Featured Items

Firm Foundation
for Parents
January 9

Ends January 10

Rhetoric School
Snow Ball Dance
Sign Up Now!
As A New Year Begins, Let Us Pray
Development Update
We are Close to the $4 Million Goal – Help Us Raise the Last $425k!
Raise your hand as high as you can!
Click here to indicate your 3-year pledge, set up a recurring donation, or make an online donation. There are a few ways to give, including transferring appreciated stock. Cary Christian School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore donors may be eligible for a tax benefit to the extent of the law.
Seeking further information?
School-Wide Information
January 3 – February 9 – Tuition Assistance Applications Available – Click here for more information and click here to apply.
Tuesday, January 9 – Firm Foundation – These monthly meetings, January-May, are designed for CCS parents who want to dig deeper into the world of classical, Christian education. Hear from CCS guest speakers, read and discuss several books related to our mission, and help build community among fellow parents. For those interested in becoming eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, these sessions help serve as a conduit to satisfy some of the prerequisites necessary for Board service eligibility. To learn more, click here.
- Where: Theater
- When: 8:00-9:30 A.M.
- Where: Theater
- When: 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday, January 10 – Deadline for Online Re-Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year – Click here to begin.
2024-2025 Re-Enrollment – The re-enrollment fee is $175 per student. Access re-enrollment in your Parent Portal. To minimize issues, complete online re-enrollment with a computer and clear your browsing history/cookies. Also make sure your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is updated. Complete all five steps of the online process (including payment). Click here to access the 2024-25 Tuition and Fees Schedule.
- UPDATE: Full-Day Kindergarten (2nd Semester 2025) – Kindergarten has moved to a full-day experience for the second semester of the school year. Half-day Kindergarten will remain an option for parents for the first semester. The full-day Kindergarten has allowed us to increase our capacity to offer an excellent classical education. Kindergarten is a child’s first taste of Cary Christian School. We have designed an intentional program that meets children where they are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Additional time will enable us to better support the child’s love of learning and help curiosity and play find their way to inquiry and innovation. The additional time will also help to cultivate the contemplative habits of story, play, laughter, and discussion as we aim to meet learning objectives in an excellent way that works with the grain of the child. The Tuition and Fee Schedule reflects this change.
- 2024-2025 Academic Calendar – Click here to access all academic days for the next school year. This calendar includes Early Releases days, Breaks, SSP, and the Rhetoric School Fall Retreat.
Monday, January 15 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School Closed
Wednesday, January 17 – Winter Prospective Family Open House (5:00-7:00 P.M.)
RESERVE YOUR SEAT! Wednesday, February 7 at 7:00 P.M. – Sandhills Classical Christian School Presents “An Evening with Dr. Ben Carson” – Dr. Carson will take the stage in the Arts & Athletics Center (1487 Rays Bridge Road, Whispering Pines NC 28327), delivering remarks on the state of education in America, discussing the work he is doing at the American Cornerstone Institute, and talking about his new release Created Equal: The Painful Past, Confusing Present, and Hopeful Future of Race in America.
Quarter 3 Events Calendar is Available – Click here to download or access it in the parent and student portals.
Lower School (K-5th)
Grades 4-5 Boys Wrestling Clinic – Registration opened December 14 – Click here for more information and click here to register.
Friday, January 5 – Quarter 2 Report Cards – Available in Parent Portal after 3:30 P.M. A printed copy of the report card will be sent home in your student’s Monday folder. Honor Roll ribbons will be awarded along with the printed report card.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Friday, January 5 – Quarter 2 Report Cards – Available in Parent/Student Portals after 3:30 P.M.
Friday, January 12 – SSP Convocation for Students – Our seniors will share their SSP experience with the Upper School students during their Convocation.
- Class Format: Live Teacher Online
- Class Date: March 11-15, 2024
- Class Times: 7:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. daily
- Cost: $65.00
- Questions? Email Mrs. Rhoades [email protected] or Jordan Driving School representative Sandy Fischer at [email protected].
Friday, January 19 – Snow Ball Dance Practice – Students will practice their dance moves during Block 3. All students participate even if they are unable to attend Snow Ball. It is a fun time to be together!
Saturday, January 20 – Rhetoric School Snow Ball Dance (Grades 9-12) – We are excited about the annual Snow Ball Dance! Click here to read more about details and attire for this fun celebration. Parents need to sign up their student through Veracross by Friday, January 12. By signing up, families are agreeing to ensure the attire and behavior expectations are followed by their student. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
- Where: Gym
- When: 7:00-9:00 P.M.
SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, January 24 – Senior Parents Meeting – All Senior parents are strongly encouraged to attend, and we ask for at least one parent to be in attendance. We will cover the topics of Graduation, Student Life, College Counseling, and finishing strong academically! We will also hear from student speakers and see the SSP video.
- Where: Theater
- When: 6:30-8:30 P.M.
Elective Change Requests window is now closed. If a student requested to move out of a year-long course, the request will not be processed for Semester 2, except for those who made prior arrangements with Mr. Seitz before the school year started.
Year-long electives are:
- Logic School Choir, Grade 6-8
- Rhetoric School Concert Choir, Grades 9-12
- Band, Grades 6– 12
- Debate, Grades 9-12
- Yearbook, Grades 9-12
- Logic School Advanced/NCTC Drama, Grades 7-8
College Counseling
Wednesday, January 10 – Junior Student and Parent College Counseling Meeting – Junior year is a very important year in the college application process. All Juniors and parents (at least one parent) must attend.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Seniors – A few notes for you:
- Update your Scoir account as you hear back from colleges.
- Send Ms. Smith copies of scholarship offers for her to enter your information into Scoir as you receive them.
Career Connections Database – Parents, would you be interested in sharing about your career with our Rhetoric students on February 23 at Career Connection Day? We would love to have you participate! Please complete this short form so that we know your field and position.
– ARTS –
- If you are interested in attending, please email Jeff Poore with the number of tickets needed as well as the names for each ticket. If you are a parent of a current CCS basketball player, there is no need to email again. You should have received communication and a link to a Microsoft form. This is for non-basketball families.
Spring 2024:
- Gold Track & Field (Middle School)
- Gold Girls Soccer (Middle School)
- Varsity Lacrosse – Position Filled!
- Varsity Boys Tennis
Fall 2024:
- Varsity Girls Tennis
- Gold Girls Tennis
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).