Featured Items

Early Release
for K-12
March 1

Spring Break
March 4-15

Quarter 4
Classes Begin
March 18
Let Us Pray for Spring Break
Development Update
$327k to Go! – Raise your hand as high as you can!
Click here to indicate your 3-year pledge, set up a recurring donation, or make an online donation. There are a few ways to give, including transferring appreciated stock. Cary Christian School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore donors may be eligible for a tax benefit to the extent of the law.
Seeking further information?
School-Wide Information
Friday, March 1 – Last Day of Quarter 3 – Early Release – All-School Spirit Day – No My Hot Lunch Box or After-School Care programs will be provided. On Early Release Days, there is no lunchtime. Students need to bring a substantial snack and water bottle.
- Dismissal Times –
- Grades 9-12: 11:45 A.M.
- Grades K-8: 12:15 P.M.
Saturday, March 9 – North Carolina Theatre Conference (NCTC) Regional Middle School Play Festival – Our Logic School Advanced/NCTC Drama Cast and Crew will travel to Reidsville High School in Reidsville, NC to participate in the NCTC (North Carolina Theatre Conference). They will present Journey to the World’s Edge, the same One Act Play recently performed for our school audiences. This year, nearly 500 students from 15 schools are performing 18 plays at 2 regional sites across the state!
Participating schools travel to their regional Festival sites with theatrical sets, costumes and props. Each show loads into a 10’x10’ backstage area. When their time comes, each school has 45 minutes to set up, perform their play, and clear the stage. Following their performance, students receive feedback from professional actors and directors with Broadway and Hollywood credits. Awards are given for acting, design, technical craft, ensemble work and festival spirit.
Thursday-Monday, March 12-18 – Chamber Choir Spring Tour (Washington, D.C.) – The CCS Chamber Choir is traveling to our nation’s capitol, Washington, D.C. Highlights of this year’s tour are multiple performances in and around the city, including the Museum of the Bible, The National Armed Forces Retirement Home, and the National Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, as well as a musical theater workshop hosted by the National Conservatory of the Arts. The choir will also get to visit multiple museums at the Smithsonian, such as the African American museum, and many of the famous landmark memorials in the city. Lastly, they will celebrate the week together aboard a sunset dinner cruise on the Potomac before heading back home. The following Saturday, March 23, the school community is invited to their homecoming concert at 7:00 P.M. in the Theater to celebrate all the hard work and accomplishments of these dedicated students as members of the Chamber Choir during the past year.
Monday, March 18 – Quarter 4 Begins – Welcome Back, Everyone!
Tuesday, March 19 – Firm Foundation – These monthly meetings, through May, are designed for CCS parents who want to dig deeper into the world of classical, Christian education. Hear from CCS guest speakers, read and discuss several books related to our mission, and help build community among fellow parents. For those interested in becoming eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, these sessions help serve as a conduit to satisfy some of the prerequisites necessary for Board service eligibility. To learn more, click here.
- Where: Theater
- When: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Where: Theater
- When: 5:00 P.M.
Friday, March 22 – No Classes – Optional Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Lower School Parents: Sign up on the Veracross Parent Portal
- Upper School Parents: Email the teachers to arrange.
LAST CHANCE! Order the 2023-24 Yearbook – $60 – Click here to order this keepsake through Josten’s.
Quarter 4 Events Calendar is Available – Click here to download or access it in the parent and student portals.
Church Leaders Lunch Recap – Yesterday, Student Ambassadors gave a campus tour to approximately 40 church leaders from 35+ churches in our school community. Leaders then enjoyed lunch in our Commons Area, where several students were able to stop by to greet and visit with them. The church leaders were all appreciative of this event and gleaned a better understanding of classical Christian education. Many would like to be invited to more school events, such as Senior Thesis!
Lower School (K-5th)
Lower School Spring Sports Clinics – Information and Registration on Parent Portal
- Volleyball Clinic (Grades 4-5 Girls) – March 20-April 24
- Basketball Clinic – (Grades 3-5 Boys and Girls) – March 26-May 2
Upper School (6th-12th)
Wednesday, March 20 – College Athletic Signing – Reece Butler will sign to participate in college athletics at King University (Bristol, TN). Come learn about his cycling experiences as a downhill and cross country rider. Let’s cheer him on to ride at the collegiate level!
- Where: Commons Area
- When: 12:20-1:00 P.M. (Lunch)
Wednesday, March 20 – Quarter 3 Report Cards – Available in Parent and Student Portals after 3:30 P.M.
SAVE THE DATE! – Saturday, April 13 – Protocol – This formal dance is a long-standing tradition for Rhetoric School Juniors and Seniors. The event will be held at MacGregor Downs Country Club. Signups will open on Monday, March 25, and will close on Thursday, April 4. Parents, register your student through your parent portal. As you register, you will agree to the behavior and attire expectations. For more details on the venue and attire, please click here.
SAVE THE DATE! – Saturday, April 20 (3:00-4:30 P.M.) – Eighth Grade Tea – This is a wonderful opportunity for our young ladies and gentlemen to prepare for the social events they will enjoy in Rhetoric School. Please plan for your student to attend! While registration will open after Spring Break, planning is underway and we are looking for parent volunteers in Grades 7 and 8 to assist with volunteer roles the day of the event as well as eighth grade parents to serve on the planning committee. If you would like to volunteer in either of these capacities, email Ellen Wentz. A Signup Genius will be sent out after the two-week break for those wishing to prepare food or loan serving pieces. Additionally, click here to access the dress code guidelines. Spring break is a great time to get a jump-start on shopping for attire!
College Counseling
Career Connection Day was a Huge Success! – The Rhetoric Students were able to learn more about specific occupations. Thank you to our presenters:
- Freshmen: Todd Bovenizer, Al Garcia, Matt Huss, Ashley Jones, and Bethany Judd
- Sophomores: Michelle Gerolemon, Chris Glupker, Heather Kizer, John Reeves, and Reginald Roberson
- Juniors: Mavis Davis, Thomas Haaf, Aaron Hallberg, Christie Hudson, and Josh Leyes
- Seniors: Margaret Baker, Parker Mayes, Madi Nash, Bethany Newcomb, Adam Stephenson, and Cody Snyder
Seniors – If you need to meet with Ms. Smith to discuss college admission decisions or do a practice interview for a scholarship, schedule via Calendly.
– ARTS –
2024 Aviation Art Contest Winners – Congratulations to Yeji Na (2nd Place – $75 prize) and Catherine Park (7th Place) in the Ages 14-18 category. The contest received 1,646 submissions, representing 202 hometowns, 181 schools, and 63 counties across North Carolina. The theme was “Air Sports for a Peaceful World.” Artwork for the top three winners in each age group has been sent to Washington, DC, to compete in the national competition.
Click here to take a look at the artwork for the Top 12 finishes in each category.
Athletics Home Livestream – Home games will now be livestreamed through HUDL. Click here to view our school HUDL page where you can view upcoming games, highlights, and more!
Spring Athletics Calendar – To view the most up-to-date calendar for spring sports, click here.
Coaching Positions Are Open – See coaching opportunities below. If you are interested, contact Jeff Poore.
- Fall:
- Varsity and Gold Girls Tennis
- Blue Girls Volleyball
- Assistant Coaches for JV and Varsity Football – Filled!
- Winter:
- Gold Girls Basketball
- Fall:
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).