your individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. As always, Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Please check out the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
Carpool Information Update: Maps and instructions have been revised. Please refer to the Parent Resources section below for further information and to view the Navigating Carpool video. Traffic Flow between 8:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. – As a reminder, please exit the school using the outer loop only (along the football field). Please do not exit using the inner driveway directly in front of the school’s main building.
My Hot Lunchbox – Lower School students (K-5th) are eligible to order on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Upper School students (6th-12th) are eligible to order Monday-Friday. Parents can find a link to order lunch on their Veracross Parent Portal under “Important School Info.” The deadline to place an order is noon the day prior to each delivery day, and changes can be made through your My Hot Lunchbox account up until that time. More detailed information on ordering lunch is available through your Parent Portal on Veracross. This year’s restaurants are:
Monday: Red Hot & Blue
Tuesday: Tropical Smoothie
Wednesday: Chick-fil-A
Thursday: Moe’s Southwest Grill
Friday: Randy’s Pizza
After-School Program (K-8th) – Registration is required for the After-School program. This helps our staff plan for your child’s attendance. The registration link is open in the Parent Portal. Click here for more information about the After-School Program.
ParentSquare Tip – How to Make a Post:
Every parent and student (grades 9-12) are automatically members of their grade-level group(s). If you have something to share or announce with the whole grade (all three classes of parents/students/teachers), you can make a post. Here’s how:
- From Home, click New Post.
- In the “To” field, enter name of the group (for example: 1st Grade Group) or select it from the dropdown list of groups in which you are a member.
- Who should see your post? Filter your recipients – Teachers, Staff, Parents, Students (StudentSquare is enabled for 9th-12th grade students.).
- Subject & Description – Create the title of your post and use the text editor control panel, including how to insert hyperlink(s), image(s), etc.
- Notifications Options – You can decide how you want recipients to receive this post.
- Post Now (or schedule at a given time/day).
We hope these tips are helpful for making ParentSquare (and StudentSquare) a regular part of your school life. There are lots of simple “how to” videos and articles available to you here.
Lower School (K-5th)
Thursday, August 31 – Mark your calendars for Fall School Picture Day! – Lifetouch is coming to campus August 31 (Lower School K-5th) for our Individual School Picture Day. All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. School pictures make great gifts and keepsakes. Pre-purchase your individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. As always, Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Please check out the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
Kindergarten Proof of Immunizations and Health Assessments – If you have not submitted your kindergartner’s information (including state approved exemptions), you will have until September 1st to become compliant according to NC law.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Friday, August 11 – Logic School and Rhetoric School – Student Orientation Assemblies
Wednesday, August 16 – Friday, August 18 – Rhetoric School Retreat at Camp Sea Gull – Registered students and their parents were sent an email today with details about the retreat. Click here for general information.
Monday, August 21 – Eighth Grade Retreat at Camp Agape – Parents of registered students were sent an email today with details about the retreat. Click here for general information.
Wednesday, August 30 – Mark your calendars for Fall School Picture Day! – Lifetouch is coming to campus August 30 (Upper School 6th-12th) for our Individual School Picture Day. All students and staff will be photographed for the yearbook, Veracross, and student IDs. School pictures make great gifts and keepsakes. Pre-purchase your individual photo packages online at Use Cary Christian School’s Picture Day ID: EVTDW7Q6G. As always, Picture Day is a Dress Uniform day! Please check out the CCS Dress Uniform Guidelines (see Parent Resources below) so you’re camera-ready!
SAVE THE DATE: October 9-13, 2023 – Jordan Driving School will offer CCS students an online Driver’s Education Class during our CCS Fall Break. To be eligible, students must be 14 ½ years old or older by October 9. Cost is expected to be $65. Online registration and payments will be handled through Jordan Driving School’s website, but registration is not yet available. Stay tuned to The Knightly News in September for more details.
Elective Changes (All Logic and Rhetoric students) – To request changes in elective courses, the Change Request form must be completed and turned in to Ms. Kailyn Eskridge at the Upper School front desk. Forms will be accepted Tuesday, August 1, through Friday, August 11. All students should attend the elective class(es) listed on their schedule. If the request is approved, it will be reflected in the portals.
7th & 12th Grade Students Proof of Immunizations – If you have not submitted your child’s information (including state approved exemptions), you will have until September 1st to become compliant according to NC law.
Interested in Dual Enrollment at CCS? Mark your calendar for the AP Exam Only and Dual Enrollment meeting on Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting is for 10th-12th grade families.
9th Grade: Aristotle, Physics, “The Four Causes”: What is truth, and how do we know it when we see it?
10th Grade: Mortimer Adler, Six Great Ideas: What does it mean when we say something is good, and why does it matter?
11th Grade: Samuel Johnson, “On Studies”: What is the value of reading?
12th Grade:
- Mortimer Adler, Six Great Ideas: Why is it important for human beings to have a working understanding of justice?
- Plato, Republic, Book 1: How has justice been defined throughout history?
College Counseling
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Monday, August 14 (by 8:00 A.M.) – Applications to be a school nominee for the Morehead-Cain Scholarship are due by 8:00 A.M. There is a folder outside of Ms. Laura Smith’s office with more information.
Monday, August 21 – Junior Parents and Student College Counseling Meeting – This is one of two very important meetings during the Junior year. Junior year is a critical year from a college application perspective. Ms. Laura Smith, Director of College Counseling, will cover relevant information for parents regarding Junior year.
- When: 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
- Where: Theater
Attention all Fall Sports Athletes! Monday, August 14 – Fall Sports Picture Day (gym) – Don’t forget to bring your sports team uniform on Monday for Team Picture Day! Team Picture times are posted on the hallway bulletin boards and teachers will know when students should dismiss and return to their classrooms. Click here for the schedule.
Information for ordering photos:
- Picture Day ID: EVTKS3QM4
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).