Featured Items

Logic School
Christmas Concert
December 6

Lower School
Christmas Concerts
December 12 & 13

Upper School Band
& Chorus Concerts
December 16
Let’s Pray for the Senior Service Practicum:
Development Update
We are well on our way to:
- Establishing a $5 million endowment,
- Installing synthetic turf on our competition field,
- Improving student parking.
A turf field raises the standard, more parking makes life easier, and an endowment increases missional stability. More importantly, sacrificially giving to a cause that matters is transformative.
- Your gift says thank you for strategically and intentionally pursuing my child.
- Your gift helps make the path we navigate together more efficient and more effective.
- Your gift prepares generations to serve Christ and Kingdom.
If you were unable to attend Vision Night, this webpage will provide information about the newly launched capital campaign. We also invite anyone to reach out for a phone call or meeting.
Raise your hand as high as you can! Make your pledge today!
Click here to indicate your 3-year pledge, set up a recurring donation, or make an online donation. There are a few ways to give, including transferring appreciated stock. Cary Christian School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore donors may be eligible for a tax benefit to the extent of the law.
Seeking further information?
- Connect via email with Robbie or Kelly.
- Call 919-303-2560 and ask for either of them.
- Stop by the Headmaster’s office anytime!
- We are also happy to provide the campaign brochure and pledge envelope. Just let us know!
School-Wide Information
- Where: Theater
- When: 5:00 P.M.

May God bless our celebration of His son’s birth! See below for event details & download the flyer.
Wednesday, December 6 – Logic School Chorus Annual Christmas Concert – Everyone is cordially invited to join the Logic School Chorus’ Sounds of the Christmas Season Concert. This is a beautiful opportunity to hear these wonderful students singing together through worship and scripture. There is no cost to attend, so you will want to arrive early for the best seats! Direct any questions to Mr. James Baker, Choral Arts Program Director.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M.
Saturday, December 16 – Logic and Rhetoric School Band Annual Christmas Concert Presents “Sounds of the Season” – All CCS families, friends, and neighbors are invited to enjoy an afternoon of music and joy. There is no cost to attend, so you will want to arrive early for the best seats! Contact Mr. Dwight Dillion, Instrumental Arts Program Director, with any questions or additional information.
- Where: Gym
- When: 1:00 P.M.
2023-24 Yearbook on Sale for $55 – It’s time to order this keepsake on Search for Cary Christian School, then follow the prompts. The price increases to $60 if purchased after January 26.
Extra 2022-23 Yearbooks Available! – Did you misplace last year’s yearbook or forget to order? We have some for sale for $60 each. To purchase one, please see Ms. Kailyn Eskridge at the upper school desk.
Lower School (K-5th)
Week of December 4 – Spelling Bee Week – Grades 3-5 – A classroom spelling bee will be held during the first week in December in each of the 3-5 classrooms. The top three winners from each classroom will move on to compete in the Grammar School Spelling Bee in late January.
SAVE THE DATE! – Christmas Concerts – Our Lower School students are looking forward to sharing the sounds of Christmas with family and friends. Please join us in the theater for a Christmas Concert followed by a small reception in the classrooms. Afterwards, we welcome you to continue the festivities off-campus with your students and loved ones. Dress uniform is required.
Tuesday, December 12:
- Kindergarten – 8:30 A.M.
- First Grade – 10:30 A.M.
- Second Grade – 12:30 P.M.
Wednesday, December 13:
- Third Grade – 8:30 A.M.
- Fourth Grade – 10:30 A.M.
- Fifth Grade – 12:30 P.M.
Upper School (6th-12th)
Rhetoric School:
- Monday, December 11: Regular CCS daily uniform
- Tuesday, December 12: Christmas Pajamas Day
- Wednesday, December 13: Christmas Character Day
- Thursday, December 14: Christmas Sweater Day
- Friday, December 15 (Independent Study Day to prepare for Grades 9-12 Final Exams): Students who choose to come on campus for Teacher “Office Hours” should wear any CCS spirit wear top and pants (jeans/sweatpants/joggers) that follow the non-uniform/CCS spirit wear day guidelines (see Parent Resources below).
Note: The CCS Daily Uniform attire is required for Semester Final Exams on Monday, December 18, and Tuesday, December 19.
Logic School:
- Monday, December 18: Christmas Sweater Day (with CCS daily uniform pants/shorts/skirts)
- Tuesday, December 19: Christmas Outfit Day (wear red and green, Christmas sweaters or dresses, or any fun Christmas attire!)
College Counseling
Today is the deadline for Freshmen and Sophomores to complete the survey in Scoir from the 9th and 10th Grade College Counseling Meeting.
Ms. Smith will meet with Sophomores during Mr. Terhune’s classes on December 5 and 7. Students need to bring their charged laptops.
PSAT results for 10th and 11th grade students are available on their College Board Accounts.
– ARTS –
Wednesday, December 6 – Logic School Chorus Annual Christmas Concert – Everyone is cordially invited to join the Logic School Chorus’ Sounds of the Christmas Season Concert. This is a beautiful opportunity to hear these wonderful students singing together through worship and scripture. There is no cost to attend, so you will want to arrive early for the best seats! Please direct any questions to Mr. James Baker, Choral Arts Program Director.
- Where: Theater
- When: 7:00 P.M.
- Middle School Track & Field
- Middle School Girls Soccer
- Varsity Lacrosse
- Varsity Mens Tennis
Spring Athletes – It is time for Early Evaluations! Click here to see a list of schedules. Note: Evaluations start as early as TOMORROW! Questions? Email Jeff Poore or Megan Logan.
Parent Resources
Our prayer for our school is that the Lord would use Cary Christian to call each of our students to be rooted and grounded in love . . . filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).